Design principles

The Repository has been designed according to an overarching plan. This is intended to ensure that finding and using the code lists is as easy as possible. As each code list is formatted according to a common scheme as *.csv files, users do not need to hard-code the code lists into their scripts but instead can simply load the relevant code list file into memory.

Code list principles

  1. Only final code lists are admitted to the Repository (i.e., no drafts). Ideally the code lists will have been peer reviewed.
  2. The ECHILD team will check each code list to ensure that all codes and flags are correctly included.
  3. The code list should have an associated publication, which may be a journal article, a pre-print or some other repository. The associated publication must be the publication where the code list first appeared (i.e., a subsequent paper using a previously-published code list is not admissible). This is to ensure that the Repository reflects the original, single version of a code list.
  4. Code list files are to be named, numbered and arranged according to a common scheme (see below).
  5. All code lists must be machine-readable in *.csv format. Some code lists may have two or more files associated with them where there are several distinct code lists relevant to one phenotype and/or where codes are removed from, or truncated in, the original list.
  6. Only one code per row is permitted. Ranges of codes such as “B20-B24” are not permitted on a single row as these are not easily machine-readable.
  7. In the cases of ICD-10 and OPCS-4 codes:
  1. The code description must be that used in ICD-10 or OPCS-4.
  2. Inclusion of a 3-character code implies including all subcodes.
  3. Inclusion of a 4-character code implies including only that subcode.
  4. Where a 4-character code is used, the dot is always present.
  1. ICD-9 and ICD-10-PCS (procedure codes) are not used in ECHILD and so are removed from all code lists.
  2. Where a code list uses ICD-10-CM or ICD-10-CA (also not used in ECHILD), up to the 4th character only is used. Such changes are noted using a code_truncated flag.
  3. It is up to users to determine whether the modifications to a code list in the Repository render it inappropriate for their analyses.
  4. Any amendments to code lists (e.g. removals or truncations) must be documented in full.
  5. Each code list is accompanied by an R script and Stata do file that illustrate how to implement the list. While the common scheme for organising code lists means that the starting point for every list will be the same, some have idiosyncrasies, such as certain codes only being valid under certain conditions. Scripts must therefore also illustrate how to deal with these issues.

Scheme for organising and formatting code lists

Every code list has the following five columns: code, dataset, field, code_type and description. For example, the Fraser et al list of life-limiting and life-threatening conditions has only these five columns:

code dataset field code_type description
A17 hes_apc diag icd10 tuberculosis of nervous system
A81.0 hes_apc diag icd10 creutzfeldt-jakob disease
A81.1 hes_apc diag icd10 subacute sclerosing panencephalitis
B20 hes_apc diag icd10 human immunodeficiency virus [hiv] disease resulting in infectious and parasitic diseases
B21 hes_apc diag icd10 human immunodeficiency virus [hiv] disease resulting in malignant neoplasms
B22 hes_apc diag icd10 human immunodeficiency virus [hiv] disease resulting in other specified diseases
B23 hes_apc diag icd10 human immunodeficiency virus [hiv] disease resulting in other conditions
B24 hes_apc diag icd10 unspecified human immunodeficiency virus [hiv] disease
C00 hes_apc diag icd10 malignant neoplasm of lip
C01 hes_apc diag icd10 malignant neoplasm of base of tongue
C02 hes_apc diag icd10 malignant neoplasm of other and unspecified parts of tongue
C03 hes_apc diag icd10 malignant neoplasm of gum
C04 hes_apc diag icd10 malignant neoplasm of floor of mouth
C05 hes_apc diag icd10 malignant neoplasm of palate
C06 hes_apc diag icd10 malignant neoplasm of other and unspecified parts of mouth
C07 hes_apc diag icd10 malignant neoplasm of parotid gland
C08 hes_apc diag icd10 malignant neoplasm of other and unspecified major salivary glands
C09 hes_apc diag icd10 malignant neoplasm of tonsil
C10 hes_apc diag icd10 malignant neoplasm of oropharynx
C11 hes_apc diag icd10 malignant neoplasm of nasopharynx
C12 hes_apc diag icd10 malignant neoplasm of piriform sinus
C13 hes_apc diag icd10 malignant neoplasm of hypopharynx
C14 hes_apc diag icd10 malignant neoplasm of other and ill-defined sites in the lip oral cavity and pharynx
C15 hes_apc diag icd10 malignant neoplasm of oesophagus
C16 hes_apc diag icd10 malignant neoplasm of stomach
C17 hes_apc diag icd10 malignant neoplasm of small intestine
C18 hes_apc diag icd10 malignant neoplasm of colon
C19 hes_apc diag icd10 malignant neoplasm of rectosigmoid junction
C20 hes_apc diag icd10 malignant neoplasm of rectum
C21 hes_apc diag icd10 malignant neoplasm of anus and anal canal
C22 hes_apc diag icd10 malignant neoplasm of liver and intrahepatic bile ducts
C23 hes_apc diag icd10 malignant neoplasm of gallbladder
C24 hes_apc diag icd10 malignant neoplasm of other and unspecified parts of biliary tract
C25 hes_apc diag icd10 malignant neoplasm of pancreas
C26 hes_apc diag icd10 malignant neoplasm of other and ill-defined digestive organs
C30 hes_apc diag icd10 malignant neoplasm of nasal cavity and middle ear
C31 hes_apc diag icd10 malignant neoplasm of accessory sinuses
C32 hes_apc diag icd10 malignant neoplasm of larynx
C33 hes_apc diag icd10 malignant neoplasm of trachea
C34 hes_apc diag icd10 malignant neoplasm of bronchus and lung
C37 hes_apc diag icd10 malignant neoplasm of thymus
C38 hes_apc diag icd10 malignant neoplasm of heart mediastinum and pleura
C39 hes_apc diag icd10 malignant neoplasm of other and ill-defined sites in the respiratory system and intrathoracic organs
C40 hes_apc diag icd10 malignant neoplasm of bone and articular cartilage of limbs
C41 hes_apc diag icd10 malignant neoplasm of bone and articular cartilage of other and unspecified sites
C43 hes_apc diag icd10 malignant melanoma of skin
C44 hes_apc diag icd10 other malignant neoplasms of skin
C45 hes_apc diag icd10 mesothelioma
C46 hes_apc diag icd10 kaposi sarcoma
C47 hes_apc diag icd10 malignant neoplasm of peripheral nerves and autonomic nervous system
C48 hes_apc diag icd10 malignant neoplasm of retroperitoneum and peritoneum
C49 hes_apc diag icd10 malignant neoplasm of other connective and soft tissue
C50 hes_apc diag icd10 malignant neoplasm of breast
C51 hes_apc diag icd10 malignant neoplasm of vulva
C52 hes_apc diag icd10 malignant neoplasm of vagina
C53 hes_apc diag icd10 malignant neoplasm of cervix uteri
C54 hes_apc diag icd10 malignant neoplasm of corpus uteri
C55 hes_apc diag icd10 malignant neoplasm of uterus part unspecified
C56 hes_apc diag icd10 malignant neoplasm of ovary
C57 hes_apc diag icd10 malignant neoplasm of other and unspecified female genital organs
C58 hes_apc diag icd10 malignant neoplasm of placenta
C60 hes_apc diag icd10 malignant neoplasm of penis
C61 hes_apc diag icd10 malignant neoplasm of prostate
C62 hes_apc diag icd10 malignant neoplasm of testis
C63 hes_apc diag icd10 malignant neoplasm of other and unspecified male genital organs
C64 hes_apc diag icd10 malignant neoplasm of kidney except renal pelvis
C65 hes_apc diag icd10 malignant neoplasm of renal pelvis
C66 hes_apc diag icd10 malignant neoplasm of ureter
C67 hes_apc diag icd10 malignant neoplasm of bladder
C68 hes_apc diag icd10 malignant neoplasm of other and unspecified urinary organs
C69 hes_apc diag icd10 malignant neoplasm of eye and adnexa
C70 hes_apc diag icd10 malignant neoplasm of meninges
C71 hes_apc diag icd10 malignant neoplasm of brain
C72 hes_apc diag icd10 malignant neoplasm of spinal cord cranial nerves and other parts of central nervous system
C73 hes_apc diag icd10 malignant neoplasm of thyroid gland
C74 hes_apc diag icd10 malignant neoplasm of adrenal gland
C75 hes_apc diag icd10 malignant neoplasm of other endocrine glands and related structures
C76 hes_apc diag icd10 malignant neoplasm of other and ill-defined sites
C77 hes_apc diag icd10 secondary and unspecified malignant neoplasm of lymph nodes
C78 hes_apc diag icd10 secondary malignant neoplasm of respiratory and digestive organs
C79 hes_apc diag icd10 secondary malignant neoplasm of other and unspecified sites
C80 hes_apc diag icd10 malignant neoplasm without specification of site
C81 hes_apc diag icd10 hodgkin lymphoma
C82 hes_apc diag icd10 follicular lymphoma
C83 hes_apc diag icd10 non-follicular lymphoma
C84 hes_apc diag icd10 mature t/nk-cell lymphomas
C85 hes_apc diag icd10 other and unspecified types of non-hodgkin lymphoma
C86 hes_apc diag icd10 other specified types of t/nk-cell lymphoma
C88 hes_apc diag icd10 malignant immunoproliferative diseases
C90 hes_apc diag icd10 multiple myeloma and malignant plasma cell neoplasms
C91 hes_apc diag icd10 lymphoid leukaemia
C92 hes_apc diag icd10 myeloid leukaemia
C93 hes_apc diag icd10 monocytic leukaemia
C94 hes_apc diag icd10 other leukaemias of specified cell type
C95 hes_apc diag icd10 leukaemia of unspecified cell type
C96 hes_apc diag icd10 other and unspecified malignant neoplasms of lymphoid haematopoietic and related tissue
C97 hes_apc diag icd10 malignant neoplasms of independent (primary) multiple sites
D33 hes_apc diag icd10 benign neoplasm of brain and other parts of central nervous system
D43 hes_apc diag icd10 neoplasm of uncertain or unknown behaviour of brain and central nervous system
D44.4 hes_apc diag icd10 neoplasm of uncertain or unknown behaviour: craniopharyngeal duct
D48 hes_apc diag icd10 neoplasm of uncertain or unknown behaviour of other and unspecified sites
D56.1 hes_apc diag icd10 beta thalassaemia
D61.0 hes_apc diag icd10 constitutional aplastic anaemia
D61.9 hes_apc diag icd10 aplastic anaemia unspecified
D70 hes_apc diag icd10 agranulocytosis
D76.1 hes_apc diag icd10 haemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis
D81 hes_apc diag icd10 combined immunodeficiencies
D82.1 hes_apc diag icd10 di george syndrome
D83 hes_apc diag icd10 common variable immunodeficiency
D89.1 hes_apc diag icd10 cryoglobulinaemia
E31.0 hes_apc diag icd10 autoimmune polyglandular failure
E34.8 hes_apc diag icd10 other specified endocrine disorders
E70.2 hes_apc diag icd10 disorders of tyrosine metabolism
E71 hes_apc diag icd10 disorders of branched-chain amino-acid metabolism and fatty-acid metabolism
E72 hes_apc diag icd10 other disorders of amino-acid metabolism
E74 hes_apc diag icd10 other disorders of carbohydrate metabolism
E75 hes_apc diag icd10 disorders of sphingolipid metabolism and other lipid storage disorders
E76 hes_apc diag icd10 disorders of glycosaminoglycan metabolism
E77 hes_apc diag icd10 disorders of glycoprotein metabolism
E79.1 hes_apc diag icd10 lesch-nyhan syndrome
E83.0 hes_apc diag icd10 disorders of copper metabolism
E84 hes_apc diag icd10 cystic fibrosis
E88.0 hes_apc diag icd10 disorders of plasma-protein metabolism not elsewhere classified
E88.1 hes_apc diag icd10 lipodystrophy not elsewhere classified
F80.3 hes_apc diag icd10 acquired aphasia with epilepsy [landau-kleffner]
F84.2 hes_apc diag icd10 rett syndrome
G10 hes_apc diag icd10 huntington disease
G11.1 hes_apc diag icd10 early-onset cerebellar ataxia
G11.3 hes_apc diag icd10 cerebellar ataxia with defective dna repair
G12 hes_apc diag icd10 spinal muscular atrophy and related syndromes
G20 hes_apc diag icd10 parkinson disease
G23.0 hes_apc diag icd10 hallervorden-spatz disease
G23.8 hes_apc diag icd10 other specified degenerative diseases of basal ganglia
G31.8 hes_apc diag icd10 other specified degenerative diseases of nervous system
G31.9 hes_apc diag icd10 degenerative disease of nervous system unspecified
G35 hes_apc diag icd10 multiple sclerosis
G40.4 hes_apc diag icd10 other generalized epilepsy and epileptic syndromes
G40.5 hes_apc diag icd10 special epileptic syndromes
G60.0 hes_apc diag icd10 hereditary motor and sensory neuropathy
G60.1 hes_apc diag icd10 refsum disease
G70.2 hes_apc diag icd10 congenital and developmental myasthenia
G70.9 hes_apc diag icd10 myoneural disorder unspecified
G71.0 hes_apc diag icd10 muscular dystrophy
G71.1 hes_apc diag icd10 myotonic disorders
G71.2 hes_apc diag icd10 congenital myopathies
G71.3 hes_apc diag icd10 mitochondrial myopathy not elsewhere classified
G80.0 hes_apc diag icd10 spastic quadriplegic cerebral palsy
G80.8 hes_apc diag icd10 other cerebral palsy
G82.3 hes_apc diag icd10 flaccid tetraplegia
G82.4 hes_apc diag icd10 spastic tetraplegia
G82.5 hes_apc diag icd10 tetraplegia unspecified
G93.4 hes_apc diag icd10 encephalopathy unspecified
G93.6 hes_apc diag icd10 cerebral oedema
G93.7 hes_apc diag icd10 reye syndrome
H11.1 hes_apc diag icd10 conjunctival degenerations and deposits
H49.8 hes_apc diag icd10 other paralytic strabismus
H35.5 hes_apc diag icd10 hereditary retinal dystrophy
I21 hes_apc diag icd10 acute myocardial infarction
I27.0 hes_apc diag icd10 primary pulmonary hypertension
I42 hes_apc diag icd10 cardiomyopathy
I61.3 hes_apc diag icd10 intracerebral haemorrhage in brain stem
I81 hes_apc diag icd10 portal vein thrombosis
J84.1 hes_apc diag icd10 other interstitial pulmonary diseases with fibrosis
J96 hes_apc diag icd10 respiratory failure not elsewhere classified
J98.4 hes_apc diag icd10 other disorders of lung
K55.0 hes_apc diag icd10 acute vascular disorders of intestine
K55.9 hes_apc diag icd10 vascular disorder of intestine unspecified
K72 hes_apc diag icd10 hepatic failure not elsewhere classified
K74 hes_apc diag icd10 fibrosis and cirrhosis of liver
K76.5 hes_apc diag icd10 hepatic veno-occlusive disease
K86.8 hes_apc diag icd10 other specified diseases of pancreas
M31.3 hes_apc diag icd10 wegener granulomatosis
M32.1 hes_apc diag icd10 systemic lupus erythematosus with organ or system involvement
M89.5 hes_apc diag icd10 osteolysis
N17 hes_apc diag icd10 acute renal failure
N18 hes_apc diag icd10 chronic kidney disease
N19 hes_apc diag icd10 unspecified kidney failure
N25.8 hes_apc diag icd10 other disorders resulting from impaired renal tubular function
P10.1 hes_apc diag icd10 cerebral haemorrhage due to birth injury
P11.2 hes_apc diag icd10 unspecified brain damage due to birth injury
P21.0 hes_apc diag icd10 severe birth asphyxia
P28.5 hes_apc diag icd10 respiratory failure of newborn
P29.0 hes_apc diag icd10 neonatal cardiac failure
P29.3 hes_apc diag icd10 persistent fetal circulation
P35.0 hes_apc diag icd10 congenital rubella syndrome
P35.1 hes_apc diag icd10 congenital cytomegalovirus infection
P35.8 hes_apc diag icd10 other congenital viral diseases
P37.1 hes_apc diag icd10 congenital toxoplasmosis
P52.4 hes_apc diag icd10 intracerebral (nontraumatic) haemorrhage of fetus and newborn
P52.5 hes_apc diag icd10 subarachnoid (nontraumatic) haemorrhage of fetus and newborn
P52.9 hes_apc diag icd10 intracranial (nontraumatic) haemorrhage of fetus and newborn unspecified
P83.2 hes_apc diag icd10 hydrops fetalis not due to haemolytic disease
P91.2 hes_apc diag icd10 neonatal cerebral leukomalacia
P91.6 hes_apc diag icd10 hypoxic ischaemic encephalopathy of newborn
P96.0 hes_apc diag icd10 congenital renal failure
Q00.0 hes_apc diag icd10 anencephaly
Q01 hes_apc diag icd10 encephalocele
Q03.1 hes_apc diag icd10 atresia of foramina of magendie and luschka
Q03.9 hes_apc diag icd10 congenital hydrocephalus unspecified
Q04.0 hes_apc diag icd10 congenital malformations of corpus callosum
Q04.2 hes_apc diag icd10 holoprosencephaly
Q04.3 hes_apc diag icd10 other reduction deformities of brain
Q04.4 hes_apc diag icd10 septo-optic dysplasia
Q04.6 hes_apc diag icd10 congenital cerebral cysts
Q04.9 hes_apc diag icd10 congenital malformation of brain unspecified
Q07.0 hes_apc diag icd10 arnold-chiari syndrome
Q20.0 hes_apc diag icd10 common arterial trunk
Q20.3 hes_apc diag icd10 discordant ventriculoarterial connection
Q20.4 hes_apc diag icd10 double inlet ventricle
Q20.6 hes_apc diag icd10 isomerism of atrial appendages
Q20.8 hes_apc diag icd10 other congenital malformations of cardiac chambers and connections
Q21.3 hes_apc diag icd10 tetralogy of fallot
Q23.2 hes_apc diag icd10 congenital mitral stenosis
Q21.8 hes_apc diag icd10 other congenital malformations of cardiac septa
Q22.0 hes_apc diag icd10 pulmonary valve atresia
Q22.1 hes_apc diag icd10 congenital pulmonary valve stenosis
Q22.4 hes_apc diag icd10 congenital tricuspid stenosis
Q22.5 hes_apc diag icd10 ebstein anomaly
Q22.6 hes_apc diag icd10 hypoplastic right heart syndrome
Q23.0 hes_apc diag icd10 congenital stenosis of aortic valve
Q23.4 hes_apc diag icd10 hypoplastic left heart syndrome
Q23.9 hes_apc diag icd10 congenital malformation of aortic and mitral valves unspecified
Q25.4 hes_apc diag icd10 other congenital malformations of aorta
Q25.6 hes_apc diag icd10 stenosis of pulmonary artery
Q26.2 hes_apc diag icd10 total anomalous pulmonary venous connection
Q26.4 hes_apc diag icd10 anomalous pulmonary venous connection unspecified
Q26.8 hes_apc diag icd10 other congenital malformations of great veins
Q28.2 hes_apc diag icd10 arteriovenous malformation of cerebral vessels
Q32.1 hes_apc diag icd10 other congenital malformations of trachea
Q33.6 hes_apc diag icd10 hypoplasia and dysplasia of lung
Q39.6 hes_apc diag icd10 diverticulum of oesophagus
Q41.0 hes_apc diag icd10 congenital absence atresia and stenosis of duodenum
Q41.9 hes_apc diag icd10 congenital absence atresia and stenosis of small intestine part unspecified
Q43.7 hes_apc diag icd10 persistent cloaca
Q44.2 hes_apc diag icd10 atresia of bile ducts
Q74.8 hes_apc diag icd10 other specified congenital malformations of limb(s)
Q44.5 hes_apc diag icd10 other congenital malformations of bile ducts
Q44.7 hes_apc diag icd10 other congenital malformations of liver
Q60.1 hes_apc diag icd10 renal agenesis bilateral
Q60.6 hes_apc diag icd10 potter syndrome
Q61.4 hes_apc diag icd10 renal dysplasia
Q61.9 hes_apc diag icd10 cystic kidney disease unspecified
Q64.2 hes_apc diag icd10 congenital posterior urethral valves
Q74.3 hes_apc diag icd10 arthrogryposis multiplex congenita
Q75.0 hes_apc diag icd10 craniosynostosis
Q77.2 hes_apc diag icd10 short rib syndrome
Q77.3 hes_apc diag icd10 chondrodysplasia punctata
Q77.4 hes_apc diag icd10 achondroplasia
Q78.0 hes_apc diag icd10 osteogenesis imperfecta
Q78.5 hes_apc diag icd10 metaphyseal dysplasia
Q79.2 hes_apc diag icd10 exomphalos
Q79.3 hes_apc diag icd10 gastroschisis
Q80.4 hes_apc diag icd10 harlequin fetus
Q81 hes_apc diag icd10 epidermolysis bullosa
Q82.1 hes_apc diag icd10 xeroderma pigmentosum
Q82.4 hes_apc diag icd10 ectodermal dysplasia (anhidrotic)
Q85.8 hes_apc diag icd10 other phakomatoses not elsewhere classified
Q86.0 hes_apc diag icd10 fetal alcohol syndrome (dysmorphic)
Q87.0 hes_apc diag icd10 congenital malformation syndromes predominantly affecting facial appearance
Q87.1 hes_apc diag icd10 congenital malformation syndromes predominantly associated with short stature
Q87.2 hes_apc diag icd10 congenital malformation syndromes predominantly involving limbs
Q87.8 hes_apc diag icd10 other specified congenital malformation syndromes not elsewhere classified
Q91 hes_apc diag icd10 edwards’ syndrome and patau syndrome
Q92.0 hes_apc diag icd10 whole chromosome trisomy meiotic nondisjunction
Q92.1 hes_apc diag icd10 whole chromosome trisomy mosaicism (mitotic nondisjunction)
Q92.4 hes_apc diag icd10 duplications seen only at prometaphase
Q92.7 hes_apc diag icd10 triploidy and polyploidy
Q92.8 hes_apc diag icd10 other specified trisomies and partial trisomies of autosomes
Q93.2 hes_apc diag icd10 chromosome replaced with ring or dicentric
Q93.3 hes_apc diag icd10 deletion of short arm of chromosome 4
Q93.4 hes_apc diag icd10 deletion of short arm of chromosome 5
Q93.5 hes_apc diag icd10 other deletions of part of a chromosome
Q93.8 hes_apc diag icd10 other deletions from the autosomes
Q95.2 hes_apc diag icd10 balanced autosomal rearrangement in abnormal individual
T86.0 hes_apc diag icd10 bone-marrow transplant rejection
T86.2 hes_apc diag icd10 heart transplant failure and rejection
Z51.5 hes_apc diag icd10 palliative care

Respectively, these fields give the relevant code, the dataset to which the codes relate, the field in that dataset, the type of code it is (e.g. ICD-10, OPCS-4 or something else) and the code’s description.

