Severe congenital heart defects - Gimeno

Repository details

Name Severe congenital heart defects - Gimeno
Version 1
id sevchd_gimeno_v1
Previous version NA
Number of files 1
Code list file (right-click to download) sevchd_gimeno_v1.csv
Restrictions file NA
Truncations file NA
Removals file NA
R script (right-click to download) sevchd_gimeno_v1.r
Stata do file Not yet available
Prepared for repo by Matthew Jay
First check Matthew Jay - 2024-08-14
Second check NA
Date added 2024-08-14

Background information

Authors Gimeno et al
Year 2023
Reference Gimeno et al, Paediatr Perinat Epidemiol. 2023;37:390-400
Target phenotype Severe congenital heart defects
Dataset HES APC
Datafields diag, opertn
Summary ICD-10 and OPCS-4 codes that identify severe congenital heart defects. This list does not include non-severe CHD.
Validation ICD-10 codes were those identified by EUROCAT as indicative of severe CHD. OPCS-4 codes were selected in consultation with clinical colleagues.
Original purpose To describe trends in 5-year mortality among children with severe CHD compared to other children.
Groups None
Flags age_less_than_5 = code only valid where the patient is aged less than 5 years (applies to all OPCS-4 codes); bwt_2500_ga_37 = code is only valid where the patient’s birthweight is greater than 2500g and where the patient was born at 37 weeks gestation or more
Other details In the supplementary material to Gimeno et al’s original paper, OPCS-4 codes L02.1 to L02.9 and code L03.1 are duplicated in eTable 2. In the first instance, they appear without flag bwt_2500_ga_37 and in the second instance, with this flag. Gimeno has confirmed (personal correspondence) that they should appear WITH this flag. They therefore only appear in this code list once and with flag bwt_2500_ga_37.
Changes from original None
Changes since first version in repo NA
Number of codes 350
Codes removed 0
Codes truncated 0


code dataset field code_type description flag1 flag2
Q20.0 hes_apc diag icd10 common arterial trunk
Q20.1 hes_apc diag icd10 double outlet right ventricle
Q20.3 hes_apc diag icd10 discordant ventricoarterial connection
Q20.4 hes_apc diag icd10 double inlet ventricle
Q21.1 hes_apc diag icd10 atrioventricular septal defect
Q21.3 hes_apc diag icd10 tetralogy of fallot
Q22.0 hes_apc diag icd10 pulmonary valve atresia
Q22.4 hes_apc diag icd10 congenital tricuspid stenosis
Q22.5 hes_apc diag icd10 ebstein’s anomaly
Q22.6 hes_apc diag icd10 hypoplastic right heart syndrome
Q23.0 hes_apc diag icd10 congenital stenosis of aortic valve
Q23.2 hes_apc diag icd10 congenital mitral stenosis
Q23.3 hes_apc diag icd10 congenital mitral insufficiency
Q23.4 hes_apc diag icd10 hypoplastic left heart syndrome
Q25.1 hes_apc diag icd10 coarctation of the aorta
Q25.2 hes_apc diag icd10 atresia of the aorta
Q26.2 hes_apc diag icd10 total anomalous pulmonary venous connection
K19.6 hes_apc opertn opcs4 revision of cardiac conduit nec age_less_than_5
K04.1 hes_apc opertn opcs4 repair of tetralogy of fallot using valved right ventricular outflow conduit age_less_than_5
K04.2 hes_apc opertn opcs4 repair of tetralogy of fallot using right ventricular outflow conduit nec age_less_than_5
K04.3 hes_apc opertn opcs4 repair of tetralogy of fallot using transannular patch age_less_than_5
K04.4 hes_apc opertn opcs4 revision of repair of tetralogy of fallot age_less_than_5
K04.5 hes_apc opertn opcs4 repair of tetralogy of fallot with absent pulmonary valve age_less_than_5
K04.6 hes_apc opertn opcs4 repair of fallot-type pulmonary atresia with aortopulmonary collaterals age_less_than_5
