Asthma - Lut

Repository details

Name Asthma - Lut
Version 1
id asthma_lut_v1
Previous version NA
Number of files 2
Code list file (right-click to download) asthma_lut_v1.csv
Restrictions file (right-click to download) asthma_lut_v1_restrictions.csv
Truncations file NA
Removals file NA
R script Not yet available
Stata do file Not yet available
Prepared for repo by Matthew Jay
First check Matthew Jay - 2024-09-02
Second check NA
Date added 2024-09-02

Background information

Authors Lut et al
Year 2021
Reference Lut et al, J Health Serv Res Pol. 2021;26(4):251-262.
Target phenotype Asthma
Dataset HES APC
Datafields diag
Summary Two codes indicative of asthma. An episode should not be counted if one of the exclusion codes is present
Original purpose Cross-country comparison of asthma rates.
Groups None
Flags exclusion_codes = code is not valid if one of the exclusion codes is also recorded (applies to both codes).
Other details NA
Changes from original None
Changes since first version in repo NA
Number of codes 2
Codes removed 0
Codes truncated 0


code dataset field code_type description flag
J45 hes_apc diag icd10 asthma exclusion_codes
J46 hes_apc diag icd10 status asthmaticus exclusion_codes