Use of a 3-character code implies including all subcodes; 4-character codes are only used when only specific subcodes are used. For example, in the Fraser et al list, code B20 means include all of B20.0, B20.1, B20.2, B20.3, B20.4, B20.5, B20.6, B20.7, B20.8 and B20.9. By contrast, in the case of code A81, only A81.0 and A81.1 should be included, and NOT A81.2, A81.8 or A81.9 (and there are no ICD-10 codes designated A81.3 to A81.7). Note also that each of B20, B21, B22, B23 and B24 are coded each on their own row and not by reference to a range of codes (e.g. “B20-B24”).

Some code lists have additional columns, such as the Hardelid et al list of chronic health conditions, which contains columns for the groups and sub-groups (group and subgroup) into which the codes are divided in Hardelid et al’s (2014) original paper:

code dataset field code_type description group subgroup flag
E24.4 hes_apc diag icd10 alcohol-induced pseudo-cushing syndrome mental health/behavioural substance abuse
F10 hes_apc diag icd10 mental and behavioural disorders due to use of alcohol mental health/behavioural substance abuse
F11 hes_apc diag icd10 mental and behavioural disorders due to use of opioids mental health/behavioural substance abuse
F12 hes_apc diag icd10 mental and behavioural disorders due to use of cannabinoids mental health/behavioural substance abuse
F13 hes_apc diag icd10 mental and behavioural disorders due to use of sedatives or hypnotics mental health/behavioural substance abuse
F14 hes_apc diag icd10 mental and behavioural disorders due to use of cocaine mental health/behavioural substance abuse
F15 hes_apc diag icd10 mental and behavioural disorders due to use of other stimulants including caffeine mental health/behavioural substance abuse
F16 hes_apc diag icd10 mental and behavioural disorders due to use of hallucinogens mental health/behavioural substance abuse
F17 hes_apc diag icd10 mental and behavioural disorders due to use of tobacco mental health/behavioural substance abuse
F18 hes_apc diag icd10 mental and behavioural disorders due to use of volatile solvents mental health/behavioural substance abuse
F19 hes_apc diag icd10 mental and behavioural disorders due to multiple drug use and use of other psychoactive substances mental health/behavioural substance abuse
F55 hes_apc diag icd10 abuse of non-dependence-producing substances mental health/behavioural substance abuse los3
G24.0 hes_apc diag icd10 drug-induced dystonia mental health/behavioural substance abuse los3
G31.2 hes_apc diag icd10 degeneration of nervous system due to alcohol mental health/behavioural substance abuse
G40.5 hes_apc diag icd10 special epileptic syndromes mental health/behavioural substance abuse
G62.1 hes_apc diag icd10 alcoholic polyneuropathy mental health/behavioural substance abuse
G72.0 hes_apc diag icd10 drug-induced myopathy mental health/behavioural substance abuse
G72.1 hes_apc diag icd10 alcoholic myopathy mental health/behavioural substance abuse
I42.6 hes_apc diag icd10 alcoholic cardiomyopathy mental health/behavioural substance abuse
K29.2 hes_apc diag icd10 alcoholic gastritis mental health/behavioural substance abuse
K70 hes_apc diag icd10 alcoholic liver disease mental health/behavioural substance abuse
K85.2 hes_apc diag icd10 alcohol-induced acute pancreatitis mental health/behavioural substance abuse
K85.3 hes_apc diag icd10 drug-induced acute pancreatitis mental health/behavioural substance abuse
K86.0 hes_apc diag icd10 alcohol-induced chronic pancreatitis mental health/behavioural substance abuse
O35.4 hes_apc diag icd10 maternal care for (suspected) damage to fetus from alcohol mental health/behavioural substance abuse
R78.1 hes_apc diag icd10 finding of opiate drug in blood mental health/behavioural substance abuse los3
R78.2 hes_apc diag icd10 finding of cocaine in blood mental health/behavioural substance abuse los3
R78.3 hes_apc diag icd10 finding of hallucinogen in blood mental health/behavioural substance abuse los3
R78.4 hes_apc diag icd10 finding of other drugs of addictive potential in blood mental health/behavioural substance abuse los3
R78.5 hes_apc diag icd10 finding of psychotropic drug in blood mental health/behavioural substance abuse los3
Y47 hes_apc diag icd10 sedatives hypnotics and antianxiety drugs mental health/behavioural substance abuse
Y49 hes_apc diag icd10 psychotropic drugs not elsewhere classified mental health/behavioural substance abuse
Z50.2 hes_apc diag icd10 alcohol rehabilitation mental health/behavioural substance abuse
Z50.3 hes_apc diag icd10 drug rehabilitation mental health/behavioural substance abuse
Z71.4 hes_apc diag icd10 alcohol abuse counselling and surveillance mental health/behavioural substance abuse
Z71.5 hes_apc diag icd10 drug abuse counselling and surveillance mental health/behavioural substance abuse
Z72.2 hes_apc diag icd10 drug use mental health/behavioural substance abuse los3
Z86.4 hes_apc diag icd10 personal history of psychoactive substance abuse mental health/behavioural substance abuse
X60 hes_apc diag icd10 intentional self-poisoning by and exposure to nonopioid analgesics antipyretics and antirheumatics mental health/behavioural self-harm
X61 hes_apc diag icd10 intentional self-poisoning by and exposure to antiepileptic sedative-hypnotic antiparkinsonism and psychotropic drugs not elsewhere classified mental health/behavioural self-harm
X62 hes_apc diag icd10 intentional self-poisoning by and exposure to narcotics and psychodysleptics [hallucinogens] not elsewhere classified mental health/behavioural self-harm
X63 hes_apc diag icd10 intentional self-poisoning by and exposure to other drugs acting on the autonomic nervous system mental health/behavioural self-harm
X64 hes_apc diag icd10 intentional self-poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified drugs medicaments and biological substances mental health/behavioural self-harm
X65 hes_apc diag icd10 intentional self-poisoning by and exposure to alcohol mental health/behavioural self-harm
X66 hes_apc diag icd10 intentional self-poisoning by and exposure to organic solvents and halogenated hydrocarbons and their vapours mental health/behavioural self-harm
X67 hes_apc diag icd10 intentional self-poisoning by and exposure to other gases and vapours mental health/behavioural self-harm
X68 hes_apc diag icd10 intentional self-poisoning by and exposure to pesticides mental health/behavioural self-harm
X69 hes_apc diag icd10 intentional self-poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified chemicals and noxious substances mental health/behavioural self-harm
X70 hes_apc diag icd10 intentional self-harm by hanging strangulation and suffocation mental health/behavioural self-harm
X71 hes_apc diag icd10 intentional self-harm by drowning and submersion mental health/behavioural self-harm
X72 hes_apc diag icd10 intentional self-harm by handgun discharge mental health/behavioural self-harm
X73 hes_apc diag icd10 intentional self-harm by rifle shotgun and larger firearm discharge mental health/behavioural self-harm
X74 hes_apc diag icd10 intentional self-harm by other and unspecified firearm discharge mental health/behavioural self-harm
X75 hes_apc diag icd10 intentional self-harm by explosive material mental health/behavioural self-harm
X76 hes_apc diag icd10 intentional self-harm by smoke fire and flames mental health/behavioural self-harm
X77 hes_apc diag icd10 intentional self-harm by steam hot vapours and hot objects mental health/behavioural self-harm
X78 hes_apc diag icd10 intentional self-harm by sharp object mental health/behavioural self-harm
X79 hes_apc diag icd10 intentional self-harm by blunt object mental health/behavioural self-harm
X80 hes_apc diag icd10 intentional self-harm by jumping from a high place mental health/behavioural self-harm
X81 hes_apc diag icd10 intentional self-harm by jumping or lying before moving object mental health/behavioural self-harm
X82 hes_apc diag icd10 intentional self-harm by crashing of motor vehicle mental health/behavioural self-harm
X83 hes_apc diag icd10 intentional self-harm by other specified means mental health/behavioural self-harm
X84 hes_apc diag icd10 intentional self-harm by unspecified means mental health/behavioural self-harm
Y10 hes_apc diag icd10 poisoning by and exposure to nonopioid analgesics antipyretics and antirheumatics undetermined intent mental health/behavioural self-harm age10
Y11 hes_apc diag icd10 poisoning by and exposure to antiepileptic sedative-hypnotic antiparkinsonism and psychotropic drugs not elsewhere classified undetermined intent mental health/behavioural self-harm age10
Y12 hes_apc diag icd10 poisoning by and exposure to narcotics and psychodysleptics [hallucinogens] not elsewhere classified undetermined intent mental health/behavioural self-harm age10
Y13 hes_apc diag icd10 poisoning by and exposure to other drugs acting on the autonomic nervous system undetermined intent mental health/behavioural self-harm age10
Y14 hes_apc diag icd10 poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified drugs medicaments and biological substances undetermined intent mental health/behavioural self-harm age10
Y15 hes_apc diag icd10 poisoning by and exposure to alcohol undetermined intent mental health/behavioural self-harm age10
Y16 hes_apc diag icd10 poisoning by and exposure to organic solvents and halogenated hydrocarbons and their vapours undetermined intent mental health/behavioural self-harm age10
Y17 hes_apc diag icd10 poisoning by and exposure to other gases and vapours undetermined intent mental health/behavioural self-harm age10
Y18 hes_apc diag icd10 poisoning by and exposure to pesticides undetermined intent mental health/behavioural self-harm age10
Y19 hes_apc diag icd10 poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified chemicals and noxious substances undetermined intent mental health/behavioural self-harm age10
Y20 hes_apc diag icd10 hanging strangulation and suffocation undetermined intent mental health/behavioural self-harm age10
Y21 hes_apc diag icd10 drowning and submersion undetermined intent mental health/behavioural self-harm age10
Y22 hes_apc diag icd10 handgun discharge undetermined intent mental health/behavioural self-harm age10
Y23 hes_apc diag icd10 rifle shotgun and larger firearm discharge undetermined intent mental health/behavioural self-harm age10
Y24 hes_apc diag icd10 other and unspecified firearm discharge undetermined intent mental health/behavioural self-harm age10
Y25 hes_apc diag icd10 contact with explosive material undetermined intent mental health/behavioural self-harm age10
Y26 hes_apc diag icd10 exposure to smoke fire and flames undetermined intent mental health/behavioural self-harm age10
Y27 hes_apc diag icd10 contact with steam hot vapours and hot objects undetermined intent mental health/behavioural self-harm age10
Y28 hes_apc diag icd10 contact with sharp object undetermined intent mental health/behavioural self-harm age10
Y29 hes_apc diag icd10 contact with blunt object undetermined intent mental health/behavioural self-harm age10
Y30 hes_apc diag icd10 falling jumping or pushed from a high place undetermined intent mental health/behavioural self-harm age10
Y31 hes_apc diag icd10 falling lying or running before or into moving object undetermined intent mental health/behavioural self-harm age10
Y32 hes_apc diag icd10 crashing of motor vehicle undetermined intent mental health/behavioural self-harm age10
Y33 hes_apc diag icd10 other specified events undetermined intent mental health/behavioural self-harm age10
Y34 hes_apc diag icd10 unspecified event undetermined intent mental health/behavioural self-harm age10
Y87.0 hes_apc diag icd10 sequelae of intentional self-harm mental health/behavioural self-harm
Y87.2 hes_apc diag icd10 sequelae of events of undetermined intent mental health/behavioural self-harm age10
Z91.5 hes_apc diag icd10 personal history of self-harm mental health/behavioural self-harm
F00 hes_apc diag icd10 dementia in alzheimer disease mental health/behavioural other mental health
F01 hes_apc diag icd10 vascular dementia mental health/behavioural other mental health
F02.8 hes_apc diag icd10 dementia in other specified diseases classified elsewhere mental health/behavioural other mental health
F03 hes_apc diag icd10 unspecified dementia mental health/behavioural other mental health
F04 hes_apc diag icd10 organic amnesic syndrome not induced by alcohol and other psychoactive substances mental health/behavioural other mental health
F05 hes_apc diag icd10 delirium not induced by alcohol and other psychoactive substances mental health/behavioural other mental health
F06 hes_apc diag icd10 other mental disorders due to brain damage and dysfunction and to physical disease mental health/behavioural other mental health
F07 hes_apc diag icd10 personality and behavioural disorders due to brain disease damage and dysfunction mental health/behavioural other mental health
F09 hes_apc diag icd10 unspecified organic or symptomatic mental disorder mental health/behavioural other mental health
F20 hes_apc diag icd10 schizophrenia mental health/behavioural other mental health
F21 hes_apc diag icd10 schizotypal disorder mental health/behavioural other mental health
F22 hes_apc diag icd10 persistent delusional disorders mental health/behavioural other mental health
F23 hes_apc diag icd10 acute and transient psychotic disorders mental health/behavioural other mental health
F24 hes_apc diag icd10 induced delusional disorder mental health/behavioural other mental health
F25 hes_apc diag icd10 schizoaffective disorders mental health/behavioural other mental health
F28 hes_apc diag icd10 other nonorganic psychotic disorders mental health/behavioural other mental health
F29 hes_apc diag icd10 unspecified nonorganic psychosis mental health/behavioural other mental health
F30 hes_apc diag icd10 manic episode mental health/behavioural other mental health
F31 hes_apc diag icd10 bipolar affective disorder mental health/behavioural other mental health
F32 hes_apc diag icd10 depressive episode mental health/behavioural other mental health
F33 hes_apc diag icd10 recurrent depressive disorder mental health/behavioural other mental health
F34 hes_apc diag icd10 persistent mood [affective] disorders mental health/behavioural other mental health
F38 hes_apc diag icd10 other mood [affective] disorders mental health/behavioural other mental health
F39 hes_apc diag icd10 unspecified mood [affective] disorder mental health/behavioural other mental health
F40 hes_apc diag icd10 phobic anxiety disorders mental health/behavioural other mental health
F41 hes_apc diag icd10 other anxiety disorders mental health/behavioural other mental health
F42 hes_apc diag icd10 obsessive-compulsive disorder mental health/behavioural other mental health
F43 hes_apc diag icd10 reaction to severe stress and adjustment disorders mental health/behavioural other mental health
F44 hes_apc diag icd10 dissociative [conversion] disorders mental health/behavioural other mental health
F45 hes_apc diag icd10 somatoform disorders mental health/behavioural other mental health
F48 hes_apc diag icd10 other neurotic disorders mental health/behavioural other mental health
F50 hes_apc diag icd10 eating disorders mental health/behavioural other mental health
F53 hes_apc diag icd10 mental and behavioural disorders associated with the puerperium not elsewhere classified mental health/behavioural other mental health
F54 hes_apc diag icd10 psychological and behavioural factors associated with disorders or diseases classified elsewhere mental health/behavioural other mental health
F59 hes_apc diag icd10 unspecified behavioural syndromes associated with physiological disturbances and physical factors mental health/behavioural other mental health los3
F60 hes_apc diag icd10 specific personality disorders mental health/behavioural other mental health
F61 hes_apc diag icd10 mixed and other personality disorders mental health/behavioural other mental health
F62 hes_apc diag icd10 enduring personality changes not attributable to brain damage and disease mental health/behavioural other mental health
F63 hes_apc diag icd10 habit and impulse disorders mental health/behavioural other mental health
F64 hes_apc diag icd10 gender identity disorders mental health/behavioural other mental health
F65 hes_apc diag icd10 disorders of sexual preference mental health/behavioural other mental health
F66 hes_apc diag icd10 psychological and behavioural disorders associated with sexual development and orientation mental health/behavioural other mental health
F68 hes_apc diag icd10 other disorders of adult personality and behaviour mental health/behavioural other mental health
F69 hes_apc diag icd10 unspecified disorder of adult personality and behaviour mental health/behavioural other mental health
F99 hes_apc diag icd10 mental disorder not otherwise specified mental health/behavioural other mental health los3
Z09.3 hes_apc diag icd10 follow-up examination after psychotherapy mental health/behavioural other mental health los3
Z50.4 hes_apc diag icd10 psychotherapy not elsewhere classified mental health/behavioural other mental health los3
Z86.5 hes_apc diag icd10 personal history of other mental and behavioural disorders mental health/behavioural other mental health
Z91.4 hes_apc diag icd10 personal history of psychological trauma not elsewhere classified mental health/behavioural other mental health los3
F70 hes_apc diag icd10 mild mental retardation mental health/behavioural behavioural
F71 hes_apc diag icd10 moderate mental retardation mental health/behavioural behavioural
F72 hes_apc diag icd10 severe mental retardation mental health/behavioural behavioural
F73 hes_apc diag icd10 profound mental retardation mental health/behavioural behavioural
F78 hes_apc diag icd10 other mental retardation mental health/behavioural behavioural
F79 hes_apc diag icd10 unspecified mental retardation mental health/behavioural behavioural
F80.0 hes_apc diag icd10 specific speech articulation disorder mental health/behavioural behavioural
F80.1 hes_apc diag icd10 expressive language disorder mental health/behavioural behavioural
F80.2 hes_apc diag icd10 receptive language disorder mental health/behavioural behavioural
F80.8 hes_apc diag icd10 other developmental disorders of speech and language mental health/behavioural behavioural
F80.9 hes_apc diag icd10 developmental disorder of speech and language unspecified mental health/behavioural behavioural
F81 hes_apc diag icd10 specific developmental disorders of scholastic skills mental health/behavioural behavioural
F82 hes_apc diag icd10 specific developmental disorder of motor function mental health/behavioural behavioural
F83 hes_apc diag icd10 mixed specific developmental disorders mental health/behavioural behavioural
F84 hes_apc diag icd10 pervasive developmental disorders mental health/behavioural behavioural
F88 hes_apc diag icd10 other disorders of psychological development mental health/behavioural behavioural
F89 hes_apc diag icd10 unspecified disorder of psychological development mental health/behavioural behavioural
F90 hes_apc diag icd10 hyperkinetic disorders mental health/behavioural behavioural
F91 hes_apc diag icd10 conduct disorders mental health/behavioural behavioural
F92 hes_apc diag icd10 mixed disorders of conduct and emotions mental health/behavioural behavioural
F93 hes_apc diag icd10 emotional disorders with onset specific to childhood mental health/behavioural behavioural
F94 hes_apc diag icd10 disorders of social functioning with onset specific to childhood and adolescence mental health/behavioural behavioural
F95 hes_apc diag icd10 tic disorders mental health/behavioural behavioural
F98 hes_apc diag icd10 other behavioural and emotional disorders with onset usually occurring in childhood and adolescence mental health/behavioural behavioural
C00 hes_apc diag icd10 malignant neoplasm of lip cancer/blood neoplasms
C01 hes_apc diag icd10 malignant neoplasm of base of tongue cancer/blood neoplasms
C02 hes_apc diag icd10 malignant neoplasm of other and unspecified parts of tongue cancer/blood neoplasms
C03 hes_apc diag icd10 malignant neoplasm of gum cancer/blood neoplasms
C04 hes_apc diag icd10 malignant neoplasm of floor of mouth cancer/blood neoplasms
C05 hes_apc diag icd10 malignant neoplasm of palate cancer/blood neoplasms
C06 hes_apc diag icd10 malignant neoplasm of other and unspecified parts of mouth cancer/blood neoplasms
C07 hes_apc diag icd10 malignant neoplasm of parotid gland cancer/blood neoplasms
C08 hes_apc diag icd10 malignant neoplasm of other and unspecified major salivary glands cancer/blood neoplasms
C09 hes_apc diag icd10 malignant neoplasm of tonsil cancer/blood neoplasms
C10 hes_apc diag icd10 malignant neoplasm of oropharynx cancer/blood neoplasms
C11 hes_apc diag icd10 malignant neoplasm of nasopharynx cancer/blood neoplasms
C12 hes_apc diag icd10 malignant neoplasm of piriform sinus cancer/blood neoplasms
C13 hes_apc diag icd10 malignant neoplasm of hypopharynx cancer/blood neoplasms
C14 hes_apc diag icd10 malignant neoplasm of other and ill-defined sites in the lip oral cavity and pharynx cancer/blood neoplasms
C15 hes_apc diag icd10 malignant neoplasm of oesophagus cancer/blood neoplasms
C16 hes_apc diag icd10 malignant neoplasm of stomach cancer/blood neoplasms
C17 hes_apc diag icd10 malignant neoplasm of small intestine cancer/blood neoplasms
C18 hes_apc diag icd10 malignant neoplasm of colon cancer/blood neoplasms
C19 hes_apc diag icd10 malignant neoplasm of rectosigmoid junction cancer/blood neoplasms
C20 hes_apc diag icd10 malignant neoplasm of rectum cancer/blood neoplasms
C21 hes_apc diag icd10 malignant neoplasm of anus and anal canal cancer/blood neoplasms
C22 hes_apc diag icd10 malignant neoplasm of liver and intrahepatic bile ducts cancer/blood neoplasms
C23 hes_apc diag icd10 malignant neoplasm of gallbladder cancer/blood neoplasms
C24 hes_apc diag icd10 malignant neoplasm of other and unspecified parts of biliary tract cancer/blood neoplasms
C25 hes_apc diag icd10 malignant neoplasm of pancreas cancer/blood neoplasms
C26 hes_apc diag icd10 malignant neoplasm of other and ill-defined digestive organs cancer/blood neoplasms
C30 hes_apc diag icd10 malignant neoplasm of nasal cavity and middle ear cancer/blood neoplasms
C31 hes_apc diag icd10 malignant neoplasm of accessory sinuses cancer/blood neoplasms
C32 hes_apc diag icd10 malignant neoplasm of larynx cancer/blood neoplasms
C33 hes_apc diag icd10 malignant neoplasm of trachea cancer/blood neoplasms
C34 hes_apc diag icd10 malignant neoplasm of bronchus and lung cancer/blood neoplasms
C37 hes_apc diag icd10 malignant neoplasm of thymus cancer/blood neoplasms
C38 hes_apc diag icd10 malignant neoplasm of heart mediastinum and pleura cancer/blood neoplasms
C39 hes_apc diag icd10 malignant neoplasm of other and ill-defined sites in the respiratory system and intrathoracic organs cancer/blood neoplasms
C40 hes_apc diag icd10 malignant neoplasm of bone and articular cartilage of limbs cancer/blood neoplasms
C41 hes_apc diag icd10 malignant neoplasm of bone and articular cartilage of other and unspecified sites cancer/blood neoplasms
C43 hes_apc diag icd10 malignant melanoma of skin cancer/blood neoplasms
C44 hes_apc diag icd10 other malignant neoplasms of skin cancer/blood neoplasms
C45 hes_apc diag icd10 mesothelioma cancer/blood neoplasms
C46 hes_apc diag icd10 kaposi sarcoma cancer/blood neoplasms
C47 hes_apc diag icd10 malignant neoplasm of peripheral nerves and autonomic nervous system cancer/blood neoplasms
C48 hes_apc diag icd10 malignant neoplasm of retroperitoneum and peritoneum cancer/blood neoplasms
C49 hes_apc diag icd10 malignant neoplasm of other connective and soft tissue cancer/blood neoplasms
C50 hes_apc diag icd10 malignant neoplasm of breast cancer/blood neoplasms
C51 hes_apc diag icd10 malignant neoplasm of vulva cancer/blood neoplasms
C52 hes_apc diag icd10 malignant neoplasm of vagina cancer/blood neoplasms
C53 hes_apc diag icd10 malignant neoplasm of cervix uteri cancer/blood neoplasms
C54 hes_apc diag icd10 malignant neoplasm of corpus uteri cancer/blood neoplasms
C55 hes_apc diag icd10 malignant neoplasm of uterus part unspecified cancer/blood neoplasms
C56 hes_apc diag icd10 malignant neoplasm of ovary cancer/blood neoplasms
C57 hes_apc diag icd10 malignant neoplasm of other and unspecified female genital organs cancer/blood neoplasms
C58 hes_apc diag icd10 malignant neoplasm of placenta cancer/blood neoplasms
C60 hes_apc diag icd10 malignant neoplasm of penis cancer/blood neoplasms
C61 hes_apc diag icd10 malignant neoplasm of prostate cancer/blood neoplasms
C62 hes_apc diag icd10 malignant neoplasm of testis cancer/blood neoplasms
C63 hes_apc diag icd10 malignant neoplasm of other and unspecified male genital organs cancer/blood neoplasms
C64 hes_apc diag icd10 malignant neoplasm of kidney except renal pelvis cancer/blood neoplasms
C65 hes_apc diag icd10 malignant neoplasm of renal pelvis cancer/blood neoplasms
C66 hes_apc diag icd10 malignant neoplasm of ureter cancer/blood neoplasms
C67 hes_apc diag icd10 malignant neoplasm of bladder cancer/blood neoplasms
C68 hes_apc diag icd10 malignant neoplasm of other and unspecified urinary organs cancer/blood neoplasms
C69 hes_apc diag icd10 malignant neoplasm of eye and adnexa cancer/blood neoplasms
C70 hes_apc diag icd10 malignant neoplasm of meninges cancer/blood neoplasms
C71 hes_apc diag icd10 malignant neoplasm of brain cancer/blood neoplasms
C72 hes_apc diag icd10 malignant neoplasm of spinal cord cranial nerves and other parts of central nervous system cancer/blood neoplasms
C73 hes_apc diag icd10 malignant neoplasm of thyroid gland cancer/blood neoplasms
C74 hes_apc diag icd10 malignant neoplasm of adrenal gland cancer/blood neoplasms
C75 hes_apc diag icd10 malignant neoplasm of other endocrine glands and related structures cancer/blood neoplasms
C76 hes_apc diag icd10 malignant neoplasm of other and ill-defined sites cancer/blood neoplasms
C77 hes_apc diag icd10 secondary and unspecified malignant neoplasm of lymph nodes cancer/blood neoplasms
C78 hes_apc diag icd10 secondary malignant neoplasm of respiratory and digestive organs cancer/blood neoplasms
C79 hes_apc diag icd10 secondary malignant neoplasm of other and unspecified sites cancer/blood neoplasms
C80 hes_apc diag icd10 malignant neoplasm without specification of site cancer/blood neoplasms
C81 hes_apc diag icd10 hodgkin lymphoma cancer/blood neoplasms
C82 hes_apc diag icd10 follicular lymphoma cancer/blood neoplasms
C83 hes_apc diag icd10 non-follicular lymphoma cancer/blood neoplasms
C84 hes_apc diag icd10 mature t/nk-cell lymphomas cancer/blood neoplasms
C85 hes_apc diag icd10 other and unspecified types of non-hodgkin lymphoma cancer/blood neoplasms
C86 hes_apc diag icd10 other specified types of t/nk-cell lymphoma cancer/blood neoplasms
C88 hes_apc diag icd10 malignant immunoproliferative diseases cancer/blood neoplasms
C90 hes_apc diag icd10 multiple myeloma and malignant plasma cell neoplasms cancer/blood neoplasms
C91 hes_apc diag icd10 lymphoid leukaemia cancer/blood neoplasms
C92 hes_apc diag icd10 myeloid leukaemia cancer/blood neoplasms
C93 hes_apc diag icd10 monocytic leukaemia cancer/blood neoplasms
C94 hes_apc diag icd10 other leukaemias of specified cell type cancer/blood neoplasms
C95 hes_apc diag icd10 leukaemia of unspecified cell type cancer/blood neoplasms
C96 hes_apc diag icd10 other and unspecified malignant neoplasms of lymphoid haematopoietic and related tissue cancer/blood neoplasms
C97 hes_apc diag icd10 malignant neoplasms of independent (primary) multiple sites cancer/blood neoplasms
D00 hes_apc diag icd10 carcinoma in situ of oral cavity oesophagus and stomach cancer/blood neoplasms
D01 hes_apc diag icd10 carcinoma in situ of other and unspecified digestive organs cancer/blood neoplasms
D02 hes_apc diag icd10 carcinoma in situ of middle ear and respiratory system cancer/blood neoplasms
D05 hes_apc diag icd10 carcinoma in situ of breast cancer/blood neoplasms
D06 hes_apc diag icd10 carcinoma in situ of cervix uteri cancer/blood neoplasms
D07 hes_apc diag icd10 carcinoma in situ of other and unspecified genital organs cancer/blood neoplasms
D09 hes_apc diag icd10 carcinoma in situ of other and unspecified sites cancer/blood neoplasms
D12 hes_apc diag icd10 benign neoplasm of colon rectum anus and anal canal cancer/blood neoplasms
D13 hes_apc diag icd10 benign neoplasm of other and ill-defined parts of digestive system cancer/blood neoplasms
D14.1 hes_apc diag icd10 benign neoplasm: larynx cancer/blood neoplasms
D14.2 hes_apc diag icd10 benign neoplasm: trachea cancer/blood neoplasms
D14.3 hes_apc diag icd10 benign neoplasm: bronchus and lung cancer/blood neoplasms
D14.4 hes_apc diag icd10 benign neoplasm: respiratory system unspecified cancer/blood neoplasms
D15 hes_apc diag icd10 benign neoplasm of other and unspecified intrathoracic organs cancer/blood neoplasms
D20 hes_apc diag icd10 benign neoplasm of soft tissue of retroperitoneum and peritoneum cancer/blood neoplasms
D32 hes_apc diag icd10 benign neoplasm of meninges cancer/blood neoplasms
D33 hes_apc diag icd10 benign neoplasm of brain and other parts of central nervous system cancer/blood neoplasms
D34 hes_apc diag icd10 benign neoplasm of thyroid gland cancer/blood neoplasms
D35 hes_apc diag icd10 benign neoplasm of other and unspecified endocrine glands cancer/blood neoplasms
D37 hes_apc diag icd10 neoplasm of uncertain or unknown behaviour of oral cavity and digestive organs cancer/blood neoplasms
D38 hes_apc diag icd10 neoplasm of uncertain or unknown behaviour of middle ear and respiratory and intrathoracic organs cancer/blood neoplasms
D39 hes_apc diag icd10 neoplasm of uncertain or unknown behaviour of female genital organs cancer/blood neoplasms
D40 hes_apc diag icd10 neoplasm of uncertain or unknown behaviour of male genital organs cancer/blood neoplasms
D41 hes_apc diag icd10 neoplasm of uncertain or unknown behaviour of urinary organs cancer/blood neoplasms
D42 hes_apc diag icd10 neoplasm of uncertain or unknown behaviour of meninges cancer/blood neoplasms
D43 hes_apc diag icd10 neoplasm of uncertain or unknown behaviour of brain and central nervous system cancer/blood neoplasms
D44 hes_apc diag icd10 neoplasm of uncertain or unknown behaviour of endocrine glands cancer/blood neoplasms
D45 hes_apc diag icd10 polycythaemia vera cancer/blood neoplasms
D46 hes_apc diag icd10 myelodysplastic syndromes cancer/blood neoplasms
D47 hes_apc diag icd10 other neoplasms of uncertain or unknown behaviour of lymphoid haematopoietic and related tissue cancer/blood neoplasms
D48 hes_apc diag icd10 neoplasm of uncertain or unknown behaviour of other and unspecified sites cancer/blood neoplasms
D63.0 hes_apc diag icd10 anaemia in neoplastic disease cancer/blood neoplasms
E34.0 hes_apc diag icd10 carcinoid syndrome cancer/blood neoplasms
E88.3 hes_apc diag icd10 tumour lysis syndrome cancer/blood neoplasms
G13.0 hes_apc diag icd10 paraneoplastic neuromyopathy and neuropathy cancer/blood neoplasms
G13.1 hes_apc diag icd10 other systemic atrophy primarily affecting central nervous system in neoplastic disease cancer/blood neoplasms
G53.3 hes_apc diag icd10 multiple cranial nerve palsies in neoplastic disease cancer/blood neoplasms