K04.8 hes_apc opertn opcs4 other specified repair of tetralogy of fallot age_less_than_5
K04.9 hes_apc opertn opcs4 unspecified repair of tetralogy of fallot age_less_than_5
K05.1 hes_apc opertn opcs4 reconstruction of atrium using atrial patch for transposition of great arteries age_less_than_5
K05.2 hes_apc opertn opcs4 reconstruction of atrium using atrial wall for transposition of great arteries age_less_than_5
K05.8 hes_apc opertn opcs4 other specified atrial inversion operations for transposition of great arteries age_less_than_5
K05.9 hes_apc opertn opcs4 unspecified atrial inversion operations for transposition of great arteries age_less_than_5
K06.1 hes_apc opertn opcs4 repositioning of transposed great arteries age_less_than_5
K06.2 hes_apc opertn opcs4 left ventricle to aorta tunnel with right ventricle to pulmonary trunk direct anastomosis age_less_than_5
K06.3 hes_apc opertn opcs4 left ventricle to aorta tunnel with right ventricle to pulmonary artery valved conduit age_less_than_5
K06.4 hes_apc opertn opcs4 atrial inversion and repositioning of transposed great artery age_less_than_5
K06.8 hes_apc opertn opcs4 other specified other repair of transposition of great arteries age_less_than_5
K06.9 hes_apc opertn opcs4 unspecified other repair of transposition of great arteries age_less_than_5
K07.1 hes_apc opertn opcs4 correction of total anomalous pulmonary venous connection to supracardiac vessel age_less_than_5
K07.2 hes_apc opertn opcs4 correction of total anomalous pulmonary venous connection to coronary sinus age_less_than_5
K07.3 hes_apc opertn opcs4 correction of total anomalous pulmonary venous connection to infradiaphragmatic vessel age_less_than_5
K07.8 hes_apc opertn opcs4 other specified correction of total anomalous pulmonary venous connection age_less_than_5
K07.9 hes_apc opertn opcs4 unspecified correction of total anomalous pulmonary venous connection age_less_than_5
K08.1 hes_apc opertn opcs4 repair of double outlet right ventricle with intraventricular tunnel age_less_than_5
K08.2 hes_apc opertn opcs4 repair of fallot-type double outlet right ventricle age_less_than_5
K08.3 hes_apc opertn opcs4 repair of double outlet right ventricle age_less_than_5
K08.4 hes_apc opertn opcs4 repair of double outlet left ventricle age_less_than_5
K08.8 hes_apc opertn opcs4 other specified repair of double outlet ventricle age_less_than_5
K08.9 hes_apc opertn opcs4 unspecified repair of double outlet ventricle age_less_than_5
K09.1 hes_apc opertn opcs4 repair of defect of atrioventricular septum using dual prosthetic patches age_less_than_5
K09.2 hes_apc opertn opcs4 repair of defect of atrioventricular septum using prosthetic patch nec age_less_than_5
K09.3 hes_apc opertn opcs4 repair of defect of atrioventricular septum using tissue graft age_less_than_5
K09.4 hes_apc opertn opcs4 repair of persistent ostium primum age_less_than_5
K09.5 hes_apc opertn opcs4 primary repair of defect of atrioventricular septum nec age_less_than_5
K09.6 hes_apc opertn opcs4 revision of repair of defect of atrioventricular septum age_less_than_5
K09.8 hes_apc opertn opcs4 other specified repair of defect of atrioventricular septum age_less_than_5
K09.9 hes_apc opertn opcs4 unspecified repair of defect of atrioventricular septum age_less_than_5
K10.1 hes_apc opertn opcs4 repair of defect of interatrial septum using prosthetic patch age_less_than_5
K10.2 hes_apc opertn opcs4 repair of defect of interatrial septum using pericardial patch age_less_than_5
K10.3 hes_apc opertn opcs4 repair of defect of interatrial septum using tissue graft nec age_less_than_5
