Emergency admissions

Repository details

Name Emergency admissions
Version 1
id emergency_admissions_v1
Previous version NA
Number of files 1
Code list file (right-click to download) emergency_admissions_v1.csv
Restrictions file NA
Truncations file NA
Removals file NA
R script (right-click to download) emergency_admissions_v1.r
Stata do file Not yet available
Prepared for repo by Matthew Jay
First check Matthew Jay - 2024-08-12
Second check NA
Date added 2024-08-12

Background information

Authors NHS England HES APC TOS
Year 2024
Reference NHS England
Target phenotype Emergency admissions
Dataset HES APC
Datafields admimeth
Summary admimeth codes that identify emergency admissions in HES APC. These are necessary for a number of code lists (e.g. adversity-related injuries by Herbert et al and stress-related presentations by Blackburn et al and Ni Chobhthaigh et al)
Validation The codes in this list are those listed as emergency admissions from the HES technical output specification.
Original purpose To identify emergency admissions
Groups None
Flags transfer = code denotes transfer and so might not be relevant for all research
Other details Some codes are only available in HES from 2013/14 and so versions of this code list in earlier publications may omit these.
Changes from original None
Changes since first version in repo NA
Number of codes 8
Codes removed 0
Codes truncated 0


code dataset field code_type description flag
21 hes_apc admimeth admimeth emergency admission - emergency care department or acute or emergency dentalservice
22 hes_apc admimeth admimeth emergency admission - general practitioner: after a request for immediate admission has been made direct to ahospital provider i.e. not through a bed bureau by a gp or deputy
23 hes_apc admimeth admimeth emergency admission - bed bureau
24 hes_apc admimeth admimeth emergency admission - consultant clinic of this or another health care provider
25 hes_apc admimeth admimeth emergency admission - admission via mental health crisis resolution team (available from 2013/14)
2A hes_apc admimeth admimeth emergency admission - emergency care department of another provider where the patient had not been admitted (available from 2013/14)
2B hes_apc admimeth admimeth emergency admission - transfer of an admitted patient from another hospital provider in an emergency (available from 2013/14) transfer
2C hes_apc admimeth admimeth emergency admission - baby born at home as intended (available from 2013/14)
2D hes_apc admimeth admimeth emergency admission - other emergency admission
28 hes_apc admimeth admimeth emergency admission - other means