G55.0 hes_apc diag icd10 nerve root and plexus compressions in neoplastic disease cancer/blood neoplasms
G63.1 hes_apc diag icd10 polyneuropathy in neoplastic disease cancer/blood neoplasms
G73.1 hes_apc diag icd10 lambert-eaton syndrome cancer/blood neoplasms
G73.2 hes_apc diag icd10 other myasthenic syndromes in neoplastic disease cancer/blood neoplasms
G94.1 hes_apc diag icd10 hydrocephalus in neoplastic disease cancer/blood neoplasms
M36.0 hes_apc diag icd10 dermato(poly)myositis in neoplastic disease cancer/blood neoplasms
M36.1 hes_apc diag icd10 arthropathy in neoplastic disease cancer/blood neoplasms
M49.5 hes_apc diag icd10 collapsed vertebra in diseases classified elsewhere cancer/blood neoplasms
M82.0 hes_apc diag icd10 osteoporosis in multiple myelomatosis cancer/blood neoplasms
M90.6 hes_apc diag icd10 osteitis deformans in neoplastic disease cancer/blood neoplasms
M90.7 hes_apc diag icd10 fracture of bone in neoplastic disease cancer/blood neoplasms
N08.1 hes_apc diag icd10 glomerular disorders in neoplastic diseases cancer/blood neoplasms
N16.1 hes_apc diag icd10 renal tubulo-interstitial disorders in neoplastic diseases cancer/blood neoplasms
Y43.1 hes_apc diag icd10 antineoplastic antimetabolites cancer/blood neoplasms
Y43.2 hes_apc diag icd10 antineoplastic natural products cancer/blood neoplasms
Y43.3 hes_apc diag icd10 other antineoplastic drugs cancer/blood neoplasms
Y84.2 hes_apc diag icd10 radiological procedure and radiotherapy cancer/blood neoplasms
Z08 hes_apc diag icd10 follow-up examination after treatment for malignant neoplasms cancer/blood neoplasms
Z51.0 hes_apc diag icd10 radiotherapy session cancer/blood neoplasms
Z51.1 hes_apc diag icd10 chemotherapy session for neoplasm cancer/blood neoplasms
Z51.2 hes_apc diag icd10 other chemotherapy cancer/blood neoplasms
Z54.1 hes_apc diag icd10 convalescence following radiotherapy cancer/blood neoplasms
Z54.2 hes_apc diag icd10 convalescence following chemotherapy cancer/blood neoplasms
Z85 hes_apc diag icd10 personal history of malignant neoplasm cancer/blood neoplasms
Z86.0 hes_apc diag icd10 personal history of other neoplasms cancer/blood neoplasms
Z92.3 hes_apc diag icd10 personal history of irradiation cancer/blood neoplasms
D80 hes_apc diag icd10 immunodeficiency with predominantly antibody defects cancer/blood immunologicla disorders
D81 hes_apc diag icd10 combined immunodeficiencies cancer/blood immunologicla disorders
D82 hes_apc diag icd10 immunodeficiency associated with other major defects cancer/blood immunologicla disorders
D83 hes_apc diag icd10 common variable immunodeficiency cancer/blood immunologicla disorders
D84 hes_apc diag icd10 other immunodeficiencies cancer/blood immunologicla disorders
G53.2 hes_apc diag icd10 multiple cranial nerve palsies in sarcoidosis cancer/blood immunologicla disorders
Q98.0 hes_apc diag icd10 klinefelter syndrome karyotype 47xxy cancer/blood immunologicla disorders
D50 hes_apc diag icd10 iron deficiency anaemia cancer/blood anaemia and other blood disorders los3
D56.0 hes_apc diag icd10 alpha thalassaemia cancer/blood anaemia and other blood disorders
D56.1 hes_apc diag icd10 beta thalassaemia cancer/blood anaemia and other blood disorders
D56.2 hes_apc diag icd10 delta-beta thalassaemia cancer/blood anaemia and other blood disorders
D56.4 hes_apc diag icd10 hereditary persistence of fetal haemoglobin [hpfh] cancer/blood anaemia and other blood disorders
D56.8 hes_apc diag icd10 other thalassaemias cancer/blood anaemia and other blood disorders
D56.9 hes_apc diag icd10 thalassaemia unspecified cancer/blood anaemia and other blood disorders
D57.0 hes_apc diag icd10 sickle-cell anaemia with crisis cancer/blood anaemia and other blood disorders
D57.1 hes_apc diag icd10 sickle-cell anaemia without crisis cancer/blood anaemia and other blood disorders
D57.2 hes_apc diag icd10 double heterozygous sickling disorders cancer/blood anaemia and other blood disorders
D57.8 hes_apc diag icd10 other sickle-cell disorders cancer/blood anaemia and other blood disorders
D58 hes_apc diag icd10 other hereditary haemolytic anaemias cancer/blood anaemia and other blood disorders
D61.0 hes_apc diag icd10 constitutional aplastic anaemia cancer/blood anaemia and other blood disorders
D61.9 hes_apc diag icd10 aplastic anaemia unspecified cancer/blood anaemia and other blood disorders
D64 hes_apc diag icd10 other anaemias cancer/blood anaemia and other blood disorders los3
D66 hes_apc diag icd10 hereditary factor viii deficiency cancer/blood anaemia and other blood disorders
D67 hes_apc diag icd10 hereditary factor ix deficiency cancer/blood anaemia and other blood disorders
D68.0 hes_apc diag icd10 von willebrand disease cancer/blood anaemia and other blood disorders
D68.1 hes_apc diag icd10 hereditary factor xi deficiency cancer/blood anaemia and other blood disorders
D68.2 hes_apc diag icd10 hereditary deficiency of other clotting factors cancer/blood anaemia and other blood disorders
D68.4 hes_apc diag icd10 acquired coagulation factor deficiency cancer/blood anaemia and other blood disorders
D68.5 hes_apc diag icd10 primary thrombophilia cancer/blood anaemia and other blood disorders
D68.6 hes_apc diag icd10 other thrombophilia cancer/blood anaemia and other blood disorders
D68.8 hes_apc diag icd10 other specified coagulation defects cancer/blood anaemia and other blood disorders
D68.9 hes_apc diag icd10 coagulation defect unspecified cancer/blood anaemia and other blood disorders
D69 hes_apc diag icd10 purpura and other haemorrhagic conditions cancer/blood anaemia and other blood disorders
D70 hes_apc diag icd10 agranulocytosis cancer/blood anaemia and other blood disorders
D71 hes_apc diag icd10 functional disorders of polymorphonuclear neutrophils cancer/blood anaemia and other blood disorders
D72 hes_apc diag icd10 other disorders of white blood cells cancer/blood anaemia and other blood disorders
D73 hes_apc diag icd10 diseases of spleen cancer/blood anaemia and other blood disorders
D74 hes_apc diag icd10 methaemoglobinaemia cancer/blood anaemia and other blood disorders
D75 hes_apc diag icd10 other diseases of blood and blood-forming organs cancer/blood anaemia and other blood disorders
D76 hes_apc diag icd10 other specified diseases with participation of lymphoreticular and reticulohistiocytic tissue cancer/blood anaemia and other blood disorders
M36.2 hes_apc diag icd10 haemophilic arthropathy cancer/blood anaemia and other blood disorders
M36.3 hes_apc diag icd10 arthropathy in other blood disorders cancer/blood anaemia and other blood disorders
M36.4 hes_apc diag icd10 arthropathy in hypersensitivity reactions classified elsewhere cancer/blood anaemia and other blood disorders
M90.4 hes_apc diag icd10 osteonecrosis due to haemoglobinopathy cancer/blood anaemia and other blood disorders
N08.2 hes_apc diag icd10 glomerular disorders in blood diseases and disorders involving the immune mechanism cancer/blood anaemia and other blood disorders
Z86.2 hes_apc diag icd10 personal history of diseases of the blood and blood-forming organs and certain disorders involving the immune mechanism cancer/blood anaemia and other blood disorders
B20 hes_apc diag icd10 human immunodeficiency virus [hiv] disease resulting in infectious and parasitic diseases chronic infections hiv
B21 hes_apc diag icd10 human immunodeficiency virus [hiv] disease resulting in malignant neoplasms chronic infections hiv
B22 hes_apc diag icd10 human immunodeficiency virus [hiv] disease resulting in other specified diseases chronic infections hiv
B23 hes_apc diag icd10 human immunodeficiency virus [hiv] disease resulting in other conditions chronic infections hiv
B24 hes_apc diag icd10 unspecified human immunodeficiency virus [hiv] disease chronic infections hiv
F02.4 hes_apc diag icd10 dementia in human immunodeficiency virus [hiv] disease chronic infections hiv
R75 hes_apc diag icd10 laboratory evidence of human immunodeficiency virus [hiv] chronic infections hiv
Z21 hes_apc diag icd10 asymptomatic human immunodeficiency virus [hiv] infection status chronic infections hiv
A15 hes_apc diag icd10 respiratory tuberculosis bacteriologically and histologically confirmed chronic infections tuberculosis
A16 hes_apc diag icd10 respiratory tuberculosis not confirmed bacteriologically or histologically chronic infections tuberculosis
A17 hes_apc diag icd10 tuberculosis of nervous system chronic infections tuberculosis
A18 hes_apc diag icd10 tuberculosis of other organs chronic infections tuberculosis
A19 hes_apc diag icd10 miliary tuberculosis chronic infections tuberculosis
E35.0 hes_apc diag icd10 disorders of thyroid gland in diseases classified elsewhere chronic infections tuberculosis
K23.0 hes_apc diag icd10 tuberculous oesophagitis chronic infections tuberculosis
K67.3 hes_apc diag icd10 tuberculous peritonitis chronic infections tuberculosis
K93.0 hes_apc diag icd10 tuberculous disorders of intestines peritoneum and mesenteric glands chronic infections tuberculosis
M01.1 hes_apc diag icd10 tuberculous arthritis chronic infections tuberculosis
M49.0 hes_apc diag icd10 tuberculosis of spine chronic infections tuberculosis
P37.0 hes_apc diag icd10 congenital tuberculosis chronic infections tuberculosis
A50 hes_apc diag icd10 congenital syphilis chronic infections other [chronic infections]
A81 hes_apc diag icd10 atypical virus infections of central nervous system chronic infections other [chronic infections]
B18 hes_apc diag icd10 chronic viral hepatitis chronic infections other [chronic infections]
B37.1 hes_apc diag icd10 pulmonary candidiasis chronic infections other [chronic infections]
B37.5 hes_apc diag icd10 candidal meningitis chronic infections other [chronic infections]
B37.6 hes_apc diag icd10 candidal endocarditis chronic infections other [chronic infections]
B37.7 hes_apc diag icd10 candidal sepsis chronic infections other [chronic infections]
B38.1 hes_apc diag icd10 chronic pulmonary coccidioidomycosis chronic infections other [chronic infections]
B39.1 hes_apc diag icd10 chronic pulmonary histoplasmosis capsulati chronic infections other [chronic infections]
B40.1 hes_apc diag icd10 chronic pulmonary blastomycosis chronic infections other [chronic infections]
B44.0 hes_apc diag icd10 invasive pulmonary aspergillosis chronic infections other [chronic infections]
B44.7 hes_apc diag icd10 disseminated aspergillosis chronic infections other [chronic infections]
B45 hes_apc diag icd10 cryptococcosis chronic infections other [chronic infections]
B46 hes_apc diag icd10 zygomycosis chronic infections other [chronic infections]
B48.7 hes_apc diag icd10 opportunistic mycoses chronic infections other [chronic infections]
B50.0 hes_apc diag icd10 plasmodium falciparum malaria with cerebral complications chronic infections other [chronic infections]
B50.8 hes_apc diag icd10 other severe and complicated plasmodium falciparum malaria chronic infections other [chronic infections] los3
B51.0 hes_apc diag icd10 plasmodium vivax malaria with rupture of spleen chronic infections other [chronic infections]
B51.8 hes_apc diag icd10 plasmodium vivax malaria with other complications chronic infections other [chronic infections] los3
B52.8 hes_apc diag icd10 plasmodium malariae malaria with other complications chronic infections other [chronic infections] los3
B52.0 hes_apc diag icd10 plasmodium malariae malaria with nephropathy chronic infections other [chronic infections]
B55 hes_apc diag icd10 leishmaniasis chronic infections other [chronic infections]
B57.2 hes_apc diag icd10 chagas disease (chronic) with heart involvement chronic infections other [chronic infections]
B57.3 hes_apc diag icd10 chagas disease (chronic) with digestive system involvement chronic infections other [chronic infections]
B57.4 hes_apc diag icd10 chagas disease (chronic) with nervous system involvement chronic infections other [chronic infections]
B57.5 hes_apc diag icd10 chagas disease (chronic) with other organ involvement chronic infections other [chronic infections]
B58.0 hes_apc diag icd10 toxoplasma oculopathy chronic infections other [chronic infections]
B59 hes_apc diag icd10 pneumocystosis chronic infections other [chronic infections]
B67 hes_apc diag icd10 echinococcosis chronic infections other [chronic infections]
B69 hes_apc diag icd10 cysticercosis chronic infections other [chronic infections]
B73 hes_apc diag icd10 onchocerciasis chronic infections other [chronic infections]
B74 hes_apc diag icd10 filariasis chronic infections other [chronic infections]
B78.7 hes_apc diag icd10 disseminated strongyloidiasis chronic infections other [chronic infections]
B90 hes_apc diag icd10 sequelae of tuberculosis chronic infections other [chronic infections]
B91 hes_apc diag icd10 sequelae of poliomyelitis chronic infections other [chronic infections]
B92 hes_apc diag icd10 sequelae of leprosy chronic infections other [chronic infections]
B94 hes_apc diag icd10 sequelae of other and unspecified infectious and parasitic diseases chronic infections other [chronic infections]
F02.1 hes_apc diag icd10 dementia in creutzfeldt-jakob disease chronic infections other [chronic infections]
K23.1 hes_apc diag icd10 megaoesophagus in chagas disease chronic infections other [chronic infections]
K93.1 hes_apc diag icd10 megacolon in chagas disease chronic infections other [chronic infections]
M00 hes_apc diag icd10 pyogenic arthritis chronic infections other [chronic infections]
N33.0 hes_apc diag icd10 tuberculous cystitis chronic infections other [chronic infections]
P35.0 hes_apc diag icd10 congenital rubella syndrome chronic infections other [chronic infections]
P35.1 hes_apc diag icd10 congenital cytomegalovirus infection chronic infections other [chronic infections]
P35.2 hes_apc diag icd10 congenital herpesviral [herpes simplex] infection chronic infections other [chronic infections]
P35.8 hes_apc diag icd10 other congenital viral diseases chronic infections other [chronic infections]
P35.9 hes_apc diag icd10 congenital viral disease unspecified chronic infections other [chronic infections]
P37.1 hes_apc diag icd10 congenital toxoplasmosis chronic infections other [chronic infections]
J41 hes_apc diag icd10 simple and mucopurulent chronic bronchitis respiratory asthma and chronic lower respiratory disease
J42 hes_apc diag icd10 unspecified chronic bronchitis respiratory asthma and chronic lower respiratory disease
J43 hes_apc diag icd10 emphysema respiratory asthma and chronic lower respiratory disease
J44 hes_apc diag icd10 other chronic obstructive pulmonary disease respiratory asthma and chronic lower respiratory disease
J45 hes_apc diag icd10 asthma respiratory asthma and chronic lower respiratory disease
J46 hes_apc diag icd10 status asthmaticus respiratory asthma and chronic lower respiratory disease
J47 hes_apc diag icd10 bronchiectasis respiratory asthma and chronic lower respiratory disease
E84 hes_apc diag icd10 cystic fibrosis respiratory cystic fibrosis
P75 hes_apc diag icd10 meconium ileus in cystic fibrosis respiratory cystic fibrosis
S17 hes_apc diag icd10 crushing injury of neck respiratory injuries los3
S27 hes_apc diag icd10 injury of other and unspecified intrathoracic organs respiratory injuries los3
S28 hes_apc diag icd10 crushing injury of thorax and traumatic amputation of part of thorax respiratory injuries los3
T27 hes_apc diag icd10 burn and corrosion of respiratory tract respiratory injuries los3
T91.4 hes_apc diag icd10 sequelae of injury of intrathoracic organs respiratory injuries los3
Q30 hes_apc diag icd10 congenital malformations of nose respiratory congenital anomalies
Q31 hes_apc diag icd10 congenital malformations of larynx respiratory congenital anomalies
Q32 hes_apc diag icd10 congenital malformations of trachea and bronchus respiratory congenital anomalies
Q33 hes_apc diag icd10 congenital malformations of lung respiratory congenital anomalies
Q34 hes_apc diag icd10 other congenital malformations of respiratory system respiratory congenital anomalies
Q35 hes_apc diag icd10 cleft palate respiratory congenital anomalies
Q36 hes_apc diag icd10 cleft lip respiratory congenital anomalies
Q37 hes_apc diag icd10 cleft palate with cleft lip respiratory congenital anomalies
Q79.0 hes_apc diag icd10 congenital diaphragmatic hernia respiratory congenital anomalies
G47.3 hes_apc diag icd10 sleep apnoea respiratory other [respiratory]
J60 hes_apc diag icd10 coalworker pneumoconiosis respiratory other [respiratory]
J61 hes_apc diag icd10 pneumoconiosis due to asbestos and other mineral fibres respiratory other [respiratory]
J62 hes_apc diag icd10 pneumoconiosis due to dust containing silica respiratory other [respiratory]
J63 hes_apc diag icd10 pneumoconiosis due to other inorganic dusts respiratory other [respiratory]
J64 hes_apc diag icd10 unspecified pneumoconiosis respiratory other [respiratory]
J65 hes_apc diag icd10 pneumoconiosis associated with tuberculosis respiratory other [respiratory]
J66 hes_apc diag icd10 airway disease due to specific organic dust respiratory other [respiratory]
J67 hes_apc diag icd10 hypersensitivity pneumonitis due to organic dust respiratory other [respiratory]
J68 hes_apc diag icd10 respiratory conditions due to inhalation of chemicals gases fumes and vapours respiratory other [respiratory]
J69 hes_apc diag icd10 pneumonitis due to solids and liquids respiratory other [respiratory]
J70 hes_apc diag icd10 respiratory conditions due to other external agents respiratory other [respiratory]
J80 hes_apc diag icd10 adult respiratory distress syndrome respiratory other [respiratory]
J81 hes_apc diag icd10 pulmonary oedema respiratory other [respiratory]
J82 hes_apc diag icd10 pulmonary eosinophilia not elsewhere classified respiratory other [respiratory]
J84 hes_apc diag icd10 other interstitial pulmonary diseases respiratory other [respiratory]
J85 hes_apc diag icd10 abscess of lung and mediastinum respiratory other [respiratory]
J86 hes_apc diag icd10 pyothorax respiratory other [respiratory]
J96.1 hes_apc diag icd10 chronic respiratory failure respiratory other [respiratory]
J98 hes_apc diag icd10 other respiratory disorders respiratory other [respiratory]
P27 hes_apc diag icd10 chronic respiratory disease originating in the perinatal period respiratory other [respiratory]
Y55.6 hes_apc diag icd10 antiasthmatics not elsewhere classified respiratory other [respiratory]
Z43.0 hes_apc diag icd10 attention to tracheostomy respiratory other [respiratory]
Z93.0 hes_apc diag icd10 tracheostomy status respiratory other [respiratory]
Z94.2 hes_apc diag icd10 lung transplant status respiratory other [respiratory]
E10 hes_apc diag icd10 type 1 diabetes mellitus metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary diabetes
E11 hes_apc diag icd10 type 2 diabetes mellitus metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary diabetes
E12 hes_apc diag icd10 malnutrition-related diabetes mellitus metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary diabetes
E13 hes_apc diag icd10 other specified diabetes mellitus metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary diabetes
E14 hes_apc diag icd10 unspecified diabetes mellitus metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary diabetes
G59.0 hes_apc diag icd10 diabetic mononeuropathy metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary diabetes
G63.2 hes_apc diag icd10 diabetic polyneuropathy metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary diabetes
I79.2 hes_apc diag icd10 peripheral angiopathy in diseases classified elsewhere metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary diabetes
M14.2 hes_apc diag icd10 diabetic arthropathy metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary diabetes
N08.3 hes_apc diag icd10 glomerular disorders in diabetes mellitus metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary diabetes
O24 hes_apc diag icd10 diabetes mellitus in pregnancy metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary diabetes
Y42.3 hes_apc diag icd10 insulin and oral hypoglycaemic [antidiabetic] drugs metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary diabetes
E00 hes_apc diag icd10 congenital iodine-deficiency syndrome metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary other endocrine
E03.0 hes_apc diag icd10 congenital hypothyroidism with diffuse goitre metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary other endocrine
E03.1 hes_apc diag icd10 congenital hypothyroidism without goitre metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary other endocrine
E07.1 hes_apc diag icd10 dyshormogenetic goitre metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary other endocrine
E22.0 hes_apc diag icd10 acromegaly and pituitary gigantism metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary other endocrine
E23.0 hes_apc diag icd10 hypopituitarism metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary other endocrine
E25 hes_apc diag icd10 adrenogenital disorders metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary other endocrine
E26.8 hes_apc diag icd10 other hyperaldosteronism metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary other endocrine
E29.1 hes_apc diag icd10 testicular hypofunction metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary other endocrine
E31 hes_apc diag icd10 polyglandular dysfunction metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary other endocrine
E34.1 hes_apc diag icd10 other hypersecretion of intestinal hormones metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary other endocrine
E34.2 hes_apc diag icd10 ectopic hormone secretion not elsewhere classified metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary other endocrine
E34.5 hes_apc diag icd10 androgen resistance syndrome metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary other endocrine
E34.8 hes_apc diag icd10 other specified endocrine disorders metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary other endocrine
G13.2 hes_apc diag icd10 systemic atrophy primarily affecting central nervous system in myxoedema metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary other endocrine
G73.5 hes_apc diag icd10 myopathy in endocrine diseases metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary other endocrine
Y42.1 hes_apc diag icd10 thyroid hormones and substitutes metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary other endocrine
D55 hes_apc diag icd10 anaemia due to enzyme disorders metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary metabolic
E70 hes_apc diag icd10 disorders of aromatic amino-acid metabolism metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary metabolic
E71 hes_apc diag icd10 disorders of branched-chain amino-acid metabolism and fatty-acid metabolism metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary metabolic
E72 hes_apc diag icd10 other disorders of amino-acid metabolism metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary metabolic
E74 hes_apc diag icd10 other disorders of carbohydrate metabolism metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary metabolic
E75 hes_apc diag icd10 disorders of sphingolipid metabolism and other lipid storage disorders metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary metabolic
E76 hes_apc diag icd10 disorders of glycosaminoglycan metabolism metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary metabolic
E77 hes_apc diag icd10 disorders of glycoprotein metabolism metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary metabolic
E78 hes_apc diag icd10 disorders of lipoprotein metabolism and other lipidaemias metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary metabolic
E79.1 hes_apc diag icd10 lesch-nyhan syndrome metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary metabolic
E79.8 hes_apc diag icd10 other disorders of purine and pyrimidine metabolism metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary metabolic
E79.9 hes_apc diag icd10 disorder of purine and pyrimidine metabolism unspecified metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary metabolic
E80.0 hes_apc diag icd10 hereditary erythropoietic porphyria metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary metabolic
E80.1 hes_apc diag icd10 porphyria cutanea tarda metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary metabolic
E80.2 hes_apc diag icd10 other porphyria metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary metabolic
E80.3 hes_apc diag icd10 defects of catalase and peroxidase metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary metabolic
E80.5 hes_apc diag icd10 crigler-najjar syndrome metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary metabolic
E80.7 hes_apc diag icd10 disorder of bilirubin metabolism unspecified metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary metabolic
E83 hes_apc diag icd10 disorders of mineral metabolism metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary metabolic
E85 hes_apc diag icd10 amyloidosis metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary metabolic
E88.0 hes_apc diag icd10 disorders of plasma-protein metabolism not elsewhere classified metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary metabolic
E88.1 hes_apc diag icd10 lipodystrophy not elsewhere classified metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary metabolic
E88.2 hes_apc diag icd10 lipomatosis not elsewhere classified metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary metabolic los3
E88.8 hes_apc diag icd10 other specified metabolic disorders metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary metabolic
E88.9 hes_apc diag icd10 metabolic disorder unspecified metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary metabolic
G73.6 hes_apc diag icd10 myopathy in metabolic diseases metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary metabolic
L99.0 hes_apc diag icd10 amyloidosis of skin metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary metabolic
M14.4 hes_apc diag icd10 arthropathy in amyloidosis metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary metabolic
M14.3 hes_apc diag icd10 lipoid dermatoarthritis metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary metabolic
N16.3 hes_apc diag icd10 renal tubulo-interstitial disorders in metabolic diseases metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary metabolic
K20 hes_apc diag icd10 oesophagitis metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary digestive
K21.0 hes_apc diag icd10 gastro-oesophageal reflux disease with oesophagitis metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary digestive
K22 hes_apc diag icd10 other diseases of oesophagus metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary digestive
K23.8 hes_apc diag icd10 disorders of oesophagus in other diseases classified elsewhere metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary digestive
K25 hes_apc diag icd10 gastric ulcer metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary digestive
K26 hes_apc diag icd10 duodenal ulcer metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary digestive
K27 hes_apc diag icd10 peptic ulcer site unspecified metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary digestive
K28 hes_apc diag icd10 gastrojejunal ulcer metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary digestive
K29.0 hes_apc diag icd10 acute haemorrhagic gastritis metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary digestive
K29.1 hes_apc diag icd10 other acute gastritis metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary digestive
K29.3 hes_apc diag icd10 chronic superficial gastritis metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary digestive
K29.4 hes_apc diag icd10 chronic atrophic gastritis metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary digestive
K29.5 hes_apc diag icd10 chronic gastritis unspecified metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary digestive
K29.6 hes_apc diag icd10 other gastritis metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary digestive
K29.7 hes_apc diag icd10 gastritis unspecified metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary digestive
K29.8 hes_apc diag icd10 duodenitis metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary digestive
K29.9 hes_apc diag icd10 gastroduodenitis unspecified metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary digestive
K31 hes_apc diag icd10 other diseases of stomach and duodenum metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary digestive
K50 hes_apc diag icd10 crohn disease [regional enteritis] metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary digestive
K51 hes_apc diag icd10 ulcerative colitis metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary digestive
K52 hes_apc diag icd10 other noninfective gastroenteritis and colitis metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary digestive
K55 hes_apc diag icd10 vascular disorders of intestine metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary digestive
K57 hes_apc diag icd10 diverticular disease of intestine metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary digestive
K59.2 hes_apc diag icd10 neurogenic bowel not elsewhere classified metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary digestive
K63.0 hes_apc diag icd10 abscess of intestine metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary digestive
K63.1 hes_apc diag icd10 perforation of intestine (nontraumatic) metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary digestive
K63.2 hes_apc diag icd10 fistula of intestine metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary digestive
K63.3 hes_apc diag icd10 ulcer of intestine metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary digestive
K66 hes_apc diag icd10 other disorders of peritoneum metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary digestive
K72 hes_apc diag icd10 hepatic failure not elsewhere classified metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary digestive
K73 hes_apc diag icd10 chronic hepatitis not elsewhere classified metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary digestive
K74 hes_apc diag icd10 fibrosis and cirrhosis of liver metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary digestive
K75 hes_apc diag icd10 other inflammatory liver diseases metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary digestive
K76 hes_apc diag icd10 other diseases of liver metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary digestive
K80 hes_apc diag icd10 cholelithiasis metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary digestive
K81 hes_apc diag icd10 cholecystitis metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary digestive
K82 hes_apc diag icd10 other diseases of gallbladder metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary digestive
K83 hes_apc diag icd10 other diseases of biliary tract metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary digestive
K85.0 hes_apc diag icd10 idiopathic acute pancreatitis metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary digestive
K85.1 hes_apc diag icd10 biliary acute pancreatitis metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary digestive
K85.8 hes_apc diag icd10 other acute pancreatitis metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary digestive