K10.4 hes_apc opertn opcs4 primary repair of defect of interatrial septum nec age_less_than_5
K10.5 hes_apc opertn opcs4 revision of repair of defect of interatrial septum age_less_than_5
K10.8 hes_apc opertn opcs4 other specified repair of defect of interatrial septum age_less_than_5
K10.9 hes_apc opertn opcs4 unspecified repair of defect of interatrial septum age_less_than_5
K11.1 hes_apc opertn opcs4 repair of defect of interventricular septum using prosthetic patch age_less_than_5
K11.2 hes_apc opertn opcs4 repair of defect of interventricular septum using pericardial patch age_less_than_5
K11.3 hes_apc opertn opcs4 repair of defect of interventricular septum using tissue graft nec age_less_than_5
K11.4 hes_apc opertn opcs4 primary repair of defect of interventricular septum nec age_less_than_5
K11.5 hes_apc opertn opcs4 revision of repair of defect of interventricular septum age_less_than_5
K11.6 hes_apc opertn opcs4 repair of multiple interventricular septal defects age_less_than_5
K11.7 hes_apc opertn opcs4 repair of interventricular septal defect using intraoperative transluminal prosthesis age_less_than_5
K11.8 hes_apc opertn opcs4 other specified repair of defect of interventricular septum age_less_than_5
K11.9 hes_apc opertn opcs4 unspecified repair of defect of interventricular septum age_less_than_5
K12.1 hes_apc opertn opcs4 repair of defect of septum of heart using prosthetic patch nec age_less_than_5
K12.2 hes_apc opertn opcs4 repair of defect of septum of heart using pericardial patch nec age_less_than_5
K12.3 hes_apc opertn opcs4 repair of defect of septum of heart using tissue graft nec age_less_than_5
K12.4 hes_apc opertn opcs4 primary repair of defect of septum of heart nec age_less_than_5
K12.5 hes_apc opertn opcs4 revision of repair of septum of heart nec age_less_than_5
K12.8 hes_apc opertn opcs4 other specified repair of defect of unspecified septum of heart age_less_than_5
K12.9 hes_apc opertn opcs4 unspecified repair of defect of unspecified septum of heart age_less_than_5
K13.1 hes_apc opertn opcs4 percutaneous transluminal repair of defect of interventricular septum using prosthesis age_less_than_5
K13.2 hes_apc opertn opcs4 percutaneous transluminal repair of defect of interventricular septum nec age_less_than_5
K13.3 hes_apc opertn opcs4 percutaneous transluminal repair of defect of interatrial septum using prosthesis age_less_than_5
K13.4 hes_apc opertn opcs4 percutaneous transluminal repair of defect of interatrial septum nec age_less_than_5
K13.5 hes_apc opertn opcs4 percutaneous transluminal repair of defect of unspecified septum using prosthesis age_less_than_5
K13.8 hes_apc opertn opcs4 other specified transluminal repair of defect of septum age_less_than_5
K13.9 hes_apc opertn opcs4 unspecified transluminal repair of defect of septum age_less_than_5
K14.1 hes_apc opertn opcs4 open enlargement of defect of atrial septum age_less_than_5
K14.2 hes_apc opertn opcs4 open atrial septostomy age_less_than_5
K14.3 hes_apc opertn opcs4 atrial septectomy age_less_than_5
K14.4 hes_apc opertn opcs4 surgical atrial septation age_less_than_5
K14.5 hes_apc opertn opcs4 open enlargement of defect of interventricular septum age_less_than_5
K14.8 hes_apc opertn opcs4 other specified other open operations on septum of heart age_less_than_5
K14.9 hes_apc opertn opcs4 unspecified other open operations on septum of heart age_less_than_5
K15.1 hes_apc opertn opcs4 closed enlargement of defect of atrial septum age_less_than_5
K15.2 hes_apc opertn opcs4 closed atrial septostomy age_less_than_5
K15.8 hes_apc opertn opcs4 other specified closed operations on septum of heart age_less_than_5
