Homelessness - Luchenski

Repository details

Name Homelessness - Luchenski
Version 1
id homeless_luchenski_v1
Previous version NA
Number of files 1
Code list file (right-click to download) homeless_luchenski_v1.csv
Restrictions file NA
Truncations file NA
Removals file NA
R script Not yet available
Stata do file Not yet available
Prepared for repo by Matthew Jay
First check Matthew Jay - 2024-06-18
Second check NA
Date added 2024-06-18

Background information

Authors Luchenski
Year 2021
Reference HDRUK Library
Target phenotype Homelessness
Dataset HES APC
Datafields diag, gpprac, rescty, resgor, resladst
Summary Codes to identify homelessness using an ICD-10 code, residence fields and GP practices that exclusively treat people experiencing homelessness.
Original purpose
Groups None
Flags None
Other details NA
Changes from original Three codes based on resladst, rescty and resgor added to the original list
Changes since first version in repo NA
Number of codes 52
Codes removed 0
Codes truncated 0


code dataset field code_type description
U hes_apc rescty city of residence no fixed abode
U hes_apc resgor region of residence no fixed abode
U hes_apc resladst local authority district of residence no fixed abode
Z59.0 hes_apc diag icd10 homelessness
F84632 hes_apc gpprac gp practice exclusively specialist gp
C82670 hes_apc gpprac gp practice exclusively specialist gp
N81655 hes_apc gpprac gp practice exclusively specialist gp
F84733 hes_apc gpprac gp practice exclusively specialist gp
G81689 hes_apc gpprac gp practice exclusively specialist gp
K84066 hes_apc gpprac gp practice exclusively specialist gp
L81662 hes_apc gpprac gp practice exclusively specialist gp
E85752 hes_apc gpprac gp practice potential additional homeless practice
G85733 hes_apc gpprac gp practice potential additional homeless practice
E84712 hes_apc gpprac gp practice potential additional homeless practice
Y00143 hes_apc gpprac gp practice potential additional homeless practice
J82217 hes_apc gpprac gp practice exclusively specialist gp
Y04047 hes_apc gpprac gp practice potential additional homeless practice
Y00056 hes_apc gpprac gp practice exclusively specialist gp
E85753 hes_apc gpprac gp practice potential additional homeless practice
Y00282 hes_apc gpprac gp practice potential additional homeless practice
E84711 hes_apc gpprac gp practice potential additional homeless practice
Y00481 hes_apc gpprac gp practice potential additional homeless practice
G6715360 hes_apc gpprac gp practice exclusively specialist gp
Y00060 hes_apc gpprac gp practice exclusively specialist gp
N85646 hes_apc gpprac gp practice potential additional homeless practice
Y04629 hes_apc gpprac gp practice potential additional homeless practice
L83673 hes_apc gpprac gp practice exclusively specialist gp
P87662 hes_apc gpprac gp practice potential additional homeless practice
H82642 hes_apc gpprac gp practice exclusively specialist gp
L81661 hes_apc gpprac gp practice potential additional homeless practice
Y00049 hes_apc gpprac gp practice potential additional homeless practice
Y00182 hes_apc gpprac gp practice exclusively specialist gp
G82811 hes_apc gpprac gp practice potential additional homeless practice
E82666 hes_apc gpprac gp practice potential additional homeless practice
Y01057 hes_apc gpprac gp practice exclusively specialist gp
G85731 hes_apc gpprac gp practice potential additional homeless practice
Y02444 hes_apc gpprac gp practice potential additional homeless practice
E83666 hes_apc gpprac gp practice potential additional homeless practice
B83657 hes_apc gpprac gp practice exclusively specialist gp
NRV04 hes_apc gpprac gp practice exclusively specialist gp
B86669 hes_apc gpprac gp practice exclusively specialist gp
Y00083 hes_apc gpprac gp practice potential additional homeless practice
B85659 hes_apc gpprac gp practice exclusively specialist gp
D82641 hes_apc gpprac gp practice exclusively specialist gp
Y02674 hes_apc gpprac gp practice exclusively specialist gp
Y00256 hes_apc gpprac gp practice potential additional homeless practice
Y00054 hes_apc gpprac gp practice exclusively specialist gp
F85709 hes_apc gpprac gp practice potential additional homeless practice
F84740 hes_apc gpprac gp practice exclusively specialist gp
Y00264 hes_apc gpprac gp practice potential additional homeless practice
Y04543 hes_apc gpprac gp practice exclusively specialist gp
E87772 hes_apc gpprac gp practice exclusively specialist gp