K85.9 hes_apc diag icd10 acute pancreatitis unspecified metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary digestive
K86.1 hes_apc diag icd10 other chronic pancreatitis metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary digestive
K86.2 hes_apc diag icd10 cyst of pancreas metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary digestive
K86.3 hes_apc diag icd10 pseudocyst of pancreas metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary digestive
K86.8 hes_apc diag icd10 other specified diseases of pancreas metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary digestive
K86.9 hes_apc diag icd10 disease of pancreas unspecified metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary digestive
K87.0 hes_apc diag icd10 disorders of gallbladder and biliary tract in diseases classified elsewhere metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary digestive
K90 hes_apc diag icd10 intestinal malabsorption metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary digestive
M07.4 hes_apc diag icd10 arthropathy in crohn disease [regional enteritis] metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary digestive
M07.5 hes_apc diag icd10 arthropathy in ulcerative colitis metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary digestive
M09.1 hes_apc diag icd10 juvenile arthritis in crohn disease [regional enteritis] metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary digestive
M09.2 hes_apc diag icd10 juvenile arthritis in ulcerative colitis metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary digestive
T86.4 hes_apc diag icd10 liver transplant failure and rejection metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary digestive
Z43.2 hes_apc diag icd10 attention to ileostomy metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary digestive
Z43.3 hes_apc diag icd10 attention to colostomy metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary digestive
Z43.4 hes_apc diag icd10 attention to other artificial openings of digestive tract metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary digestive
Z46.5 hes_apc diag icd10 fitting and adjustment of ileostomy and other intestinal appliances metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary digestive
Z90.3 hes_apc diag icd10 acquired absence of part of stomach metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary digestive
Z90.4 hes_apc diag icd10 acquired absence of other parts of digestive tract metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary digestive
Z93.2 hes_apc diag icd10 ileostomy status metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary digestive
Z93.3 hes_apc diag icd10 colostomy status metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary digestive
Z93.4 hes_apc diag icd10 other artificial openings of gastrointestinal tract status metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary digestive
Z93.5 hes_apc diag icd10 cystostomy status metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary digestive
D63.8 hes_apc diag icd10 anaemia in other chronic diseases classified elsewhere metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary renal/gu
G63.8 hes_apc diag icd10 polyneuropathy in other diseases classified elsewhere metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary renal/gu
G99.8 hes_apc diag icd10 other specified disorders of nervous system in diseases classified elsewhere metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary renal/gu
I68.8 hes_apc diag icd10 other cerebrovascular disorders in diseases classified elsewhere metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary renal/gu
M90.8 hes_apc diag icd10 osteopathy in other diseases classified elsewhere metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary renal/gu
N08.4 hes_apc diag icd10 glomerular disorders in other endocrine nutritional and metabolic diseases metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary renal/gu
N00 hes_apc diag icd10 acute nephritic syndrome metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary renal/gu
N01 hes_apc diag icd10 rapidly progressive nephritic syndrome metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary renal/gu
N02 hes_apc diag icd10 recurrent and persistent haematuria metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary renal/gu
N03 hes_apc diag icd10 chronic nephritic syndrome metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary renal/gu
N04 hes_apc diag icd10 nephrotic syndrome metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary renal/gu
N05 hes_apc diag icd10 unspecified nephritic syndrome metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary renal/gu
N07 hes_apc diag icd10 hereditary nephropathy not elsewhere classified metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary renal/gu
N11 hes_apc diag icd10 chronic tubulo-interstitial nephritis metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary renal/gu
N12 hes_apc diag icd10 tubulo-interstitial nephritis not specified as acute or chronic metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary renal/gu
N13 hes_apc diag icd10 obstructive and reflux uropathy metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary renal/gu
N14 hes_apc diag icd10 drug- and heavy-metal-induced tubulo-interstitial and tubular conditions metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary renal/gu
N15 hes_apc diag icd10 other renal tubulo-interstitial diseases metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary renal/gu
N16.0 hes_apc diag icd10 renal tubulo-interstitial disorders in infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary renal/gu
N16.2 hes_apc diag icd10 renal tubulo-interstitial disorders in blood diseases and disorders involving the immune mechanism metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary renal/gu
N16.4 hes_apc diag icd10 renal tubulo-interstitial disorders in systemic connective tissue disorders metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary renal/gu
N16.5 hes_apc diag icd10 renal tubulo-interstitial disorders in transplant rejection metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary renal/gu
N16.8 hes_apc diag icd10 renal tubulo-interstitial disorders in other diseases classified elsewhere metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary renal/gu
N18 hes_apc diag icd10 chronic kidney disease metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary renal/gu
N19 hes_apc diag icd10 unspecified kidney failure metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary renal/gu
N20 hes_apc diag icd10 calculus of kidney and ureter metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary renal/gu
N21 hes_apc diag icd10 calculus of lower urinary tract metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary renal/gu
N22 hes_apc diag icd10 calculus of urinary tract in diseases classified elsewhere metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary renal/gu
N23 hes_apc diag icd10 unspecified renal colic metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary renal/gu
N25 hes_apc diag icd10 disorders resulting from impaired renal tubular function metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary renal/gu
N26 hes_apc diag icd10 unspecified contracted kidney metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary renal/gu
N28 hes_apc diag icd10 other disorders of kidney and ureter not elsewhere classified metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary renal/gu
N29 hes_apc diag icd10 other disorders of kidney and ureter in diseases classified elsewhere metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary renal/gu
N31 hes_apc diag icd10 neuromuscular dysfunction of bladder not elsewhere classified metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary renal/gu
N32 hes_apc diag icd10 other disorders of bladder metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary renal/gu
N33.8 hes_apc diag icd10 bladder disorders in other diseases classified elsewhere metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary renal/gu
N35 hes_apc diag icd10 urethral stricture metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary renal/gu
N36 hes_apc diag icd10 other disorders of urethra metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary renal/gu
N39.1 hes_apc diag icd10 persistent proteinuria unspecified metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary renal/gu
N39.3 hes_apc diag icd10 stress incontinence metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary renal/gu
N39.4 hes_apc diag icd10 other specified urinary incontinence metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary renal/gu
N40 hes_apc diag icd10 hyperplasia of prostate metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary renal/gu
N41 hes_apc diag icd10 inflammatory diseases of prostate metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary renal/gu
N42 hes_apc diag icd10 other disorders of prostate metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary renal/gu
N70 hes_apc diag icd10 salpingitis and oophoritis metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary renal/gu
N71 hes_apc diag icd10 inflammatory disease of uterus except cervix metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary renal/gu
N72 hes_apc diag icd10 inflammatory disease of cervix uteri metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary renal/gu
N73 hes_apc diag icd10 other female pelvic inflammatory diseases metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary renal/gu
N74 hes_apc diag icd10 female pelvic inflammatory disorders in diseases classified elsewhere metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary renal/gu
N80 hes_apc diag icd10 endometriosis metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary renal/gu
N81 hes_apc diag icd10 female genital prolapse metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary renal/gu
N82 hes_apc diag icd10 fistulae involving female genital tract metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary renal/gu
N85 hes_apc diag icd10 other noninflammatory disorders of uterus except cervix metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary renal/gu
N86 hes_apc diag icd10 erosion and ectropion of cervix uteri metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary renal/gu los3
N87 hes_apc diag icd10 dysplasia of cervix uteri metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary renal/gu
N88 hes_apc diag icd10 other noninflammatory disorders of cervix uteri metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary renal/gu
P96.0 hes_apc diag icd10 congenital renal failure metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary renal/gu
T82.4 hes_apc diag icd10 mechanical complication of vascular dialysis catheter metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary renal/gu
T83.1 hes_apc diag icd10 mechanical complication of other urinary devices and implants metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary renal/gu
T83.2 hes_apc diag icd10 mechanical complication of graft of urinary organ metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary renal/gu
T83.4 hes_apc diag icd10 mechanical complication of other prosthetic devices implants and grafts in genital tract metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary renal/gu
T83.5 hes_apc diag icd10 infection and inflammatory reaction due to prosthetic device implant and graft in urinary system metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary renal/gu
T83.6 hes_apc diag icd10 infection and inflammatory reaction due to prosthetic device implant and graft in genital tract metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary renal/gu
T83.8 hes_apc diag icd10 other complications of genitourinary prosthetic devices implants and grafts metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary renal/gu
T83.9 hes_apc diag icd10 unspecified complication of genitourinary prosthetic device implant and graft metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary renal/gu
T85.5 hes_apc diag icd10 mechanical complication of gastrointestinal prosthetic devices implants and grafts metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary renal/gu
T86.1 hes_apc diag icd10 kidney transplant failure and rejection metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary renal/gu
Y60.2 hes_apc diag icd10 during kidney dialysis or other perfusion metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary renal/gu
Y61.2 hes_apc diag icd10 during kidney dialysis or other perfusion metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary renal/gu
Y62.2 hes_apc diag icd10 during kidney dialysis or other perfusion metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary renal/gu
Y84.1 hes_apc diag icd10 kidney dialysis metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary renal/gu
Z49 hes_apc diag icd10 care involving dialysis metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary renal/gu
Z93.6 hes_apc diag icd10 other artificial openings of urinary tract status metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary renal/gu
Z94.0 hes_apc diag icd10 kidney transplant status metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary renal/gu
Z99.2 hes_apc diag icd10 dependence on renal dialysis metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary renal/gu
Q38.0 hes_apc diag icd10 congenital malformations of lips not elsewhere classified metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary congenital anomalies of the digestive/renal/gu system
Q38.3 hes_apc diag icd10 other congenital malformations of tongue metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary congenital anomalies of the digestive/renal/gu system
Q38.4 hes_apc diag icd10 congenital malformations of salivary glands and ducts metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary congenital anomalies of the digestive/renal/gu system
Q38.6 hes_apc diag icd10 other congenital malformations of mouth metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary congenital anomalies of the digestive/renal/gu system
Q38.7 hes_apc diag icd10 pharyngeal pouch metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary congenital anomalies of the digestive/renal/gu system
Q38.8 hes_apc diag icd10 other congenital malformations of pharynx metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary congenital anomalies of the digestive/renal/gu system
Q39 hes_apc diag icd10 congenital malformations of oesophagus metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary congenital anomalies of the digestive/renal/gu system
Q40.2 hes_apc diag icd10 other specified congenital malformations of stomach metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary congenital anomalies of the digestive/renal/gu system
Q40.3 hes_apc diag icd10 congenital malformation of stomach unspecified metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary congenital anomalies of the digestive/renal/gu system
Q40.8 hes_apc diag icd10 other specified congenital malformations of upper alimentary tract metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary congenital anomalies of the digestive/renal/gu system
Q40.9 hes_apc diag icd10 congenital malformation of upper alimentary tract unspecified metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary congenital anomalies of the digestive/renal/gu system
Q41 hes_apc diag icd10 congenital absence atresia and stenosis of small intestine metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary congenital anomalies of the digestive/renal/gu system
Q42 hes_apc diag icd10 congenital absence atresia and stenosis of large intestine metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary congenital anomalies of the digestive/renal/gu system
Q43.1 hes_apc diag icd10 hirschsprung disease metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary congenital anomalies of the digestive/renal/gu system
Q43.3 hes_apc diag icd10 congenital malformations of intestinal fixation metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary congenital anomalies of the digestive/renal/gu system
Q43.4 hes_apc diag icd10 duplication of intestine metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary congenital anomalies of the digestive/renal/gu system
Q43.5 hes_apc diag icd10 ectopic anus metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary congenital anomalies of the digestive/renal/gu system
Q43.6 hes_apc diag icd10 congenital fistula of rectum and anus metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary congenital anomalies of the digestive/renal/gu system
Q43.7 hes_apc diag icd10 persistent cloaca metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary congenital anomalies of the digestive/renal/gu system
Q43.9 hes_apc diag icd10 congenital malformation of intestine unspecified metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary congenital anomalies of the digestive/renal/gu system
Q44 hes_apc diag icd10 congenital malformations of gallbladder bile ducts and liver metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary congenital anomalies of the digestive/renal/gu system
Q45 hes_apc diag icd10 other congenital malformations of digestive system metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary congenital anomalies of the digestive/renal/gu system
Q50.0 hes_apc diag icd10 congenital absence of ovary metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary congenital anomalies of the digestive/renal/gu system
Q51 hes_apc diag icd10 congenital malformations of uterus and cervix metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary congenital anomalies of the digestive/renal/gu system
Q52.0 hes_apc diag icd10 congenital absence of vagina metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary congenital anomalies of the digestive/renal/gu system
Q52.1 hes_apc diag icd10 doubling of vagina metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary congenital anomalies of the digestive/renal/gu system
Q52.2 hes_apc diag icd10 congenital rectovaginal fistula metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary congenital anomalies of the digestive/renal/gu system
Q52.4 hes_apc diag icd10 other congenital malformations of vagina metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary congenital anomalies of the digestive/renal/gu system
Q54.0 hes_apc diag icd10 hypospadias balanic metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary congenital anomalies of the digestive/renal/gu system
Q54.1 hes_apc diag icd10 hypospadias penile metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary congenital anomalies of the digestive/renal/gu system
Q54.2 hes_apc diag icd10 hypospadias penoscrotal metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary congenital anomalies of the digestive/renal/gu system
Q54.3 hes_apc diag icd10 hypospadias perineal metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary congenital anomalies of the digestive/renal/gu system
Q54.8 hes_apc diag icd10 other hypospadias metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary congenital anomalies of the digestive/renal/gu system
Q54.9 hes_apc diag icd10 hypospadias unspecified metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary congenital anomalies of the digestive/renal/gu system
Q55.0 hes_apc diag icd10 absence and aplasia of testis metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary congenital anomalies of the digestive/renal/gu system
Q55.5 hes_apc diag icd10 congenital absence and aplasia of penis metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary congenital anomalies of the digestive/renal/gu system
Q56 hes_apc diag icd10 indeterminate sex and pseudohermaphroditism metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary congenital anomalies of the digestive/renal/gu system
Q60.1 hes_apc diag icd10 renal agenesis bilateral metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary congenital anomalies of the digestive/renal/gu system
Q60.2 hes_apc diag icd10 renal agenesis unspecified metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary congenital anomalies of the digestive/renal/gu system
Q60.4 hes_apc diag icd10 renal hypoplasia bilateral metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary congenital anomalies of the digestive/renal/gu system
Q60.5 hes_apc diag icd10 renal hypoplasia unspecified metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary congenital anomalies of the digestive/renal/gu system
Q60.6 hes_apc diag icd10 potter syndrome metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary congenital anomalies of the digestive/renal/gu system
Q61 hes_apc diag icd10 cystic kidney disease metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary congenital anomalies of the digestive/renal/gu system
Q62.0 hes_apc diag icd10 congenital hydronephrosis metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary congenital anomalies of the digestive/renal/gu system
Q62.1 hes_apc diag icd10 atresia and stenosis of ureter metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary congenital anomalies of the digestive/renal/gu system
Q62.2 hes_apc diag icd10 congenital megaloureter metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary congenital anomalies of the digestive/renal/gu system
Q62.3 hes_apc diag icd10 other obstructive defects of renal pelvis and ureter metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary congenital anomalies of the digestive/renal/gu system
Q62.4 hes_apc diag icd10 agenesis of ureter metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary congenital anomalies of the digestive/renal/gu system
Q62.5 hes_apc diag icd10 duplication of ureter metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary congenital anomalies of the digestive/renal/gu system
Q62.6 hes_apc diag icd10 malposition of ureter metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary congenital anomalies of the digestive/renal/gu system
Q62.8 hes_apc diag icd10 other congenital malformations of ureter metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary congenital anomalies of the digestive/renal/gu system
Q63.0 hes_apc diag icd10 accessory kidney metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary congenital anomalies of the digestive/renal/gu system
Q63.1 hes_apc diag icd10 lobulated fused and horseshoe kidney metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary congenital anomalies of the digestive/renal/gu system
Q63.2 hes_apc diag icd10 ectopic kidney metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary congenital anomalies of the digestive/renal/gu system
Q63.8 hes_apc diag icd10 other specified congenital malformations of kidney metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary congenital anomalies of the digestive/renal/gu system
Q63.9 hes_apc diag icd10 congenital malformation of kidney unspecified metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary congenital anomalies of the digestive/renal/gu system
Q64 hes_apc diag icd10 other congenital malformations of urinary system metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary congenital anomalies of the digestive/renal/gu system
Q79.2 hes_apc diag icd10 exomphalos metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary congenital anomalies of the digestive/renal/gu system
Q79.3 hes_apc diag icd10 gastroschisis metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary congenital anomalies of the digestive/renal/gu system
Q79.4 hes_apc diag icd10 prune belly syndrome metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary congenital anomalies of the digestive/renal/gu system
Q79.5 hes_apc diag icd10 other congenital malformations of abdominal wall metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary congenital anomalies of the digestive/renal/gu system
Q87.8 hes_apc diag icd10 other specified congenital malformation syndromes not elsewhere classified metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary congenital anomalies of the digestive/renal/gu system
Q89.1 hes_apc diag icd10 congenital malformations of adrenal gland metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary congenital anomalies of the digestive/renal/gu system
Q89.2 hes_apc diag icd10 congenital malformations of other endocrine glands metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary congenital anomalies of the digestive/renal/gu system
S36 hes_apc diag icd10 injury of intra-abdominal organs metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary injuries los3
S37 hes_apc diag icd10 injury of urinary and pelvic organs metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary injuries los3
S38 hes_apc diag icd10 crushing injury and traumatic amputation of part of abdomen lower back and pelvis metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary injuries los3
S39.6 hes_apc diag icd10 injury of intra-abdominal organ(s) with pelvic organ(s) metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary injuries los3
S39.7 hes_apc diag icd10 other multiple injuries of abdomen lower back and pelvis metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary injuries los3
T06.5 hes_apc diag icd10 injuries of intrathoracic organs with intra-abdominal and pelvic organs metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary injuries los3
T28 hes_apc diag icd10 burn and corrosion of other internal organs metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary injuries los3
T91.5 hes_apc diag icd10 sequelae of injury of intra-abdominal and pelvic organs metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary injuries los3
E66 hes_apc diag icd10 obesity metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary other/unspecific [metabolic etc]
G63.3 hes_apc diag icd10 polyneuropathy in other endocrine and metabolic diseases metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary other/unspecific [metabolic etc]
G99.0 hes_apc diag icd10 autonomic neuropathy in endocrine and metabolic diseases metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary other/unspecific [metabolic etc]
M14.5 hes_apc diag icd10 arthropathies in other endocrine nutritional and metabolic disorders metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary other/unspecific [metabolic etc]
N92 hes_apc diag icd10 excessive frequent and irregular menstruation metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary other/unspecific [metabolic etc] los3
Z86.3 hes_apc diag icd10 personal history of endocrine nutritional and metabolic diseases metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary other/unspecific [metabolic etc]
Z93.8 hes_apc diag icd10 other artificial opening status metabolic/endocrine/digestive/renal/genitourinary other/unspecific [metabolic etc]
G55.1 hes_apc diag icd10 nerve root and plexus compressions in intervertebral disc disorders musculoskeletal/skin musculoskeletal/connective tissue
G55.2 hes_apc diag icd10 nerve root and plexus compressions in spondylosis musculoskeletal/skin musculoskeletal/connective tissue
G55.3 hes_apc diag icd10 nerve root and plexus compressions in other dorsopathies musculoskeletal/skin musculoskeletal/connective tissue
G63.5 hes_apc diag icd10 polyneuropathy in systemic connective tissue disorders musculoskeletal/skin musculoskeletal/connective tissue
G63.6 hes_apc diag icd10 polyneuropathy in other musculoskeletal disorders musculoskeletal/skin musculoskeletal/connective tissue
G73.7 hes_apc diag icd10 myopathy in other diseases classified elsewhere musculoskeletal/skin musculoskeletal/connective tissue
J99.0 hes_apc diag icd10 rheumatoid lung disease musculoskeletal/skin musculoskeletal/connective tissue
J99.1 hes_apc diag icd10 respiratory disorders in other diffuse connective tissue disorders musculoskeletal/skin musculoskeletal/connective tissue
L62.0 hes_apc diag icd10 clubbed nail pachydermoperiostosis musculoskeletal/skin musculoskeletal/connective tissue
M05 hes_apc diag icd10 seropositive rheumatoid arthritis musculoskeletal/skin musculoskeletal/connective tissue
M06 hes_apc diag icd10 other rheumatoid arthritis musculoskeletal/skin musculoskeletal/connective tissue
M07.0 hes_apc diag icd10 distal interphalangeal psoriatic arthropathy musculoskeletal/skin musculoskeletal/connective tissue
M07.1 hes_apc diag icd10 arthritis mutilans musculoskeletal/skin musculoskeletal/connective tissue
M07.2 hes_apc diag icd10 psoriatic spondylitis musculoskeletal/skin musculoskeletal/connective tissue
M07.3 hes_apc diag icd10 other psoriatic arthropathies musculoskeletal/skin musculoskeletal/connective tissue
M07.6 hes_apc diag icd10 other enteropathic arthropathies musculoskeletal/skin musculoskeletal/connective tissue
M08 hes_apc diag icd10 juvenile arthritis musculoskeletal/skin musculoskeletal/connective tissue
M09.8 hes_apc diag icd10 juvenile arthritis in other diseases classified elsewhere musculoskeletal/skin musculoskeletal/connective tissue
M10 hes_apc diag icd10 gout musculoskeletal/skin musculoskeletal/connective tissue
M11 hes_apc diag icd10 other crystal arthropathies musculoskeletal/skin musculoskeletal/connective tissue
M12 hes_apc diag icd10 other specific arthropathies musculoskeletal/skin musculoskeletal/connective tissue
M13 hes_apc diag icd10 other arthritis musculoskeletal/skin musculoskeletal/connective tissue
M14.0 hes_apc diag icd10 gouty arthropathy due to enzyme defects and other inherited disorders musculoskeletal/skin musculoskeletal/connective tissue
M14.6 hes_apc diag icd10 neuropathic arthropathy musculoskeletal/skin musculoskeletal/connective tissue
M14.8 hes_apc diag icd10 arthropathies in other specified diseases classified elsewhere musculoskeletal/skin musculoskeletal/connective tissue
M30 hes_apc diag icd10 polyarteritis nodosa and related conditions musculoskeletal/skin musculoskeletal/connective tissue
M31 hes_apc diag icd10 other necrotizing vasculopathies musculoskeletal/skin musculoskeletal/connective tissue
M32 hes_apc diag icd10 systemic lupus erythematosus musculoskeletal/skin musculoskeletal/connective tissue
M33 hes_apc diag icd10 dermatopolymyositis musculoskeletal/skin musculoskeletal/connective tissue
M34 hes_apc diag icd10 systemic sclerosis musculoskeletal/skin musculoskeletal/connective tissue
M35 hes_apc diag icd10 other systemic involvement of connective tissue musculoskeletal/skin musculoskeletal/connective tissue
M40 hes_apc diag icd10 kyphosis and lordosis musculoskeletal/skin musculoskeletal/connective tissue
M41 hes_apc diag icd10 scoliosis musculoskeletal/skin musculoskeletal/connective tissue
M42 hes_apc diag icd10 spinal osteochondrosis musculoskeletal/skin musculoskeletal/connective tissue
M43 hes_apc diag icd10 other deforming dorsopathies musculoskeletal/skin musculoskeletal/connective tissue
M45 hes_apc diag icd10 ankylosing spondylitis musculoskeletal/skin musculoskeletal/connective tissue
M46 hes_apc diag icd10 other inflammatory spondylopathies musculoskeletal/skin musculoskeletal/connective tissue
M47 hes_apc diag icd10 spondylosis musculoskeletal/skin musculoskeletal/connective tissue
M48 hes_apc diag icd10 other spondylopathies musculoskeletal/skin musculoskeletal/connective tissue
M50 hes_apc diag icd10 cervical disc disorders musculoskeletal/skin musculoskeletal/connective tissue