K15.9 hes_apc opertn opcs4 unspecified closed operations on septum of heart age_less_than_5
K16.1 hes_apc opertn opcs4 percutaneous transluminal balloon atrial septostomy age_less_than_5
K16.2 hes_apc opertn opcs4 percutaneous transluminal atrial septostomy nec age_less_than_5
K16.3 hes_apc opertn opcs4 percutaneous transluminal atrial septum fenestration closure with prosthesis age_less_than_5
K16.4 hes_apc opertn opcs4 percutaneous transluminal atrial septum fenestration age_less_than_5
K16.5 hes_apc opertn opcs4 percutaneous transluminal closure of patent oval foramen with prosthesis age_less_than_5
K16.6 hes_apc opertn opcs4 percutaneous transluminal chemical mediated septal ablation age_less_than_5
K16.8 hes_apc opertn opcs4 other specified other therapeutic transluminal operations on septum of heart age_less_than_5
K16.9 hes_apc opertn opcs4 unspecified other therapeutic transluminal operations on septum of heart age_less_than_5
K17.1 hes_apc opertn opcs4 total cavopulmonary connection with extracardiac inferior caval vein to pulmonary artery conduit age_less_than_5
K17.2 hes_apc opertn opcs4 total cavopulmonary connection with lateral atrial tunnel age_less_than_5
K17.3 hes_apc opertn opcs4 aortopulmonary reconstruction with systemic to pulmonary arterial shunt age_less_than_5
K17.4 hes_apc opertn opcs4 aortopulmonary reconstruction with right ventricle to pulmonary arterial valveless conduit age_less_than_5
K17.5 hes_apc opertn opcs4 biventricular repair of hypoplastic left heart syndrome age_less_than_5
K17.6 hes_apc opertn opcs4 takedown of total cavopulmonary connection age_less_than_5
K17.7 hes_apc opertn opcs4 conversion of atrial pulmonary anastomosis to total pulmonary connection age_less_than_5
K17.8 hes_apc opertn opcs4 other specified repair of univentricular heart age_less_than_5
K17.9 hes_apc opertn opcs4 unspecified repair of univentricular heart age_less_than_5
K18.1 hes_apc opertn opcs4 creation of valved conduit between atrium and ventricle of heart age_less_than_5
K18.2 hes_apc opertn opcs4 creation of valved conduit between right atrium and pulmonary artery age_less_than_5
K18.3 hes_apc opertn opcs4 creation of valved conduit between right ventricle of heart and pulmonary artery age_less_than_5
K18.4 hes_apc opertn opcs4 creation of valved conduit between left ventricle of heart and aorta age_less_than_5
K18.5 hes_apc opertn opcs4 revision of valved cardiac conduit age_less_than_5
K18.6 hes_apc opertn opcs4 creation of valved conduit between left ventricle of heart and pulmonary artery age_less_than_5
K18.7 hes_apc opertn opcs4 replacement of valved cardiac conduit age_less_than_5
K18.8 hes_apc opertn opcs4 other specified creation of valved cardiac conduit age_less_than_5
K18.9 hes_apc opertn opcs4 unspecified creation of valved cardiac conduit age_less_than_5
K19.1 hes_apc opertn opcs4 creation of conduit between atrium and ventricle of heart nec age_less_than_5
K19.2 hes_apc opertn opcs4 creation of conduit between right atrium and pulmonary artery nec age_less_than_5
K19.3 hes_apc opertn opcs4 creation of conduit between right ventricle of heart and pulmonary artery nec age_less_than_5
K19.4 hes_apc opertn opcs4 creation of conduit between right ventricle of heart and vena cava age_less_than_5
K19.5 hes_apc opertn opcs4 creation of conduit between left ventricle of heart and aorta nec age_less_than_5
K19.8 hes_apc opertn opcs4 other specified creation of other cardiac conduit age_less_than_5
K19.9 hes_apc opertn opcs4 unspecified creation of other cardiac conduit age_less_than_5
