Anorectal malformations - Ford

Repository details

Name Anorectal malformations - Ford
Version 1
id anorectal_ford_v1
Previous version NA
Number of files 3
Code list file (right-click to download) anorectal_ford_v1.csv
Restrictions file (right-click to download) anorectal_ford_v1_restrictions.csv
Truncations file NA
Removals file (right-click to download) anorectal_ford_v1_removals.csv
R script (right-click to download) anorectal_ford_v1.r
Stata do file Not yet available
Prepared for repo by Matthew Jay
First check Matthew Jay - 2024-10-07
Second check
Date added 2024-10-07

Background information

Authors Ford et al
Year 2022
Reference Ford et al, Arch Dis Child. 2022;107:758-766.
Target phenotype Anorectal malformations
Dataset HES APC and mortality
Datafields diag, opertn
Summary Anorectal malformations affecting the anus, rectum and genitourinary system. To be included, a diagnosis or procedure code must be recorded in HES APC in the first year of life or a diagnosis code must be recorded in mortality data in the first year of life (either a “specific” diagnosis code or a “generic” diagnosis code with supporting evidence by way of a “specific” diagnosis code additionally in HES APC). One of the differential diagnosis codes must NOT be recorded in the first year of life.
Validation Diagnostic and procedure codes extracted by paediatric surgeons from previous research using administrative data.
Original purpose To estimate the birth prevalence of anorectal malformations, their risk factors and 5-year outcomes.
Groups Specific or generic (with most OPCS-4 generic codes labelled as stoma creation).
Flags age_less_than_1 = code must be recorded in the first year of life (i.e., before the first birthday) (applies to all codes). differential_diag = code is not valid if one of the differential diagnosis codes is present (applies to all codes). diag_and_opertn_req = in HES APC, one of the diagnosis and one of the operation codes must be recorded in the first year of life; in mortality data, one of the specific diagnosis codes must be recorded (and an operation code is not needed) OR a generic code is recorded in mortality data plus a specific code in HES APC (applies to all codes).
Other details In Ford et al’s original paper, cases were classified as isolated or complex depending on the presence of additional congenital anomaly codes recorded during the first year of life. These are the Q-block codes from Hardelid et al with the exception of the Q-block codes that are included in this list.
Changes from original Two procedure codes were removed as these are incorrectly labelled as OPCS-4 codes when they are in fact codes in the Clinical Coding & Schedule Development Group’s list, used by private providers.
Changes since first version in repo NA
Number of codes 41
Codes removed 2
Codes truncated 0


code dataset field code_type description group flag1 flag2
Q42.0 hes_apc or mortality diag icd10 congenital absence atresia and stenosis of rectum with fistula specific age_less_than_1 differential_diag
Q42.1 hes_apc or mortality diag icd10 congenital absence atresia and stenosis of rectum without fistula specific age_less_than_1 differential_diag
Q42.2 hes_apc or mortality diag icd10 congenital absence atresia and stenosis of anus with fistula specific age_less_than_1 differential_diag
Q42.3 hes_apc or mortality diag icd10 congenital absence atresia and stenosis of anus without fistula specific age_less_than_1 differential_diag
Q43.5 hes_apc or mortality diag icd10 ectopic anus specific age_less_than_1 differential_diag
Q43.6 hes_apc or mortality diag icd10 congenital fistula of rectum and anus specific age_less_than_1 differential_diag
Q43.7 hes_apc or mortality diag icd10 persistent cloaca specific age_less_than_1 differential_diag
Q52.2 hes_apc or mortality diag icd10 congenital rectovaginal fistula specific age_less_than_1 differential_diag
K60.4 hes_apc or mortality diag icd10 rectal fistula specific age_less_than_1 differential_diag
K60.5 hes_apc or mortality diag icd10 anorectal fistula specific age_less_than_1 differential_diag
K62.4 hes_apc or mortality diag icd10 stenosis of anus and rectum specific age_less_than_1 differential_diag
N32.1 hes_apc or mortality diag icd10 vesicointestinal fistula specific age_less_than_1 differential_diag
N36.0 hes_apc or mortality diag icd10 urethral fistula specific age_less_than_1 differential_diag
N82.3 hes_apc or mortality diag icd10 fistula of vagina to large intestine specific age_less_than_1 differential_diag
N82.4 hes_apc or mortality diag icd10 other female intestinal-genital tract fistulae specific age_less_than_1 differential_diag
Q43.8 hes_apc or mortality diag icd10 other specified congenital malformations of intestine generic age_less_than_1 differential_diag
Q43.9 hes_apc or mortality diag icd10 congenital malformation of intestine unspecified generic age_less_than_1 differential_diag
H50.4 hes_apc opertn opcs4 reanastomosis of rectum to anal canal for correction of congenital atresia of rectum nec specific age_less_than_1 differential_diag
H50.1 hes_apc opertn opcs4 posterior repair of anal sphincter specific age_less_than_1 differential_diag
H50.9 hes_apc opertn opcs4 unspecified repair of anus specific age_less_than_1 differential_diag
N24.2 hes_apc opertn opcs4 operations on skin of male perineum nec specific age_less_than_1 differential_diag
N24.8 hes_apc opertn opcs4 other specified operations on male perineum specific age_less_than_1 differential_diag
N24.9 hes_apc opertn opcs4 unspecified operations on male perineum specific age_less_than_1 differential_diag
M37.5 hes_apc opertn opcs4 repair of fistula of bladder nec specific age_less_than_1 differential_diag
M45.9 hes_apc opertn opcs4 unspecified diagnostic endoscopic examination of bladder specific age_less_than_1 differential_diag
M73.3 hes_apc opertn opcs4 closure of fistula of urethra specific age_less_than_1 differential_diag
P13.4 hes_apc opertn opcs4 closure of fistula of female perineum specific age_less_than_1 differential_diag
P13.8 hes_apc opertn opcs4 other specified other operations on female perineum specific age_less_than_1 differential_diag
P13.9 hes_apc opertn opcs4 unspecified other operations on female perineum specific age_less_than_1 differential_diag
P25.3 hes_apc opertn opcs4 repair of rectovaginal fistula specific age_less_than_1 differential_diag
P27.4 hes_apc opertn opcs4 endoscopic examination of vagina specific age_less_than_1 differential_diag
H56.8 hes_apc opertn opcs4 other specified other operations on anus generic age_less_than_1 differential_diag
H15.1 hes_apc opertn opcs4 loop colostomy generic_stoma_creation age_less_than_1 differential_diag
H15.2 hes_apc opertn opcs4 end colostomy generic_stoma_creation age_less_than_1 differential_diag
H15.8 hes_apc opertn opcs4 other specified other exteriorisation of colon generic_stoma_creation age_less_than_1 differential_diag
H15.9 hes_apc opertn opcs4 unspecified other exteriorisation of colon generic_stoma_creation age_less_than_1 differential_diag
H32.1 hes_apc opertn opcs4 resiting of colostomy generic_stoma_creation age_less_than_1 differential_diag
G74.2 hes_apc opertn opcs4 creation of temporary ileostomy generic_stoma_creation age_less_than_1 differential_diag
G74.3 hes_apc opertn opcs4 creation of defunctioning ileostomy generic_stoma_creation age_less_than_1 differential_diag
G74.8 hes_apc opertn opcs4 other specified creation of artificial opening into ileum generic_stoma_creation age_less_than_1 differential_diag
G74.9 hes_apc opertn opcs4 unspecified creation of artificial opening into ileum generic_stoma_creation age_less_than_1 differential_diag