M51 hes_apc diag icd10 other intervertebral disc disorders musculoskeletal/skin musculoskeletal/connective tissue
M53 hes_apc diag icd10 other dorsopathies not elsewhere classified musculoskeletal/skin musculoskeletal/connective tissue
M54 hes_apc diag icd10 dorsalgia musculoskeletal/skin musculoskeletal/connective tissue
M60 hes_apc diag icd10 myositis musculoskeletal/skin musculoskeletal/connective tissue
M61 hes_apc diag icd10 calcification and ossification of muscle musculoskeletal/skin musculoskeletal/connective tissue
M62 hes_apc diag icd10 other disorders of muscle musculoskeletal/skin musculoskeletal/connective tissue
M63.8 hes_apc diag icd10 other disorders of muscle in diseases classified elsewhere musculoskeletal/skin musculoskeletal/connective tissue
M80.1 hes_apc diag icd10 postoophorectomy osteoporosis with pathological fracture musculoskeletal/skin musculoskeletal/connective tissue
M80.2 hes_apc diag icd10 osteoporosis of disuse with pathological fracture musculoskeletal/skin musculoskeletal/connective tissue
M80.3 hes_apc diag icd10 postsurgical malabsorption osteoporosis with pathological fracture musculoskeletal/skin musculoskeletal/connective tissue
M80.4 hes_apc diag icd10 drug-induced osteoporosis with pathological fracture musculoskeletal/skin musculoskeletal/connective tissue
M80.5 hes_apc diag icd10 idiopathic osteoporosis with pathological fracture musculoskeletal/skin musculoskeletal/connective tissue
M80.8 hes_apc diag icd10 other osteoporosis with pathological fracture musculoskeletal/skin musculoskeletal/connective tissue
M80.9 hes_apc diag icd10 unspecified osteoporosis with pathological fracture musculoskeletal/skin musculoskeletal/connective tissue
M81.1 hes_apc diag icd10 postoophorectomy osteoporosis musculoskeletal/skin musculoskeletal/connective tissue
M81.2 hes_apc diag icd10 osteoporosis of disuse musculoskeletal/skin musculoskeletal/connective tissue
M81.3 hes_apc diag icd10 postsurgical malabsorption osteoporosis musculoskeletal/skin musculoskeletal/connective tissue
M81.4 hes_apc diag icd10 drug-induced osteoporosis musculoskeletal/skin musculoskeletal/connective tissue
M81.5 hes_apc diag icd10 idiopathic osteoporosis musculoskeletal/skin musculoskeletal/connective tissue
M81.6 hes_apc diag icd10 localized osteoporosis [lequesne] musculoskeletal/skin musculoskeletal/connective tissue
M81.8 hes_apc diag icd10 other osteoporosis musculoskeletal/skin musculoskeletal/connective tissue
M81.9 hes_apc diag icd10 osteoporosis unspecified musculoskeletal/skin musculoskeletal/connective tissue
M82.1 hes_apc diag icd10 osteoporosis in endocrine disorders musculoskeletal/skin musculoskeletal/connective tissue
M82.8 hes_apc diag icd10 osteoporosis in other diseases classified elsewhere musculoskeletal/skin musculoskeletal/connective tissue
M84.0 hes_apc diag icd10 malunion of fracture musculoskeletal/skin musculoskeletal/connective tissue
M84.1 hes_apc diag icd10 nonunion of fracture [pseudarthrosis] musculoskeletal/skin musculoskeletal/connective tissue
M84.2 hes_apc diag icd10 delayed union of fracture musculoskeletal/skin musculoskeletal/connective tissue
M84.8 hes_apc diag icd10 other disorders of continuity of bone musculoskeletal/skin musculoskeletal/connective tissue
M84.9 hes_apc diag icd10 disorder of continuity of bone unspecified musculoskeletal/skin musculoskeletal/connective tissue
M85 hes_apc diag icd10 other disorders of bone density and structure musculoskeletal/skin musculoskeletal/connective tissue
M86.3 hes_apc diag icd10 chronic multifocal osteomyelitis musculoskeletal/skin musculoskeletal/connective tissue
M86.4 hes_apc diag icd10 chronic osteomyelitis with draining sinus musculoskeletal/skin musculoskeletal/connective tissue
M86.5 hes_apc diag icd10 other chronic haematogenous osteomyelitis musculoskeletal/skin musculoskeletal/connective tissue
M86.6 hes_apc diag icd10 other chronic osteomyelitis musculoskeletal/skin musculoskeletal/connective tissue
M89 hes_apc diag icd10 other disorders of bone musculoskeletal/skin musculoskeletal/connective tissue
M90.0 hes_apc diag icd10 tuberculosis of bone musculoskeletal/skin musculoskeletal/connective tissue
M91 hes_apc diag icd10 juvenile osteochondrosis of hip and pelvis musculoskeletal/skin musculoskeletal/connective tissue
M92 hes_apc diag icd10 other juvenile osteochondrosis musculoskeletal/skin musculoskeletal/connective tissue
M93 hes_apc diag icd10 other osteochondropathies musculoskeletal/skin musculoskeletal/connective tissue
M94 hes_apc diag icd10 other disorders of cartilage musculoskeletal/skin musculoskeletal/connective tissue
N08.5 hes_apc diag icd10 glomerular disorders in systemic connective tissue disorders musculoskeletal/skin musculoskeletal/connective tissue
Y45.4 hes_apc diag icd10 antirheumatics musculoskeletal/skin musculoskeletal/connective tissue
S13 hes_apc diag icd10 dislocation sprain and strain of joints and ligaments at neck level musculoskeletal/skin skeletal injuries/amputations los3
S22.0 hes_apc diag icd10 fracture of thoracic vertebra musculoskeletal/skin skeletal injuries/amputations los3
S22.1 hes_apc diag icd10 multiple fractures of thoracic spine musculoskeletal/skin skeletal injuries/amputations los3
S22.2 hes_apc diag icd10 fracture of sternum musculoskeletal/skin skeletal injuries/amputations los3
S22.5 hes_apc diag icd10 flail chest musculoskeletal/skin skeletal injuries/amputations los3
S23 hes_apc diag icd10 dislocation sprain and strain of joints and ligaments of thorax musculoskeletal/skin skeletal injuries/amputations los3
S32 hes_apc diag icd10 fracture of lumbar spine and pelvis musculoskeletal/skin skeletal injuries/amputations los3
S33 hes_apc diag icd10 dislocation sprain and strain of joints and ligaments of lumbar spine and pelvis musculoskeletal/skin skeletal injuries/amputations los3
S68.3 hes_apc diag icd10 combined traumatic amputation of (part of) finger(s) with other parts of wrist and hand musculoskeletal/skin skeletal injuries/amputations los3
S68.4 hes_apc diag icd10 traumatic amputation of hand at wrist level musculoskeletal/skin skeletal injuries/amputations los3
S68.8 hes_apc diag icd10 traumatic amputation of other parts of wrist and hand musculoskeletal/skin skeletal injuries/amputations los3
S77 hes_apc diag icd10 crushing injury of hip and thigh musculoskeletal/skin skeletal injuries/amputations los3
S78 hes_apc diag icd10 traumatic amputation of hip and thigh musculoskeletal/skin skeletal injuries/amputations los3
S87 hes_apc diag icd10 crushing injury of lower leg musculoskeletal/skin skeletal injuries/amputations los3
S88 hes_apc diag icd10 traumatic amputation of lower leg musculoskeletal/skin skeletal injuries/amputations los3
S97 hes_apc diag icd10 crushing injury of ankle and foot musculoskeletal/skin skeletal injuries/amputations los3
S98.0 hes_apc diag icd10 traumatic amputation of foot at ankle level musculoskeletal/skin skeletal injuries/amputations los3
S98.2 hes_apc diag icd10 traumatic amputation of two or more toes musculoskeletal/skin skeletal injuries/amputations los3
S98.3 hes_apc diag icd10 traumatic amputation of other parts of foot musculoskeletal/skin skeletal injuries/amputations los3
S98.4 hes_apc diag icd10 traumatic amputation of foot level unspecified musculoskeletal/skin skeletal injuries/amputations los3
T02 hes_apc diag icd10 fractures involving multiple body regions musculoskeletal/skin skeletal injuries/amputations los3
T04 hes_apc diag icd10 crushing injuries involving multiple body regions musculoskeletal/skin skeletal injuries/amputations los3
T05 hes_apc diag icd10 traumatic amputations involving multiple body regions musculoskeletal/skin skeletal injuries/amputations los3
T20.3 hes_apc diag icd10 burn of third degree of head and neck musculoskeletal/skin skeletal injuries/amputations los3
T20.7 hes_apc diag icd10 corrosion of third degree of head and neck musculoskeletal/skin skeletal injuries/amputations los3
T21.3 hes_apc diag icd10 burn of third degree of trunk musculoskeletal/skin skeletal injuries/amputations los3
T21.7 hes_apc diag icd10 corrosion of third degree of trunk musculoskeletal/skin skeletal injuries/amputations los3
T22.3 hes_apc diag icd10 burn of third degree of shoulder and upper limb except wrist and hand musculoskeletal/skin skeletal injuries/amputations los3
T22.7 hes_apc diag icd10 corrosion of third degree of shoulder and upper limb except wrist and hand musculoskeletal/skin skeletal injuries/amputations los3
T23.2 hes_apc diag icd10 burn of second degree of wrist and hand musculoskeletal/skin skeletal injuries/amputations los3
T23.3 hes_apc diag icd10 burn of third degree of wrist and hand musculoskeletal/skin skeletal injuries/amputations los3
T23.6 hes_apc diag icd10 corrosion of second degree of wrist and hand musculoskeletal/skin skeletal injuries/amputations los3
T23.7 hes_apc diag icd10 corrosion of third degree of wrist and hand musculoskeletal/skin skeletal injuries/amputations los3
T24.3 hes_apc diag icd10 burn of third degree of hip and lower limb except ankle and foot musculoskeletal/skin skeletal injuries/amputations los3
T24.7 hes_apc diag icd10 corrosion of third degree of hip and lower limb except ankle and foot musculoskeletal/skin skeletal injuries/amputations los3
T25.2 hes_apc diag icd10 burn of second degree of ankle and foot musculoskeletal/skin skeletal injuries/amputations los3
T25.3 hes_apc diag icd10 burn of third degree of ankle and foot musculoskeletal/skin skeletal injuries/amputations los3
T25.6 hes_apc diag icd10 corrosion of second degree of ankle and foot musculoskeletal/skin skeletal injuries/amputations los3
T25.7 hes_apc diag icd10 corrosion of third degree of ankle and foot musculoskeletal/skin skeletal injuries/amputations los3
T29.3 hes_apc diag icd10 burns of multiple regions at least one burn of third degree mentioned musculoskeletal/skin skeletal injuries/amputations los3
T29.7 hes_apc diag icd10 corrosions of multiple regions at least one corrosion of third degree mentioned musculoskeletal/skin skeletal injuries/amputations los3
T30.3 hes_apc diag icd10 burn of third degree body region unspecified musculoskeletal/skin skeletal injuries/amputations los3
T30.7 hes_apc diag icd10 corrosion of third degree body region unspecified musculoskeletal/skin skeletal injuries/amputations los3
T31.2 hes_apc diag icd10 burns involving 20-29% of body surface musculoskeletal/skin skeletal injuries/amputations los3
T31.3 hes_apc diag icd10 burns involving 30-39% of body surface musculoskeletal/skin skeletal injuries/amputations los3
T31.4 hes_apc diag icd10 burns involving 40-49% of body surface musculoskeletal/skin skeletal injuries/amputations los3
T31.5 hes_apc diag icd10 burns involving 50-59% of body surface musculoskeletal/skin skeletal injuries/amputations los3
T31.6 hes_apc diag icd10 burns involving 60-69% of body surface musculoskeletal/skin skeletal injuries/amputations los3
T31.7 hes_apc diag icd10 burns involving 70-79% of body surface musculoskeletal/skin skeletal injuries/amputations los3
T31.8 hes_apc diag icd10 burns involving 80-89% of body surface musculoskeletal/skin skeletal injuries/amputations los3
T31.9 hes_apc diag icd10 burns involving 90% or more of body surface musculoskeletal/skin skeletal injuries/amputations los3
T32.2 hes_apc diag icd10 corrosions involving 20-29% of body surface musculoskeletal/skin skeletal injuries/amputations los3
T32.3 hes_apc diag icd10 corrosions involving 30-39% of body surface musculoskeletal/skin skeletal injuries/amputations los3
T32.4 hes_apc diag icd10 corrosions involving 40-49% of body surface musculoskeletal/skin skeletal injuries/amputations los3
T32.5 hes_apc diag icd10 corrosions involving 50-59% of body surface musculoskeletal/skin skeletal injuries/amputations los3
T32.6 hes_apc diag icd10 corrosions involving 60-69% of body surface musculoskeletal/skin skeletal injuries/amputations los3
T32.7 hes_apc diag icd10 corrosions involving 70-79% of body surface musculoskeletal/skin skeletal injuries/amputations los3
T32.8 hes_apc diag icd10 corrosions involving 80-89% of body surface musculoskeletal/skin skeletal injuries/amputations los3
T32.9 hes_apc diag icd10 corrosions involving 90% or more of body surface musculoskeletal/skin skeletal injuries/amputations los3
T87.3 hes_apc diag icd10 neuroma of amputation stump musculoskeletal/skin skeletal injuries/amputations
T87.4 hes_apc diag icd10 infection of amputation stump musculoskeletal/skin skeletal injuries/amputations
T87.5 hes_apc diag icd10 necrosis of amputation stump musculoskeletal/skin skeletal injuries/amputations
T87.6 hes_apc diag icd10 other and unspecified complications of amputation stump musculoskeletal/skin skeletal injuries/amputations
T91.2 hes_apc diag icd10 sequelae of other fracture of thorax and pelvis musculoskeletal/skin skeletal injuries/amputations los3
T91.8 hes_apc diag icd10 sequelae of other specified injuries of neck and trunk musculoskeletal/skin skeletal injuries/amputations los3
T92.6 hes_apc diag icd10 sequelae of crushing injury and traumatic amputation of upper limb musculoskeletal/skin skeletal injuries/amputations los3
T93.1 hes_apc diag icd10 sequelae of fracture of femur musculoskeletal/skin skeletal injuries/amputations los3
T93.4 hes_apc diag icd10 sequelae of injury of nerve of lower limb musculoskeletal/skin skeletal injuries/amputations los3
T93.6 hes_apc diag icd10 sequelae of crushing injury and traumatic amputation of lower limb musculoskeletal/skin skeletal injuries/amputations los3
T94.0 hes_apc diag icd10 sequelae of injuries involving multiple body regions musculoskeletal/skin skeletal injuries/amputations los3
T94.1 hes_apc diag icd10 sequelae of injuries not specified by body region musculoskeletal/skin skeletal injuries/amputations los3
T95.0 hes_apc diag icd10 sequelae of burn corrosion and frostbite of head and neck musculoskeletal/skin skeletal injuries/amputations los3
T95.1 hes_apc diag icd10 sequelae of burn corrosion and frostbite of trunk musculoskeletal/skin skeletal injuries/amputations los3
T95.4 hes_apc diag icd10 sequelae of burn and corrosion classifiable only according to extent of body surface involved musculoskeletal/skin skeletal injuries/amputations los3
T95.8 hes_apc diag icd10 sequelae of other specified burn corrosion and frostbite musculoskeletal/skin skeletal injuries/amputations los3
T95.9 hes_apc diag icd10 sequelae of unspecified burn corrosion and frostbite musculoskeletal/skin skeletal injuries/amputations los3
Y83.5 hes_apc diag icd10 amputation of limb(s) musculoskeletal/skin skeletal injuries/amputations
Z89.1 hes_apc diag icd10 acquired absence of hand and wrist musculoskeletal/skin skeletal injuries/amputations
Z89.2 hes_apc diag icd10 acquired absence of upper limb above wrist musculoskeletal/skin skeletal injuries/amputations
Z89.5 hes_apc diag icd10 acquired absence of leg at or below knee musculoskeletal/skin skeletal injuries/amputations
Z89.6 hes_apc diag icd10 acquired absence of leg above knee musculoskeletal/skin skeletal injuries/amputations
Z89.7 hes_apc diag icd10 acquired absence of both lower limbs [any level except toes alone] musculoskeletal/skin skeletal injuries/amputations
Z89.8 hes_apc diag icd10 acquired absence of upper and lower limbs [any level] musculoskeletal/skin skeletal injuries/amputations
Z97.1 hes_apc diag icd10 presence of artificial limb (complete)(partial) musculoskeletal/skin skeletal injuries/amputations
L10 hes_apc diag icd10 pemphigus musculoskeletal/skin chronic skin disorders
L11.0 hes_apc diag icd10 acquired keratosis follicularis musculoskeletal/skin chronic skin disorders
L11.8 hes_apc diag icd10 other specified acantholytic disorders musculoskeletal/skin chronic skin disorders
L11.9 hes_apc diag icd10 acantholytic disorder unspecified musculoskeletal/skin chronic skin disorders
L12 hes_apc diag icd10 pemphigoid musculoskeletal/skin chronic skin disorders
L13 hes_apc diag icd10 other bullous disorders musculoskeletal/skin chronic skin disorders
L14 hes_apc diag icd10 bullous disorders in diseases classified elsewhere musculoskeletal/skin chronic skin disorders
L28 hes_apc diag icd10 lichen simplex chronicus and prurigo musculoskeletal/skin chronic skin disorders
L40 hes_apc diag icd10 psoriasis musculoskeletal/skin chronic skin disorders
L41 hes_apc diag icd10 parapsoriasis musculoskeletal/skin chronic skin disorders
L42 hes_apc diag icd10 pityriasis rosea musculoskeletal/skin chronic skin disorders
L43 hes_apc diag icd10 lichen planus musculoskeletal/skin chronic skin disorders
L44 hes_apc diag icd10 other papulosquamous disorders musculoskeletal/skin chronic skin disorders
L45 hes_apc diag icd10 papulosquamous disorders in diseases classified elsewhere musculoskeletal/skin chronic skin disorders
L57 hes_apc diag icd10 skin changes due to chronic exposure to nonionizing radiation musculoskeletal/skin chronic skin disorders
L58.1 hes_apc diag icd10 chronic radiodermatitis musculoskeletal/skin chronic skin disorders
L59 hes_apc diag icd10 other disorders of skin and subcutaneous tissue related to radiation musculoskeletal/skin chronic skin disorders
L87 hes_apc diag icd10 transepidermal elimination disorders musculoskeletal/skin chronic skin disorders
L88 hes_apc diag icd10 pyoderma gangrenosum musculoskeletal/skin chronic skin disorders
L90 hes_apc diag icd10 atrophic disorders of skin musculoskeletal/skin chronic skin disorders
L92 hes_apc diag icd10 granulomatous disorders of skin and subcutaneous tissue musculoskeletal/skin chronic skin disorders
L95 hes_apc diag icd10 vasculitis limited to skin not elsewhere classified musculoskeletal/skin chronic skin disorders
L93 hes_apc diag icd10 lupus erythematosus musculoskeletal/skin chronic skin disorders
L98.5 hes_apc diag icd10 mucinosis of skin musculoskeletal/skin chronic skin disorders
M09.0 hes_apc diag icd10 juvenile arthritis in psoriasis musculoskeletal/skin chronic skin disorders
Q80 hes_apc diag icd10 congenital ichthyosis musculoskeletal/skin chronic skin disorders
Q81 hes_apc diag icd10 epidermolysis bullosa musculoskeletal/skin chronic skin disorders
Q87.0 hes_apc diag icd10 congenital malformation syndromes predominantly affecting facial appearance musculoskeletal/skin chronic skin disorders
Q87.1 hes_apc diag icd10 congenital malformation syndromes predominantly associated with short stature musculoskeletal/skin chronic skin disorders
Q87.2 hes_apc diag icd10 congenital malformation syndromes predominantly involving limbs musculoskeletal/skin chronic skin disorders
Q87.3 hes_apc diag icd10 congenital malformation syndromes involving early overgrowth musculoskeletal/skin chronic skin disorders
Q87.4 hes_apc diag icd10 marfan syndrome musculoskeletal/skin chronic skin disorders
Q87.5 hes_apc diag icd10 other congenital malformation syndromes with other skeletal changes musculoskeletal/skin chronic skin disorders
Q89.4 hes_apc diag icd10 conjoined twins musculoskeletal/skin chronic skin disorders
Q18.8 hes_apc diag icd10 other specified congenital malformations of face and neck musculoskeletal/skin congenital anomalies
Q65.0 hes_apc diag icd10 congenital dislocation of hip unilateral musculoskeletal/skin congenital anomalies
Q65.1 hes_apc diag icd10 congenital dislocation of hip bilateral musculoskeletal/skin congenital anomalies
Q65.2 hes_apc diag icd10 congenital dislocation of hip unspecified musculoskeletal/skin congenital anomalies
Q65.8 hes_apc diag icd10 other congenital deformities of hip musculoskeletal/skin congenital anomalies
Q65.9 hes_apc diag icd10 congenital deformity of hip unspecified musculoskeletal/skin congenital anomalies
Q67.5 hes_apc diag icd10 congenital deformity of spine musculoskeletal/skin congenital anomalies
Q68.2 hes_apc diag icd10 congenital deformity of knee musculoskeletal/skin congenital anomalies
Q68.3 hes_apc diag icd10 congenital bowing of femur musculoskeletal/skin congenital anomalies los3
Q68.4 hes_apc diag icd10 congenital bowing of tibia and fibula musculoskeletal/skin congenital anomalies los3
Q68.5 hes_apc diag icd10 congenital bowing of long bones of leg unspecified musculoskeletal/skin congenital anomalies los3
Q71 hes_apc diag icd10 reduction defects of upper limb musculoskeletal/skin congenital anomalies
Q72 hes_apc diag icd10 reduction defects of lower limb musculoskeletal/skin congenital anomalies
Q73 hes_apc diag icd10 reduction defects of unspecified limb musculoskeletal/skin congenital anomalies
Q74 hes_apc diag icd10 other congenital malformations of limb(s) musculoskeletal/skin congenital anomalies
Q75.3 hes_apc diag icd10 macrocephaly musculoskeletal/skin congenital anomalies
Q75.4 hes_apc diag icd10 mandibulofacial dysostosis musculoskeletal/skin congenital anomalies
Q75.5 hes_apc diag icd10 oculomandibular dysostosis musculoskeletal/skin congenital anomalies
Q75.8 hes_apc diag icd10 other specified congenital malformations of skull and face bones musculoskeletal/skin congenital anomalies
Q75.9 hes_apc diag icd10 congenital malformation of skull and face bones unspecified musculoskeletal/skin congenital anomalies
Q76.1 hes_apc diag icd10 klippel-feil syndrome musculoskeletal/skin congenital anomalies
Q76.2 hes_apc diag icd10 congenital spondylolisthesis musculoskeletal/skin congenital anomalies
Q76.3 hes_apc diag icd10 congenital scoliosis due to congenital bony malformation musculoskeletal/skin congenital anomalies
Q76.4 hes_apc diag icd10 other congenital malformations of spine not associated with scoliosis musculoskeletal/skin congenital anomalies
Q77 hes_apc diag icd10 osteochondrodysplasia with defects of growth of tubular bones and spine musculoskeletal/skin congenital anomalies
Q78 hes_apc diag icd10 other osteochondrodysplasias musculoskeletal/skin congenital anomalies
Q79.6 hes_apc diag icd10 ehlers-danlos syndrome musculoskeletal/skin congenital anomalies
Q79.8 hes_apc diag icd10 other congenital malformations of musculoskeletal system musculoskeletal/skin congenital anomalies
Q82.0 hes_apc diag icd10 hereditary lymphoedema musculoskeletal/skin congenital anomalies
Q82.1 hes_apc diag icd10 xeroderma pigmentosum musculoskeletal/skin congenital anomalies
Q82.2 hes_apc diag icd10 mastocytosis musculoskeletal/skin congenital anomalies
Q82.3 hes_apc diag icd10 incontinentia pigmenti musculoskeletal/skin congenital anomalies
Q82.4 hes_apc diag icd10 ectodermal dysplasia (anhidrotic) musculoskeletal/skin congenital anomalies
Q82.9 hes_apc diag icd10 congenital malformation of skin unspecified musculoskeletal/skin congenital anomalies
Q86.2 hes_apc diag icd10 dysmorphism due to warfarin musculoskeletal/skin congenital anomalies
Q89.7 hes_apc diag icd10 multiple congenital malformations not elsewhere classified musculoskeletal/skin congenital anomalies
Q89.8 hes_apc diag icd10 other specified congenital malformations musculoskeletal/skin congenital anomalies
Q89.9 hes_apc diag icd10 congenital malformation unspecified musculoskeletal/skin congenital anomalies
F80.3 hes_apc diag icd10 acquired aphasia with epilepsy [landau-kleffner] neurological epilepsy
G40.0 hes_apc diag icd10 localization-related (focal)(partial) idiopathic epilepsy and epileptic syndromes with seizures of localized onset neurological epilepsy
G40.1 hes_apc diag icd10 localization-related (focal)(partial) symptomatic epilepsy and epileptic syndromes with simple partial seizures neurological epilepsy
G40.2 hes_apc diag icd10 localization-related (focal)(partial) symptomatic epilepsy and epileptic syndromes with complex partial seizures neurological epilepsy
G40.3 hes_apc diag icd10 generalized idiopathic epilepsy and epileptic syndromes neurological epilepsy
G40.4 hes_apc diag icd10 other generalized epilepsy and epileptic syndromes neurological epilepsy
G40.6 hes_apc diag icd10 grand mal seizures unspecified (with or without petit mal) neurological epilepsy
G40.7 hes_apc diag icd10 petit mal unspecified without grand mal seizures neurological epilepsy
G40.8 hes_apc diag icd10 other epilepsy neurological epilepsy
G40.9 hes_apc diag icd10 epilepsy unspecified neurological epilepsy
G41 hes_apc diag icd10 status epilepticus neurological epilepsy
R56.8 hes_apc diag icd10 other and unspecified convulsions neurological epilepsy
Y46.0 hes_apc diag icd10 succinimides neurological epilepsy
Y46.1 hes_apc diag icd10 oxazolidinediones neurological epilepsy
Y46.2 hes_apc diag icd10 hydantoin derivatives neurological epilepsy
Y46.3 hes_apc diag icd10 deoxybarbiturates neurological epilepsy
Y46.4 hes_apc diag icd10 iminostilbenes neurological epilepsy
Y46.5 hes_apc diag icd10 valproic acid neurological epilepsy
Y46.6 hes_apc diag icd10 other and unspecified antiepileptics neurological epilepsy
G80 hes_apc diag icd10 cerebral palsy neurological cerebral palsy
G81 hes_apc diag icd10 hemiplegia neurological cerebral palsy
G82 hes_apc diag icd10 paraplegia and tetraplegia neurological cerebral palsy
G83 hes_apc diag icd10 other paralytic syndromes neurological cerebral palsy
S05 hes_apc diag icd10 injury of eye and orbit neurological injuries of brain nerves eyes or ears los3
S06 hes_apc diag icd10 intracranial injury neurological injuries of brain nerves eyes or ears los3
S07 hes_apc diag icd10 crushing injury of head neurological injuries of brain nerves eyes or ears los3
S08 hes_apc diag icd10 traumatic amputation of part of head neurological injuries of brain nerves eyes or ears los3
S12 hes_apc diag icd10 fracture of neck neurological injuries of brain nerves eyes or ears los3
S14 hes_apc diag icd10 injury of nerves and spinal cord at neck level neurological injuries of brain nerves eyes or ears los3
S24 hes_apc diag icd10 injury of nerves and spinal cord at thorax level neurological injuries of brain nerves eyes or ears los3
S34 hes_apc diag icd10 injury of nerves and lumbar spinal cord at abdomen lower back and pelvis level neurological injuries of brain nerves eyes or ears los3
S44 hes_apc diag icd10 injury of nerves at shoulder and upper arm level neurological injuries of brain nerves eyes or ears los3
S54 hes_apc diag icd10 injury of nerves at forearm level neurological injuries of brain nerves eyes or ears los3
S64 hes_apc diag icd10 injury of nerves at wrist and hand level neurological injuries of brain nerves eyes or ears los3
S74 hes_apc diag icd10 injury of nerves at hip and thigh level neurological injuries of brain nerves eyes or ears los3
S84 hes_apc diag icd10 injury of nerves at lower leg level neurological injuries of brain nerves eyes or ears los3
S94 hes_apc diag icd10 injury of nerves at ankle and foot level neurological injuries of brain nerves eyes or ears los3
T06.0 hes_apc diag icd10 injuries of brain and cranial nerves with injuries of nerves and spinal cord at neck level neurological injuries of brain nerves eyes or ears los3
T06.1 hes_apc diag icd10 injuries of nerves and spinal cord involving other multiple body regions neurological injuries of brain nerves eyes or ears los3
T06.2 hes_apc diag icd10 injuries of nerves involving multiple body regions neurological injuries of brain nerves eyes or ears los3
T26 hes_apc diag icd10 burn and corrosion confined to eye and adnexa neurological injuries of brain nerves eyes or ears los3
T90.4 hes_apc diag icd10 sequelae of injury of eye and orbit neurological injuries of brain nerves eyes or ears los3
T90.5 hes_apc diag icd10 sequelae of intracranial injury neurological injuries of brain nerves eyes or ears los3
T91.1 hes_apc diag icd10 sequelae of fracture of spine neurological injuries of brain nerves eyes or ears los3
T91.3 hes_apc diag icd10 sequelae of injury of spinal cord neurological injuries of brain nerves eyes or ears los3
T92.4 hes_apc diag icd10 sequelae of injury of nerve of upper limb neurological injuries of brain nerves eyes or ears los3
H05.1 hes_apc diag icd10 chronic inflammatory disorders of orbit neurological chronic eye conditions
H05.2 hes_apc diag icd10 exophthalmic conditions neurological chronic eye conditions
H05.3 hes_apc diag icd10 deformity of orbit neurological chronic eye conditions
H05.4 hes_apc diag icd10 enophthalmos neurological chronic eye conditions
H05.5 hes_apc diag icd10 retained (old) foreign body following penetrating wound of orbit neurological chronic eye conditions
H05.8 hes_apc diag icd10 other disorders of orbit neurological chronic eye conditions
H05.9 hes_apc diag icd10 disorder of orbit unspecified neurological chronic eye conditions
H13.3 hes_apc diag icd10 ocular pemphigoid neurological chronic eye conditions
H17 hes_apc diag icd10 corneal scars and opacities neurological chronic eye conditions
H18 hes_apc diag icd10 other disorders of cornea neurological chronic eye conditions
H19.3 hes_apc diag icd10 keratitis and keratoconjunctivitis in other diseases classified elsewhere neurological chronic eye conditions
H19.8 hes_apc diag icd10 other disorders of sclera and cornea in diseases classified elsewhere neurological chronic eye conditions
H21 hes_apc diag icd10 other disorders of iris and ciliary body neurological chronic eye conditions
H26 hes_apc diag icd10 other cataract neurological chronic eye conditions
H27 hes_apc diag icd10 other disorders of lens neurological chronic eye conditions
H28.0 hes_apc diag icd10 diabetic cataract neurological chronic eye conditions
H28.1 hes_apc diag icd10 cataract in other endocrine nutritional and metabolic diseases neurological chronic eye conditions
H28.2 hes_apc diag icd10 cataract in other diseases classified elsewhere neurological chronic eye conditions
H31 hes_apc diag icd10 other disorders of choroid neurological chronic eye conditions
H32.8 hes_apc diag icd10 other chorioretinal disorders in diseases classified elsewhere neurological chronic eye conditions
H33 hes_apc diag icd10 retinal detachments and breaks neurological chronic eye conditions
H34 hes_apc diag icd10 retinal vascular occlusions neurological chronic eye conditions
H35 hes_apc diag icd10 other retinal disorders neurological chronic eye conditions
H40 hes_apc diag icd10 glaucoma neurological chronic eye conditions
H42.0 hes_apc diag icd10 glaucoma in endocrine nutritional and metabolic diseases neurological chronic eye conditions
H43 hes_apc diag icd10 disorders of vitreous body neurological chronic eye conditions
H44 hes_apc diag icd10 disorders of globe neurological chronic eye conditions
H47 hes_apc diag icd10 other disorders of optic [2nd] nerve and visual pathways neurological chronic eye conditions
H54.0 hes_apc diag icd10 blindness binocular neurological chronic eye conditions
H54.1 hes_apc diag icd10 severe visual impairment binocular neurological chronic eye conditions
H54.2 hes_apc diag icd10 moderate visual impairment binocular neurological chronic eye conditions
H54.4 hes_apc diag icd10 blindness monocular neurological chronic eye conditions
T85.2 hes_apc diag icd10 mechanical complication of intraocular lens neurological chronic eye conditions
T85.3 hes_apc diag icd10 mechanical complication of other ocular prosthetic devices implants and grafts neurological chronic eye conditions
Z44.2 hes_apc diag icd10 fitting and adjustment of artificial eye neurological chronic eye conditions
H60.2 hes_apc diag icd10 malignant otitis externa neurological chronic ear conditions
H65.2 hes_apc diag icd10 chronic serous otitis media neurological chronic ear conditions
H65.3 hes_apc diag icd10 chronic mucoid otitis media neurological chronic ear conditions
H65.4 hes_apc diag icd10 other chronic nonsuppurative otitis media neurological chronic ear conditions