K20.1 hes_apc opertn opcs4 correction of persistent sinus venosus age_less_than_5
K20.2 hes_apc opertn opcs4 correction of partial anomalous pulmonary venous drainage age_less_than_5
K20.3 hes_apc opertn opcs4 repair of cor triatriatum age_less_than_5
K20.4 hes_apc opertn opcs4 repair of coronary sinus abnormality age_less_than_5
K20.8 hes_apc opertn opcs4 other specified refashioning of atrium age_less_than_5
K20.9 hes_apc opertn opcs4 unspecified refashioning of atrium age_less_than_5
K22.1 hes_apc opertn opcs4 excision of lesion of atrium age_less_than_5
K22.2 hes_apc opertn opcs4 repair of atrium nec age_less_than_5
K22.3 hes_apc opertn opcs4 exclusion of left atrial appendage nec age_less_than_5
K22.8 hes_apc opertn opcs4 other specified other operations on wall of atrium age_less_than_5
K22.9 hes_apc opertn opcs4 unspecified other operations on wall of atrium age_less_than_5
K23.1 hes_apc opertn opcs4 excision of lesion of wall of heart nec age_less_than_5
K23.2 hes_apc opertn opcs4 biopsy of lesion of wall of heart age_less_than_5
K23.3 hes_apc opertn opcs4 repair of wall of heart nec age_less_than_5
K23.4 hes_apc opertn opcs4 revascularisation of wall of heart age_less_than_5
K23.5 hes_apc opertn opcs4 partial left ventriculectomy age_less_than_5
K23.6 hes_apc opertn opcs4 cardiomyoplasty age_less_than_5
K23.8 hes_apc opertn opcs4 other specified other operations of wall of heart age_less_than_5
K23.9 hes_apc opertn opcs4 unspecified other operations of wall of heart age_less_than_5
K24.1 hes_apc opertn opcs4 relief of right ventricular outflow tract obstruction age_less_than_5
K24.2 hes_apc opertn opcs4 repair of double chambered right ventricle age_less_than_5
K24.3 hes_apc opertn opcs4 repair of right ventricular aneurysm age_less_than_5
K24.4 hes_apc opertn opcs4 repair of left ventricular aneurysm age_less_than_5
K24.5 hes_apc opertn opcs4 relief of left ventricular outflow tract obstruction age_less_than_5
K24.6 hes_apc opertn opcs4 myectomy of left ventricular outflow tract age_less_than_5
K24.7 hes_apc opertn opcs4 myotomy of left ventricular outflow tract age_less_than_5
K24.8 hes_apc opertn opcs4 other specified other operations on ventricles of heart age_less_than_5
K24.9 hes_apc opertn opcs4 unspecified other operations on ventricles of heart age_less_than_5
K25.1 hes_apc opertn opcs4 allograft replacement of mitral valve age_less_than_5
K25.2 hes_apc opertn opcs4 xenograft replacement of mitral valve age_less_than_5
K25.3 hes_apc opertn opcs4 prosthetic replacement of mitral valve age_less_than_5
K25.4 hes_apc opertn opcs4 replacement of mitral valve nec age_less_than_5
K25.5 hes_apc opertn opcs4 mitral valve repair nec age_less_than_5
K25.8 hes_apc opertn opcs4 other specified plastic repair of mitral valve age_less_than_5
K25.9 hes_apc opertn opcs4 unspecified plastic repair of mitral valve age_less_than_5
K26.1 hes_apc opertn opcs4 allograft replacement of aortic valve age_less_than_5
K26.2 hes_apc opertn opcs4 xenograft replacement of aortic valve age_less_than_5
K26.3 hes_apc opertn opcs4 prosthetic replacement of aortic valve age_less_than_5
K26.4 hes_apc opertn opcs4 replacement of aortic valve nec age_less_than_5
K26.5 hes_apc opertn opcs4 aortic valve repair nec age_less_than_5
K26.8 hes_apc opertn opcs4 other specified plastic repair of aortic valve age_less_than_5
K26.9 hes_apc opertn opcs4 unspecified plastic repair of aortic valve age_less_than_5
K27.1 hes_apc opertn opcs4 allograft replacement of tricuspid valve age_less_than_5
K27.2 hes_apc opertn opcs4 xenograft replacement of tricuspid valve age_less_than_5
