Code lists

The following phenotype code lists are currently available:

Code list name (version and link) Target phenotype Ref
Chronic health conditions - Hardelid (1) Chronic health conditions Hardelid P, et al. BMJ Open 2014;4:e005331.
Medical complexity - Cohen (1) Complex chronic conditions Cohen et al, Pediatrics, 130(6):e1463
Complex chronic conditions - Feudtner (1) Complex chronic conditions Feudtner et al, BMC Pediatrics, 2014:14:199.
Life-limiting conditions - Fraser (1) Life-limiting and life-threatening conditions Fraser et al, Pediatr, 2012. 129(4):e923-e929.
Stress-related presentations - Blackburn (1) Stress-related presentations Blackburn et al, BJPsych Open. 2021 Nov; 7(6): e215.
Stress-related presentations - Ni Chobhthaigh (2) Stress-related presentations Ni Chobhthaigh et al 2024 BJPSych (in press)
Adversity-related injuries - Herbert (1) Adversity-related injuries Herbert et al, BMJ Open 2015;5;e006079
Severe congenital heart defects - Gimeno (1) Severe congenital heart defects Gimeno et al, Paediatr Perinat Epidemiol. 2023;37:390-400
Asthma - Lut (1) Asthma Lut et al, J Health Serv Res Pol. 2021;26(4):251-262.
Births - Zylberzstejn (1) Births Zylbersztejn et al, PLoS ONE 2020; 15(12): e0243843.
Multiple and still births - Zylberzstejn (1) Multiple and still births and terminations Zylbersztejn et al, PLoS ONE 2020; 15(12): e0243843.
Homelessness - Luchenski (1) Homelessness HDRUK Library
Emergency admissions (1) Emergency admissions NHS England