H66.1 hes_apc diag icd10 chronic tubotympanic suppurative otitis media neurological chronic ear conditions
H66.2 hes_apc diag icd10 chronic atticoantral suppurative otitis media neurological chronic ear conditions
H66.3 hes_apc diag icd10 other chronic suppurative otitis media neurological chronic ear conditions
H69.0 hes_apc diag icd10 patulous eustachian tube neurological chronic ear conditions
H70.1 hes_apc diag icd10 chronic mastoiditis neurological chronic ear conditions
H73.1 hes_apc diag icd10 chronic myringitis neurological chronic ear conditions
H74.0 hes_apc diag icd10 tympanosclerosis neurological chronic ear conditions
H74.1 hes_apc diag icd10 adhesive middle ear disease neurological chronic ear conditions
H74.2 hes_apc diag icd10 discontinuity and dislocation of ear ossicles neurological chronic ear conditions
H74.3 hes_apc diag icd10 other acquired abnormalities of ear ossicles neurological chronic ear conditions
H75.0 hes_apc diag icd10 mastoiditis in infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere neurological chronic ear conditions
H80 hes_apc diag icd10 otosclerosis neurological chronic ear conditions
H81.0 hes_apc diag icd10 meniere disease neurological chronic ear conditions
H81.4 hes_apc diag icd10 vertigo of central origin neurological chronic ear conditions
H83.0 hes_apc diag icd10 labyrinthitis neurological chronic ear conditions
H83.2 hes_apc diag icd10 labyrinthine dysfunction neurological chronic ear conditions
H90.0 hes_apc diag icd10 conductive hearing loss bilateral neurological chronic ear conditions
H90.3 hes_apc diag icd10 sensorineural hearing loss bilateral neurological chronic ear conditions
H90.5 hes_apc diag icd10 sensorineural hearing loss unspecified neurological chronic ear conditions
H90.6 hes_apc diag icd10 mixed conductive and sensorineural hearing loss bilateral neurological chronic ear conditions
H91 hes_apc diag icd10 other hearing loss neurological chronic ear conditions
Z45.3 hes_apc diag icd10 adjustment and management of implanted hearing device neurological chronic ear conditions
P10 hes_apc diag icd10 intracranial laceration and haemorrhage due to birth injury neurological perinatal conditions
P21.0 hes_apc diag icd10 severe birth asphyxia neurological perinatal conditions
P52 hes_apc diag icd10 intracranial nontraumatic haemorrhage of fetus and newborn neurological perinatal conditions
P57 hes_apc diag icd10 kernicterus neurological perinatal conditions
P90 hes_apc diag icd10 convulsions of newborn neurological perinatal conditions
P91.1 hes_apc diag icd10 acquired periventricular cysts of newborn neurological perinatal conditions
P91.2 hes_apc diag icd10 neonatal cerebral leukomalacia neurological perinatal conditions
P91.6 hes_apc diag icd10 hypoxic ischaemic encephalopathy of newborn neurological perinatal conditions
Q00 hes_apc diag icd10 anencephaly and similar malformations neurological congenital anomalies of neurological or sensory systems
Q01 hes_apc diag icd10 encephalocele neurological congenital anomalies of neurological or sensory systems
Q02 hes_apc diag icd10 microcephaly neurological congenital anomalies of neurological or sensory systems
Q03 hes_apc diag icd10 congenital hydrocephalus neurological congenital anomalies of neurological or sensory systems
Q04 hes_apc diag icd10 other congenital malformations of brain neurological congenital anomalies of neurological or sensory systems
Q05 hes_apc diag icd10 spina bifida neurological congenital anomalies of neurological or sensory systems
Q06 hes_apc diag icd10 other congenital malformations of spinal cord neurological congenital anomalies of neurological or sensory systems
Q07 hes_apc diag icd10 other congenital malformations of nervous system neurological congenital anomalies of neurological or sensory systems
Q10.4 hes_apc diag icd10 absence and agenesis of lacrimal apparatus neurological congenital anomalies of neurological or sensory systems
Q10.7 hes_apc diag icd10 congenital malformation of orbit neurological congenital anomalies of neurological or sensory systems
Q11 hes_apc diag icd10 anophthalmos microphthalmos and macrophthalmos neurological congenital anomalies of neurological or sensory systems
Q12 hes_apc diag icd10 congenital lens malformations neurological congenital anomalies of neurological or sensory systems
Q13.0 hes_apc diag icd10 coloboma of iris neurological congenital anomalies of neurological or sensory systems
Q13.1 hes_apc diag icd10 absence of iris neurological congenital anomalies of neurological or sensory systems
Q13.2 hes_apc diag icd10 other congenital malformations of iris neurological congenital anomalies of neurological or sensory systems
Q13.3 hes_apc diag icd10 congenital corneal opacity neurological congenital anomalies of neurological or sensory systems
Q13.4 hes_apc diag icd10 other congenital corneal malformations neurological congenital anomalies of neurological or sensory systems
Q13.8 hes_apc diag icd10 other congenital malformations of anterior segment of eye neurological congenital anomalies of neurological or sensory systems
Q13.9 hes_apc diag icd10 congenital malformation of anterior segment of eye unspecified neurological congenital anomalies of neurological or sensory systems
Q14 hes_apc diag icd10 congenital malformations of posterior segment of eye neurological congenital anomalies of neurological or sensory systems
Q15 hes_apc diag icd10 other congenital malformations of eye neurological congenital anomalies of neurological or sensory systems
Q16 hes_apc diag icd10 congenital malformations of ear causing impairment of hearing neurological congenital anomalies of neurological or sensory systems
Q75.0 hes_apc diag icd10 craniosynostosis neurological congenital anomalies of neurological or sensory systems
Q75.1 hes_apc diag icd10 craniofacial dysostosis neurological congenital anomalies of neurological or sensory systems
Q85 hes_apc diag icd10 phakomatoses not elsewhere classified neurological congenital anomalies of neurological or sensory systems
Q86.0 hes_apc diag icd10 fetal alcohol syndrome (dysmorphic) neurological congenital anomalies of neurological or sensory systems
Q86.1 hes_apc diag icd10 fetal hydantoin syndrome neurological congenital anomalies of neurological or sensory systems
Q86.8 hes_apc diag icd10 other congenital malformation syndromes due to known exogenous causes neurological congenital anomalies of neurological or sensory systems
Q90 hes_apc diag icd10 down syndrome neurological congenital anomalies of neurological or sensory systems
Q91 hes_apc diag icd10 edwards’ syndrome and patau syndrome neurological congenital anomalies of neurological or sensory systems
Q92 hes_apc diag icd10 other trisomies and partial trisomies of the autosomes not elsewhere classified neurological congenital anomalies of neurological or sensory systems
Q93 hes_apc diag icd10 monosomies and deletions from the autosomes not elsewhere classified neurological congenital anomalies of neurological or sensory systems
Q95.2 hes_apc diag icd10 balanced autosomal rearrangement in abnormal individual neurological congenital anomalies of neurological or sensory systems
Q95.3 hes_apc diag icd10 balanced sex/autosomal rearrangement in abnormal individual neurological congenital anomalies of neurological or sensory systems
Q97 hes_apc diag icd10 other sex chromosome abnormalities female phenotype not elsewhere classified neurological congenital anomalies of neurological or sensory systems
Q99 hes_apc diag icd10 other chromosome abnormalities not elsewhere classified neurological congenital anomalies of neurological or sensory systems
F02.2 hes_apc diag icd10 dementia in huntington disease neurological other [neurological]
F02.3 hes_apc diag icd10 dementia in parkinson disease neurological other [neurological]
G00 hes_apc diag icd10 bacterial meningitis not elsewhere classified neurological other [neurological]
G01 hes_apc diag icd10 meningitis in bacterial diseases classified elsewhere neurological other [neurological]
G02 hes_apc diag icd10 meningitis in other infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere neurological other [neurological]
G03 hes_apc diag icd10 meningitis due to other and unspecified causes neurological other [neurological]
G04 hes_apc diag icd10 encephalitis myelitis and encephalomyelitis neurological other [neurological]
G05 hes_apc diag icd10 encephalitis myelitis and encephalomyelitis in diseases classified elsewhere neurological other [neurological]
G06 hes_apc diag icd10 intracranial and intraspinal abscess and granuloma neurological other [neurological]
G07 hes_apc diag icd10 intracranial and intraspinal abscess and granuloma in diseases classified elsewhere neurological other [neurological]
G08 hes_apc diag icd10 intracranial and intraspinal phlebitis and thrombophlebitis neurological other [neurological]
G09 hes_apc diag icd10 sequelae of inflammatory diseases of central nervous system neurological other [neurological]
G10 hes_apc diag icd10 huntington disease neurological other [neurological]
G11 hes_apc diag icd10 hereditary ataxia neurological other [neurological]
G12 hes_apc diag icd10 spinal muscular atrophy and related syndromes neurological other [neurological]
G13.8 hes_apc diag icd10 systemic atrophy primarily affecting central nervous system in other diseases classified elsewhere neurological other [neurological]
G14 hes_apc diag icd10 postpolio syndrome neurological other [neurological]
G20 hes_apc diag icd10 parkinson disease neurological other [neurological]
G21 hes_apc diag icd10 secondary parkinsonism neurological other [neurological]
G22 hes_apc diag icd10 parkinsonism in diseases classified elsewhere neurological other [neurological]
G23 hes_apc diag icd10 other degenerative diseases of basal ganglia neurological other [neurological]
G24.1 hes_apc diag icd10 idiopathic familial dystonia neurological other [neurological]
G24.2 hes_apc diag icd10 idiopathic nonfamilial dystonia neurological other [neurological]
G24.3 hes_apc diag icd10 spasmodic torticollis neurological other [neurological]
G24.4 hes_apc diag icd10 idiopathic orofacial dystonia neurological other [neurological]
G24.5 hes_apc diag icd10 blepharospasm neurological other [neurological]
G24.8 hes_apc diag icd10 other dystonia neurological other [neurological]
G24.9 hes_apc diag icd10 dystonia unspecified neurological other [neurological]
G25 hes_apc diag icd10 other extrapyramidal and movement disorders neurological other [neurological]
G26 hes_apc diag icd10 extrapyramidal and movement disorders in diseases classified elsewhere neurological other [neurological]
G30 hes_apc diag icd10 alzheimer disease neurological other [neurological]
G31.0 hes_apc diag icd10 circumscribed brain atrophy neurological other [neurological]
G31.1 hes_apc diag icd10 senile degeneration of brain not elsewhere classified neurological other [neurological]
G31.8 hes_apc diag icd10 other specified degenerative diseases of nervous system neurological other [neurological]
G31.9 hes_apc diag icd10 degenerative disease of nervous system unspecified neurological other [neurological]
G32 hes_apc diag icd10 other degenerative disorders of nervous system in diseases classified elsewhere neurological other [neurological]
G35 hes_apc diag icd10 multiple sclerosis neurological other [neurological]
G36 hes_apc diag icd10 other acute disseminated demyelination neurological other [neurological]
G37 hes_apc diag icd10 other demyelinating diseases of central nervous system neurological other [neurological]
G43 hes_apc diag icd10 migraine neurological other [neurological]
G44 hes_apc diag icd10 other headache syndromes neurological other [neurological]
G45 hes_apc diag icd10 transient cerebral ischaemic attacks and related syndromes neurological other [neurological]
G46 hes_apc diag icd10 vascular syndromes of brain in cerebrovascular diseases neurological other [neurological]
G47.0 hes_apc diag icd10 disorders of initiating and maintaining sleep [insomnias] neurological other [neurological]
G47.1 hes_apc diag icd10 disorders of excessive somnolence [hypersomnias] neurological other [neurological]
G47.2 hes_apc diag icd10 disorders of the sleep-wake schedule neurological other [neurological]
G47.4 hes_apc diag icd10 narcolepsy and cataplexy neurological other [neurological]
G47.8 hes_apc diag icd10 other sleep disorders neurological other [neurological]
G47.9 hes_apc diag icd10 sleep disorder unspecified neurological other [neurological]
G50 hes_apc diag icd10 disorders of trigeminal nerve neurological other [neurological]
G51 hes_apc diag icd10 facial nerve disorders neurological other [neurological]
G52 hes_apc diag icd10 disorders of other cranial nerves neurological other [neurological]
G53.0 hes_apc diag icd10 postzoster neuralgia neurological other [neurological]
G53.1 hes_apc diag icd10 multiple cranial nerve palsies in infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere neurological other [neurological]
G53.8 hes_apc diag icd10 other cranial nerve disorders in other diseases classified elsewhere neurological other [neurological]
G54 hes_apc diag icd10 nerve root and plexus disorders neurological other [neurological]
G55.8 hes_apc diag icd10 nerve root and plexus compressions in other diseases classified elsewhere neurological other [neurological]
G56 hes_apc diag icd10 mononeuropathies of upper limb neurological other [neurological]
G57 hes_apc diag icd10 mononeuropathies of lower limb neurological other [neurological]
G58 hes_apc diag icd10 other mononeuropathies neurological other [neurological]
G59.8 hes_apc diag icd10 other mononeuropathies in diseases classified elsewhere neurological other [neurological]
G60 hes_apc diag icd10 hereditary and idiopathic neuropathy neurological other [neurological]
G61 hes_apc diag icd10 inflammatory polyneuropathy neurological other [neurological]
G62.0 hes_apc diag icd10 drug-induced polyneuropathy neurological other [neurological]
G62.2 hes_apc diag icd10 polyneuropathy due to other toxic agents neurological other [neurological]
G62.8 hes_apc diag icd10 other specified polyneuropathies neurological other [neurological]
G62.9 hes_apc diag icd10 polyneuropathy unspecified neurological other [neurological]
G64 hes_apc diag icd10 other disorders of peripheral nervous system neurological other [neurological]
G70 hes_apc diag icd10 myasthenia gravis and other myoneural disorders neurological other [neurological]
G71 hes_apc diag icd10 primary disorders of muscles neurological other [neurological]
G72.2 hes_apc diag icd10 myopathy due to other toxic agents neurological other [neurological]
G72.3 hes_apc diag icd10 periodic paralysis neurological other [neurological]
G72.4 hes_apc diag icd10 inflammatory myopathy not elsewhere classified neurological other [neurological]
G72.8 hes_apc diag icd10 other specified myopathies neurological other [neurological]
G72.9 hes_apc diag icd10 myopathy unspecified neurological other [neurological]
G73.0 hes_apc diag icd10 myasthenic syndromes in endocrine diseases neurological other [neurological]
G73.3 hes_apc diag icd10 myasthenic syndromes in other diseases classified elsewhere neurological other [neurological]
G90 hes_apc diag icd10 disorders of autonomic nervous system neurological other [neurological]
G91 hes_apc diag icd10 hydrocephalus neurological other [neurological]
G92 hes_apc diag icd10 toxic encephalopathy neurological other [neurological]
G93 hes_apc diag icd10 other disorders of brain neurological other [neurological]
G94.2 hes_apc diag icd10 hydrocephalus in other diseases classified elsewhere neurological other [neurological]
G94.8 hes_apc diag icd10 other specified disorders of brain in diseases classified elsewhere neurological other [neurological]
G95 hes_apc diag icd10 other diseases of spinal cord neurological other [neurological]
G96 hes_apc diag icd10 other disorders of central nervous system neurological other [neurological]
G98 hes_apc diag icd10 other disorders of nervous system not elsewhere classified neurological other [neurological]
G99.1 hes_apc diag icd10 other disorders of autonomic nervous system in other diseases classified elsewhere neurological other [neurological]
G99.2 hes_apc diag icd10 myelopathy in diseases classified elsewhere neurological other [neurological]
I60 hes_apc diag icd10 subarachnoid haemorrhage neurological other [neurological]
I61 hes_apc diag icd10 intracerebral haemorrhage neurological other [neurological]
I62 hes_apc diag icd10 other nontraumatic intracranial haemorrhage neurological other [neurological]
I63 hes_apc diag icd10 cerebral infarction neurological other [neurological]
I64 hes_apc diag icd10 stroke not specified as haemorrhage or infarction neurological other [neurological]
I65 hes_apc diag icd10 occlusion and stenosis of precerebral arteries not resulting in cerebral infarction neurological other [neurological]
I66 hes_apc diag icd10 occlusion and stenosis of cerebral arteries not resulting in cerebral infarction neurological other [neurological]
I67 hes_apc diag icd10 other cerebrovascular diseases neurological other [neurological]
I68.0 hes_apc diag icd10 cerebral amyloid angiopathy neurological other [neurological]
I68.2 hes_apc diag icd10 cerebral arteritis in other diseases classified elsewhere neurological other [neurological]
I69 hes_apc diag icd10 sequelae of cerebrovascular disease neurological other [neurological]
I72.0 hes_apc diag icd10 aneurysm and dissection of carotid artery neurological other [neurological]
I72.5 hes_apc diag icd10 aneurysm and dissection of other precerebral arteries neurological other [neurological]
T85.0 hes_apc diag icd10 mechanical complication of ventricular intracranial (communicating) shunt neurological other [neurological]
T85.1 hes_apc diag icd10 mechanical complication of implanted electronic stimulator of nervous system neurological other [neurological]
Y46.7 hes_apc diag icd10 antiparkinsonism drugs neurological other [neurological]
Y46.8 hes_apc diag icd10 antispasticity drugs neurological other [neurological]
Z98.2 hes_apc diag icd10 presence of cerebrospinal fluid drainage device neurological other [neurological]
Q20 hes_apc diag icd10 congenital malformations of cardiac chambers and connections cardiovascular congenital heart disease
Q21 hes_apc diag icd10 congenital malformations of cardiac septa cardiovascular congenital heart disease
Q22 hes_apc diag icd10 congenital malformations of pulmonary and tricuspid valves cardiovascular congenital heart disease
Q23 hes_apc diag icd10 congenital malformations of aortic and mitral valves cardiovascular congenital heart disease
Q24 hes_apc diag icd10 other congenital malformations of heart cardiovascular congenital heart disease
Q25 hes_apc diag icd10 congenital malformations of great arteries cardiovascular congenital heart disease
Q26 hes_apc diag icd10 congenital malformations of great veins cardiovascular congenital heart disease
Q89.3 hes_apc diag icd10 situs inversus cardiovascular congenital heart disease
I00 hes_apc diag icd10 rheumatic fever without mention of heart involvement cardiovascular other [cardiovascular] los3
I01 hes_apc diag icd10 rheumatic fever with heart involvement cardiovascular other [cardiovascular] los3
I02 hes_apc diag icd10 rheumatic chorea cardiovascular other [cardiovascular] los3
I05 hes_apc diag icd10 rheumatic mitral valve diseases cardiovascular other [cardiovascular] los3
I06 hes_apc diag icd10 rheumatic aortic valve diseases cardiovascular other [cardiovascular] los3
I07 hes_apc diag icd10 rheumatic tricuspid valve diseases cardiovascular other [cardiovascular] los3
I08 hes_apc diag icd10 multiple valve diseases cardiovascular other [cardiovascular] los3
I09 hes_apc diag icd10 other rheumatic heart diseases cardiovascular other [cardiovascular] los3
I10 hes_apc diag icd10 essential (primary) hypertension cardiovascular other [cardiovascular] los3
I11 hes_apc diag icd10 hypertensive heart disease cardiovascular other [cardiovascular] los3
I12 hes_apc diag icd10 hypertensive renal disease cardiovascular other [cardiovascular] los3
I13 hes_apc diag icd10 hypertensive heart and renal disease cardiovascular other [cardiovascular] los3
I15 hes_apc diag icd10 secondary hypertension cardiovascular other [cardiovascular] los3
I20 hes_apc diag icd10 angina pectoris cardiovascular other [cardiovascular] los3
I21 hes_apc diag icd10 acute myocardial infarction cardiovascular other [cardiovascular] los3
I22 hes_apc diag icd10 subsequent myocardial infarction cardiovascular other [cardiovascular] los3
I23 hes_apc diag icd10 certain current complications following acute myocardial infarction cardiovascular other [cardiovascular] los3
I24 hes_apc diag icd10 other acute ischaemic heart diseases cardiovascular other [cardiovascular] los3
I25 hes_apc diag icd10 chronic ischaemic heart disease cardiovascular other [cardiovascular] los3
I26 hes_apc diag icd10 pulmonary embolism cardiovascular other [cardiovascular] los3
I27 hes_apc diag icd10 other pulmonary heart diseases cardiovascular other [cardiovascular] los3
I28 hes_apc diag icd10 other diseases of pulmonary vessels cardiovascular other [cardiovascular] los3
I31 hes_apc diag icd10 other diseases of pericardium cardiovascular other [cardiovascular] los3
I32 hes_apc diag icd10 pericarditis in diseases classified elsewhere cardiovascular other [cardiovascular] los3
I33 hes_apc diag icd10 acute and subacute endocarditis cardiovascular other [cardiovascular] los3
I34 hes_apc diag icd10 nonrheumatic mitral valve disorders cardiovascular other [cardiovascular] los3
I35 hes_apc diag icd10 nonrheumatic aortic valve disorders cardiovascular other [cardiovascular] los3
I36 hes_apc diag icd10 nonrheumatic tricuspid valve disorders cardiovascular other [cardiovascular] los3
I37 hes_apc diag icd10 pulmonary valve disorders cardiovascular other [cardiovascular] los3
I38 hes_apc diag icd10 endocarditis valve unspecified cardiovascular other [cardiovascular] los3
I39 hes_apc diag icd10 endocarditis and heart valve disorders in diseases classified elsewhere cardiovascular other [cardiovascular] los3
I41 hes_apc diag icd10 myocarditis in diseases classified elsewhere cardiovascular other [cardiovascular] los3
I42.0 hes_apc diag icd10 dilated cardiomyopathy cardiovascular other [cardiovascular] los3
I42.1 hes_apc diag icd10 obstructive hypertrophic cardiomyopathy cardiovascular other [cardiovascular] los3
I42.2 hes_apc diag icd10 other hypertrophic cardiomyopathy cardiovascular other [cardiovascular] los3
I42.3 hes_apc diag icd10 endomyocardial (eosinophilic) disease cardiovascular other [cardiovascular] los3
I42.4 hes_apc diag icd10 endocardial fibroelastosis cardiovascular other [cardiovascular] los3
I42.5 hes_apc diag icd10 other restrictive cardiomyopathy cardiovascular other [cardiovascular] los3
I42.7 hes_apc diag icd10 cardiomyopathy due to drugs and other external agents cardiovascular other [cardiovascular] los3
I42.8 hes_apc diag icd10 other cardiomyopathies cardiovascular other [cardiovascular] los3
I42.9 hes_apc diag icd10 cardiomyopathy unspecified cardiovascular other [cardiovascular] los3
I43.0 hes_apc diag icd10 cardiomyopathy in infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere cardiovascular other [cardiovascular] los3
I43.1 hes_apc diag icd10 cardiomyopathy in metabolic diseases cardiovascular other [cardiovascular]
I43.2 hes_apc diag icd10 cardiomyopathy in nutritional diseases cardiovascular other [cardiovascular] los3
I43.8 hes_apc diag icd10 cardiomyopathy in other diseases classified elsewhere cardiovascular other [cardiovascular] los3
I44.1 hes_apc diag icd10 atrioventricular block second degree cardiovascular other [cardiovascular] los3
I44.2 hes_apc diag icd10 atrioventricular block complete cardiovascular other [cardiovascular] los3
I44.3 hes_apc diag icd10 other and unspecified atrioventricular block cardiovascular other [cardiovascular] los3
I44.4 hes_apc diag icd10 left anterior fascicular block cardiovascular other [cardiovascular] los3
I44.5 hes_apc diag icd10 left posterior fascicular block cardiovascular other [cardiovascular] los3
I44.6 hes_apc diag icd10 other and unspecified fascicular block cardiovascular other [cardiovascular] los3
I44.7 hes_apc diag icd10 left bundle-branch block unspecified cardiovascular other [cardiovascular] los3
I45.1 hes_apc diag icd10 other and unspecified right bundle-branch block cardiovascular other [cardiovascular] los3
I45.2 hes_apc diag icd10 bifascicular block cardiovascular other [cardiovascular] los3
I45.3 hes_apc diag icd10 trifascicular block cardiovascular other [cardiovascular] los3
I45.4 hes_apc diag icd10 nonspecific intraventricular block cardiovascular other [cardiovascular] los3
I45.5 hes_apc diag icd10 other specified heart block cardiovascular other [cardiovascular] los3
I45.6 hes_apc diag icd10 pre-excitation syndrome cardiovascular other [cardiovascular] los3
I45.8 hes_apc diag icd10 other specified conduction disorders cardiovascular other [cardiovascular] los3
I45.9 hes_apc diag icd10 conduction disorder unspecified cardiovascular other [cardiovascular] los3
I46 hes_apc diag icd10 cardiac arrest cardiovascular other [cardiovascular] los3
I47 hes_apc diag icd10 paroxysmal tachycardia cardiovascular other [cardiovascular] los3
I48 hes_apc diag icd10 atrial fibrillation and flutter cardiovascular other [cardiovascular] los3
I49 hes_apc diag icd10 other cardiac arrhythmias cardiovascular other [cardiovascular] los3
I50 hes_apc diag icd10 heart failure cardiovascular other [cardiovascular] los3
I51 hes_apc diag icd10 complications and ill-defined descriptions of heart disease cardiovascular other [cardiovascular] los3
I52.8 hes_apc diag icd10 other heart disorders in other diseases classified elsewhere cardiovascular other [cardiovascular]
I70 hes_apc diag icd10 atherosclerosis cardiovascular other [cardiovascular] los3
I71 hes_apc diag icd10 aortic aneurysm and dissection cardiovascular other [cardiovascular] los3
I72.1 hes_apc diag icd10 aneurysm and dissection of artery of upper extremity cardiovascular other [cardiovascular] los3
I72.2 hes_apc diag icd10 aneurysm and dissection of renal artery cardiovascular other [cardiovascular] los3
I74.4 hes_apc diag icd10 embolism and thrombosis of arteries of extremities unspecified cardiovascular other [cardiovascular] los3
I72.8 hes_apc diag icd10 aneurysm and dissection of other specified arteries cardiovascular other [cardiovascular] los3
I72.9 hes_apc diag icd10 aneurysm and dissection of unspecified site cardiovascular other [cardiovascular] los3
I73 hes_apc diag icd10 other peripheral vascular diseases cardiovascular other [cardiovascular] los3
I74 hes_apc diag icd10 arterial embolism and thrombosis cardiovascular other [cardiovascular] los3
I77 hes_apc diag icd10 other disorders of arteries and arterioles cardiovascular other [cardiovascular] los3
I79.0 hes_apc diag icd10 aneurysm of aorta in diseases classified elsewhere cardiovascular other [cardiovascular] los3
I79.1 hes_apc diag icd10 aortitis in diseases classified elsewhere cardiovascular other [cardiovascular] los3
I79.8 hes_apc diag icd10 other disorders of arteries arterioles and capillaries in diseases classified elsewhere cardiovascular other [cardiovascular] los3
I81 hes_apc diag icd10 portal vein thrombosis cardiovascular other [cardiovascular] los3
I82 hes_apc diag icd10 other venous embolism and thrombosis cardiovascular other [cardiovascular] los3
I98 hes_apc diag icd10 other disorders of circulatory system in diseases classified elsewhere cardiovascular other [cardiovascular] los3
I99 hes_apc diag icd10 other and unspecified disorders of circulatory system cardiovascular other [cardiovascular] los3
M03.6 hes_apc diag icd10 reactive arthropathy in other diseases classified elsewhere cardiovascular other [cardiovascular]
N08.8 hes_apc diag icd10 glomerular disorders in other diseases classified elsewhere cardiovascular other [cardiovascular]
Q27 hes_apc diag icd10 other congenital malformations of peripheral vascular system cardiovascular other [cardiovascular]
Q28 hes_apc diag icd10 other congenital malformations of circulatory system cardiovascular other [cardiovascular]
S26 hes_apc diag icd10 injury of heart cardiovascular other [cardiovascular] los3
T82.0 hes_apc diag icd10 mechanical complication of heart valve prosthesis cardiovascular other [cardiovascular]
T82.1 hes_apc diag icd10 mechanical complication of cardiac electronic device cardiovascular other [cardiovascular]
T82.2 hes_apc diag icd10 mechanical complication of coronary artery bypass and valve grafts cardiovascular other [cardiovascular]
T82.3 hes_apc diag icd10 mechanical complication of other vascular grafts cardiovascular other [cardiovascular]
T82.5 hes_apc diag icd10 mechanical complication of other cardiac and vascular devices and implants cardiovascular other [cardiovascular]
T82.6 hes_apc diag icd10 infection and inflammatory reaction due to cardiac valve prosthesis cardiovascular other [cardiovascular]
T82.7 hes_apc diag icd10 infection and inflammatory reaction due to other cardiac and vascular devices implants and grafts cardiovascular other [cardiovascular]
T82.8 hes_apc diag icd10 other specified complications of cardiac and vascular prosthetic devices implants and grafts cardiovascular other [cardiovascular]
T82.9 hes_apc diag icd10 unspecified complication of cardiac and vascular prosthetic device implant and graft cardiovascular other [cardiovascular]
T86.2 hes_apc diag icd10 heart transplant failure and rejection cardiovascular other [cardiovascular]
Y60.5 hes_apc diag icd10 during heart catheterization cardiovascular other [cardiovascular]
Y61.5 hes_apc diag icd10 during heart catheterization cardiovascular other [cardiovascular]
Y62.5 hes_apc diag icd10 during heart catheterization cardiovascular other [cardiovascular]
Y84.0 hes_apc diag icd10 cardiac catheterization cardiovascular other [cardiovascular]
Z45.0 hes_apc diag icd10 adjustment and management of cardiac devices cardiovascular other [cardiovascular]
Z50.0 hes_apc diag icd10 cardiac rehabilitation cardiovascular other [cardiovascular]
Z94.1 hes_apc diag icd10 heart transplant status cardiovascular other [cardiovascular]
Z95 hes_apc diag icd10 presence of cardiac and vascular implants and grafts cardiovascular other [cardiovascular]
R62 hes_apc diag icd10 lack of expected normal physiological development codes indicating non-specific chronic condition codes indicating non-specific chronic condition
R63.3 hes_apc diag icd10 feeding difficulties and mismanagement codes indicating non-specific chronic condition codes indicating non-specific chronic condition
Z43.1 hes_apc diag icd10 attention to gastrostomy codes indicating non-specific chronic condition codes indicating non-specific chronic condition
Z51.5 hes_apc diag icd10 palliative care codes indicating non-specific chronic condition codes indicating non-specific chronic condition
Z75.5 hes_apc diag icd10 holiday relief care codes indicating non-specific chronic condition codes indicating non-specific chronic condition
Z93.1 hes_apc diag icd10 gastrostomy status codes indicating non-specific chronic condition codes indicating non-specific chronic condition
Z99.3 hes_apc diag icd10 dependence on wheelchair codes indicating non-specific chronic condition codes indicating non-specific chronic condition