K27.3 hes_apc opertn opcs4 prosthetic replacement of tricuspid valve age_less_than_5
K27.4 hes_apc opertn opcs4 replacement of tricuspid valve nec age_less_than_5
K27.5 hes_apc opertn opcs4 repositioning of tricuspid valve age_less_than_5
K27.6 hes_apc opertn opcs4 tricuspid valve repair nec age_less_than_5
K27.8 hes_apc opertn opcs4 other specified plastic repair of tricuspid valve age_less_than_5
K27.9 hes_apc opertn opcs4 unspecified plastic repair of tricuspid valve age_less_than_5
K28.1 hes_apc opertn opcs4 allograft replacement of pulmonary valve age_less_than_5
K28.2 hes_apc opertn opcs4 xenograft replacement of pulmonary valve age_less_than_5
K28.3 hes_apc opertn opcs4 prosthetic replacement of pulmonary valve age_less_than_5
K28.4 hes_apc opertn opcs4 replacement of pulmonary valve nec age_less_than_5
K28.5 hes_apc opertn opcs4 pulmonary valve repair nec age_less_than_5
K28.8 hes_apc opertn opcs4 other specified plastic repair of pulmonary valve age_less_than_5
K28.9 hes_apc opertn opcs4 unspecified plastic repair of pulmonary valve age_less_than_5
K29.1 hes_apc opertn opcs4 allograft replacement of valve of heart nec age_less_than_5
K29.2 hes_apc opertn opcs4 xenograft replacement of valve of heart nec age_less_than_5
K29.3 hes_apc opertn opcs4 prosthetic replacement of valve of heart nec age_less_than_5
K29.4 hes_apc opertn opcs4 replacement of valve of heart nec age_less_than_5
K29.5 hes_apc opertn opcs4 repair of valve of heart nec age_less_than_5
K29.6 hes_apc opertn opcs4 truncal valve repair age_less_than_5
K29.7 hes_apc opertn opcs4 replacement of truncal valve age_less_than_5
K29.8 hes_apc opertn opcs4 other specified plastic repair of unspecified valve of heart age_less_than_5
K29.9 hes_apc opertn opcs4 unspecified plastic repair of unspecified valve of heart age_less_than_5
K30.1 hes_apc opertn opcs4 revision of plastic repair of mitral valve age_less_than_5
K30.2 hes_apc opertn opcs4 revision of plastic repair of aortic valve age_less_than_5
K30.3 hes_apc opertn opcs4 revision of plastic repair of tricuspid valve age_less_than_5
K30.4 hes_apc opertn opcs4 revision of plastic repair of pulmonary valve age_less_than_5
K30.5 hes_apc opertn opcs4 revision of plastic repair of truncal valve age_less_than_5
K30.8 hes_apc opertn opcs4 other specified revision of plastic repair of valve of heart age_less_than_5
K30.9 hes_apc opertn opcs4 unspecified revision of plastic repair of valve of heart age_less_than_5
K31.1 hes_apc opertn opcs4 open mitral valvotomy age_less_than_5
K31.2 hes_apc opertn opcs4 open aortic valvotomy age_less_than_5
K31.3 hes_apc opertn opcs4 open tricuspid valvotomy age_less_than_5
K31.4 hes_apc opertn opcs4 open pulmonary valvotomy age_less_than_5
K31.5 hes_apc opertn opcs4 open truncal valvotomy age_less_than_5
K31.8 hes_apc opertn opcs4 other specified open incision of valve of heart age_less_than_5
K31.9 hes_apc opertn opcs4 unspecified open incision of valve of heart age_less_than_5
K32.1 hes_apc opertn opcs4 closed mitral valvotomy age_less_than_5
K32.2 hes_apc opertn opcs4 closed aortic valvotomy age_less_than_5
K32.3 hes_apc opertn opcs4 closed tricuspid valvotomy age_less_than_5
K32.4 hes_apc opertn opcs4 closed pulmonary valvotomy age_less_than_5
K32.8 hes_apc opertn opcs4 other specified closed incision of valve of heart age_less_than_5
K32.9 hes_apc opertn opcs4 unspecified closed incision of valve of heart age_less_than_5
K33.1 hes_apc opertn opcs4 aortic root replacement using pulmonary valve autograft with right ventricle to pulmonary artery valved conduit age_less_than_5
