Multiple and still births - Zylbersztejn

Repository details

Name Multiple and still births - Zylbersztejn
Version 1
id multiple_still_births_zylb_v1
Previous version NA
Number of files 1
Code list file (right-click to download) multiple_still_births_zylb_v1.csv
Restrictions file NA
Truncations file NA
Removals file NA
R script (right-click to download) multiple_still_births_zylb_v1.r
Stata do file Not yet available
Prepared for repo by Matthew Jay
First check Matthew Jay - 2024-06-21
Second check
Date added 2024-06-21

Background information

Authors Zylbersztejn et al
Year 2020
Reference Zylbersztejn et al, PLoS ONE 2020; 15(12): e0243843.
Target phenotype Multiple and still births and terminations
Dataset HES APC
Datafields diag, birorder, mumbaby, dismeth, birstat
Summary Codes to identify still births, terminations and multiple births.
Original purpose To develop a national birth cohort using HES
Groups Still births, terminations and multiple births
Flags None
Other details NA
Changes from original None
Changes since first version in repo NA
Number of codes 25
Codes removed 0
Codes truncated 0


code dataset field code_type description group
Z37.2 hes_apc diag icd10 twins both liveborn multiple_births
Z37.3 hes_apc diag icd10 twins one liveborn and one stillborn multiple_births
Z37.4 hes_apc diag icd10 twins both stillborn multiple_births
Z37.5 hes_apc diag icd10 other multiple births all liveborn multiple_births
Z37.6 hes_apc diag icd10 other multiple births some liveborn multiple_births
Z37.7 hes_apc diag icd10 other multiple births all stillborn multiple_births
Z38.3 hes_apc diag icd10 twin born in hospital multiple_births
Z38.4 hes_apc diag icd10 twin born outside hospital multiple_births
Z38.5 hes_apc diag icd10 twin unspecified as to place of birth multiple_births
Z38.6 hes_apc diag icd10 other multiple born in hospital multiple_births
Z38.7 hes_apc diag icd10 other multiple born outside hospital multiple_births
Z38.8 hes_apc diag icd10 other multiple unspecified as to place of birth multiple_births
>1 hes_apc birorder birorder birorder >1 multiple_births
>1 hes_apc numbaby numbaby numbaby >1 multiple_births
P96.4 hes_apc diag icd10 termination of pregnancy affecting fetus and newborn termination
P95 hes_apc diag icd10 fetal death of unspecified cause stillbirth
Z37.1 hes_apc diag icd10 single stillbirth stillbirth
Z37.3 hes_apc diag icd10 twins one liveborn and one stillborn stillbirth
Z37.4 hes_apc diag icd10 twins both stillborn stillbirth
Z37.6 hes_apc diag icd10 other multiple births some liveborn stillbirth
Z37.7 hes_apc diag icd10 other multiple births all stillborn stillbirth
5 hes_apc dismeth dismeth stillbirth stillbirth
2 hes_apc birtstat birtstat stillbirth: ante-partum stillbirth
3 hes_apc birtstat birtstat stillbirth: post-partum stillbirth
4 hes_apc birtstat birtstat stillbirth: indeterminate stillbirth