The Hardelid et al code list also contains a column called flag. Where a code list has certain stipulations, then the list will have one or more flag columns. For example, codes F55 and G24.0 (among others) have flag = los3. The Hardelid et al code list documentation reveals that this means the code is only to be counted if the admission is more than three days long. See the documentation for each code list in the Repository and the original papers cited therein for details of all such flags and restrictions.

Not all code lists use ICD-10 or OPCS codes (or exclusively these). For example, the Zylbersztejn et al code list used to identify births, in addition to being designed for use where startage is 7001 or 7002 (flag = startage_7001_7002), uses ICD-10 codes (diag), healthcare resource group codes (hrg), episode type (epitype), patient classification (classpat), admission method (admimeth) and neonatal care (neocare):

code dataset field code_type description flag
Z37 hes_apc diag icd10 outcome of delivery startage_7001_7002
Z38 hes_apc diag icd10 liveborn infants according to place of birth startage_7001_7002
N01 hes_apc hrg hrg_v3.5 neonates - died <2 days old startage_7001_7002
N02 hes_apc hrg hrg_v3.5 neonates with multiple minor diagnoses startage_7001_7002
N03 hes_apc hrg hrg_v3.5 neonates with one minor diagnosis startage_7001_7002
N04 hes_apc hrg hrg_v3.5 neonates with multiple major diagnoses startage_7001_7002
N05 hes_apc hrg hrg_v3.5 neonates with one major diagnosis startage_7001_7002
PB01Z hes_apc hrg hrg_v4 major neonatal diagnoses startage_7001_7002
PB02Z hes_apc hrg hrg_v4 minor neonatal diagnoses startage_7001_7002
PB03Z hes_apc hrg hrg_v4 healthy baby startage_7001_7002
3 hes_apc epitype epitype birth episode startage_7001_7002
6 hes_apc epitype epitype other birth event startage_7001_7002
5 hes_apc classpat classpat mothers and babies using only delivery facilities startage_7001_7002
82 hes_apc admimeth admimeth the birth of a baby in this health care provider startage_7001_7002
83 hes_apc admimeth admimeth baby born outside the health care provider except when born at home as intended startage_7001_7002
2C hes_apc admimeth admimeth baby born at home as intended (available from 2013/14) startage_7001_7002
0 hes_apc neocare neocare normal care startage_7001_7002
1 hes_apc neocare neocare special care startage_7001_7002
2 hes_apc neocare neocare level 2 intensive care startage_7001_7002
3 hes_apc neocare neocare level 1 intensive care startage_7001_7002