K33.2 hes_apc opertn opcs4 aortic root replacement using pulmonary valve autograft with right ventricle to pulmonary artery valved conduit and aortoventriculoplasty age_less_than_5
K33.3 hes_apc opertn opcs4 aortic root replacement using homograft age_less_than_5
K33.4 hes_apc opertn opcs4 aortic root replacement using mechanical prosthesis age_less_than_5
K33.5 hes_apc opertn opcs4 aortic root replacement nec age_less_than_5
K33.6 hes_apc opertn opcs4 aortoventriculoplasty with pulmonary valve autograft age_less_than_5
K33.8 hes_apc opertn opcs4 other specified operations on aortic root age_less_than_5
K33.9 hes_apc opertn opcs4 unspecified operations on aortic root age_less_than_5
K34.1 hes_apc opertn opcs4 annuloplasty of mitral valve age_less_than_5
K34.2 hes_apc opertn opcs4 annuloplasty of tricuspid valve age_less_than_5
K34.3 hes_apc opertn opcs4 annuloplasty of valve of heart nec age_less_than_5
K34.4 hes_apc opertn opcs4 excision of vegetations of valve of heart age_less_than_5
K34.5 hes_apc opertn opcs4 closure of tricuspid valve age_less_than_5
K34.6 hes_apc opertn opcs4 closure of pulmonary valve age_less_than_5
K34.8 hes_apc opertn opcs4 other specified other open operations on valve of heart age_less_than_5
K34.9 hes_apc opertn opcs4 unspecified other open operations on valve of heart age_less_than_5
K35.1 hes_apc opertn opcs4 percutaneous transluminal mitral valvotomy age_less_than_5
K35.2 hes_apc opertn opcs4 percutaneous transluminal aortic valvotomy age_less_than_5
K35.3 hes_apc opertn opcs4 percutaneous transluminal tricuspid valvotomy age_less_than_5
K35.4 hes_apc opertn opcs4 percutaneous transluminal pulmonary valvotomy age_less_than_5
K35.5 hes_apc opertn opcs4 percutaneous transluminal valvuloplasty age_less_than_5
K35.6 hes_apc opertn opcs4 percutaneous transluminal pulmonary valve perforation and dilation age_less_than_5
K35.7 hes_apc opertn opcs4 percutaneous transluminal pulmonary valve replacement age_less_than_5
K35.8 hes_apc opertn opcs4 other specified therapeutic transluminal operations on valve of heart age_less_than_5
K35.9 hes_apc opertn opcs4 unspecified therapeutic transluminal operations on valve of heart age_less_than_5
K36.1 hes_apc opertn opcs4 tricuspid valvectomy age_less_than_5
K36.2 hes_apc opertn opcs4 pulmonary valvectomy age_less_than_5
K36.8 hes_apc opertn opcs4 other specified excision of valve of heart age_less_than_5
K36.9 hes_apc opertn opcs4 unspecified excision of valve of heart age_less_than_5
K37.1 hes_apc opertn opcs4 infundibulectomy of heart using patch age_less_than_5
K37.2 hes_apc opertn opcs4 infundibulectomy of heart nec age_less_than_5
K37.3 hes_apc opertn opcs4 repair of subaortic stenosis age_less_than_5
K37.4 hes_apc opertn opcs4 repair of supra-aortic stenosis age_less_than_5
K37.5 hes_apc opertn opcs4 excision of supramitral ring age_less_than_5
K37.6 hes_apc opertn opcs4 aortoventriculoplasty age_less_than_5
K37.8 hes_apc opertn opcs4 other specified removal of obstruction from structure adjacent to valve of heart age_less_than_5
K37.9 hes_apc opertn opcs4 unspecified removal of obstruction from structure adjacent to valve of heart age_less_than_5
K38.1 hes_apc opertn opcs4 operations on papillary muscle age_less_than_5
K38.2 hes_apc opertn opcs4 operations on chordae tendineae age_less_than_5
K38.3 hes_apc opertn opcs4 operations on mitral subvalvar apparatus age_less_than_5
K38.4 hes_apc opertn opcs4 closure of aorto-left ventricular tunnel age_less_than_5
K38.5 hes_apc opertn opcs4 closure of aortic sinus of valsalva fistula age_less_than_5
K38.6 hes_apc opertn opcs4 repair of aortic sinus of valsalva aneurysm age_less_than_5