In addition, there are some general formatting principles for all code lists:

  1. Commas are removed from all *.csv files to avoid problems when reading comma separated files into memory.
  2. Lower case is used throughout, except for the codes themselves, which use whatever case is used in the coding system itself.
  3. Where a code list has groups (and subgroups), labels used in all code lists must adhere, as far as possible, to the original labels, including in spelling. This is to aid cross-checking with the original. This principle means that both British and US spellings (usually abbreviated) may be used. It also means that some terms that are no longer commonly used in the UK are retained. Users are, of course, free to alter labels in their own analyses.
  4. Code lists should be organised in the same order as in the relevant publication, in terms of the order of codes, groups and sub-groups. This is also to aid cross-checking with the original publications.

Removals and truncations

Sometimes it is necessary to remove some codes from a list. For example, the Cohen et al medical complexity code list has 20 codes removed, all of which are ICD-9 codes that are not used in ECHILD. The removed codes are saved in an accompanying *.csv file:

code dataset field code_type group subgroup reason_for_removal
V44.1 hes_apc diag icd9 technological_assistance technological_assistance icd9 not used in repository
V44.2 hes_apc diag icd9 technological_assistance technological_assistance icd9 not used in repository
V44.3 hes_apc diag icd9 technological_assistance technological_assistance icd9 not used in repository
V44.5 hes_apc diag icd9 technological_assistance technological_assistance icd9 not used in repository
V44.6 hes_apc diag icd9 technological_assistance technological_assistance icd9 not used in repository
V45.0 hes_apc diag icd9 technological_assistance technological_assistance icd9 not used in repository
V45.1 hes_apc diag icd9 technological_assistance technological_assistance icd9 not used in repository
V53.0 hes_apc diag icd9 technological_assistance technological_assistance icd9 not used in repository
V53.5 hes_apc diag icd9 technological_assistance technological_assistance icd9 not used in repository
V55.0 hes_apc diag icd9 technological_assistance technological_assistance icd9 not used in repository
V55.1 hes_apc diag icd9 technological_assistance technological_assistance icd9 not used in repository
V55.2 hes_apc diag icd9 technological_assistance technological_assistance icd9 not used in repository
V55.3 hes_apc diag icd9 technological_assistance technological_assistance icd9 not used in repository
V55.5 hes_apc diag icd9 technological_assistance technological_assistance icd9 not used in repository
V55.6 hes_apc diag icd9 technological_assistance technological_assistance icd9 not used in repository
V56.0 hes_apc diag icd9 technological_assistance technological_assistance icd9 not used in repository
V56.8 hes_apc diag icd9 technological_assistance technological_assistance icd9 not used in repository
5190 hes_apc diag icd9 technological_assistance technological_assistance icd9 not used in repository
5696 hes_apc diag icd9 technological_assistance technological_assistance icd9 not used in repository
9961 hes_apc diag icd9 technological_assistance technological_assistance icd9 not used in repository

Cohen et al also happens to have some truncated codes. In this instance, these are 5-character ICD-10-CA codes. These codes are truncated to the corresponding 4-character version:

code dataset field code_type group subgroup truncated_to
K91.40 hes_apc diag icd-10-ca technological_assistance technological_assistance K91.4
K91.41 hes_apc diag icd-10-ca technological_assistance technological_assistance K91.4
K91.42 hes_apc diag icd-10-ca technological_assistance technological_assistance K91.4
K91.49 hes_apc diag icd-10-ca technological_assistance technological_assistance K91.4
J95.00 hes_apc diag icd-10-ca technological_assistance technological_assistance J95.0
J95.01 hes_apc diag icd-10-ca technological_assistance technological_assistance J95.0
J95.02 hes_apc diag icd-10-ca technological_assistance technological_assistance J95.0
J95.03 hes_apc diag icd-10-ca technological_assistance technological_assistance J95.0
J95.08 hes_apc diag icd-10-ca technological_assistance technological_assistance J95.0
J95.09 hes_apc diag icd-10-ca technological_assistance technological_assistance J95.0

In this instance, codes K91.4 and J95.0 appear only once in the code list.

Sometime this truncation process can cause duplication of codes across categories. For example, in Feudtner et al’s list of complex chronic conditions, code Z94.8 (other transplanted organ and tissue status) appears twice, once under malignancy and once under gastro. This is because in ICD-10-CM, Z94.81 refers to bone marrow transplant status and Z94.82 refers to intestine transplant status. This distinction is lost in the standard ICD-10 used in ECHILD. Users should therefore check very carefully that truncated codes (all codes with flag = code_truncated) are not rendered invalid by truncation.

When preparing a code list for inclusion in the Repository, codes are identified as not being part of ICD-10 because the authors of the original paper indicated so in the publication, because the code is obviously not an ICD-10 code, or because the code cannot be found when joining the code description from the ICD-10’s data file (5th edition) available from TRUD. Where a code does not appear in this data file, the 2019 6th edition is also consulted, as is the cumulative change log published by the World Health Organization. If still not found, ICD-10-CM and ICD-10-CA are consulted to confirm that the code in question is part of those systems. Rarely, a code cannot be found at all, such as G82.9 (in fact, G82.90) in Feudtner et al, which is therefore removed from the version of the code list in the Repository.

Often a range of codes is given in the original publication of a code list, for example D80-D89 in Feudtner et al. Some codes that would logically fall within this range do not exist in any of ICD-10, ICD-10-CM or ICD-10-CA, for example, D85, D87 and D88. In such cases, these codes are not contained within the code list in the Repository, though this is not considered a removal and therefore not documented as such.