K38.8 hes_apc opertn opcs4 other specified other operations on structure adjacent to valve of heart age_less_than_5
K38.9 hes_apc opertn opcs4 unspecified other operations on structure adjacent to valve of heart age_less_than_5
L01.1 hes_apc opertn opcs4 correction of persistent truncus arteriosus age_less_than_5
L01.2 hes_apc opertn opcs4 application of band to persistent truncus arteriosus age_less_than_5
L01.3 hes_apc opertn opcs4 repair of anomalous pulmonary artery origin from ascending aorta age_less_than_5
L01.4 hes_apc opertn opcs4 closure of aortopulmonary window age_less_than_5
L01.8 hes_apc opertn opcs4 other specified open operations for combined abnormality of great vessels age_less_than_5
L01.9 hes_apc opertn opcs4 unspecified open operations for combined abnormality of great vessels age_less_than_5
L02.1 hes_apc opertn opcs4 division of patent ductus arteriosus age_less_than_5 bwt_2500_ga_37
L02.2 hes_apc opertn opcs4 ligature of patent ductus arteriosus age_less_than_5 bwt_2500_ga_37
L02.3 hes_apc opertn opcs4 closure of patent ductus arteriosus nec age_less_than_5 bwt_2500_ga_37
L02.4 hes_apc opertn opcs4 revision of correction of patent ductus arteriosus age_less_than_5 bwt_2500_ga_37
L02.8 hes_apc opertn opcs4 other specified open correction of patent ductus arteriosus age_less_than_5 bwt_2500_ga_37
L02.9 hes_apc opertn opcs4 unspecified open correction of patent ductus arteriosus age_less_than_5 bwt_2500_ga_37
L03.1 hes_apc opertn opcs4 percutaneous transluminal prosthetic occlusion of patent ductus arteriosus age_less_than_5 bwt_2500_ga_37
L03.2 hes_apc opertn opcs4 percutaneous transluminal stent implantation into arterial duct age_less_than_5 bwt_2500_ga_37
L03.8 hes_apc opertn opcs4 other specified transluminal operations on abnormality of great vessel age_less_than_5
L03.9 hes_apc opertn opcs4 unspecified transluminal operations on abnormality of great vessel age_less_than_5
L04.1 hes_apc opertn opcs4 pulmonary thromboendarterectomy age_less_than_5
L04.8 hes_apc opertn opcs4 other specified open operations on pulmonary arterial tree age_less_than_5
L04.9 hes_apc opertn opcs4 unspecified open operations on pulmonary arterial tree age_less_than_5
L05.1 hes_apc opertn opcs4 creation of shunt to main pulmonary artery from ascending aorta using interposition tube prosthesis age_less_than_5
L05.2 hes_apc opertn opcs4 creation of shunt to right pulmonary artery from ascending aorta using interposition tube prosthesis age_less_than_5
L05.3 hes_apc opertn opcs4 creation of shunt to left pulmonary artery from ascending aorta using interposition tube prosthesis age_less_than_5
L05.4 hes_apc opertn opcs4 percutaneous transluminal balloon dilation of interposition tube prosthesis between pulmonary artery and aorta age_less_than_5
L05.8 hes_apc opertn opcs4 other specified creation of shunt to pulmonary artery from aorta using interposition tube prosthesis age_less_than_5
L05.9 hes_apc opertn opcs4 unspecified creation of shunt to pulmonary artery from aorta using interposition tube prosthesis age_less_than_5
L06.1 hes_apc opertn opcs4 creation of aortopulmonary window age_less_than_5
L06.2 hes_apc opertn opcs4 creation of anastomosis to main pulmonary artery from ascending aorta nec age_less_than_5
L06.3 hes_apc opertn opcs4 creation of anastomosis to right pulmonary artery from ascending aorta nec age_less_than_5
L06.4 hes_apc opertn opcs4 creation of anastomosis to left pulmonary artery from descending aorta nec age_less_than_5
L06.5 hes_apc opertn opcs4 creation of anastomosis to pulmonary artery from aorta nec age_less_than_5
L06.6 hes_apc opertn opcs4 revision of anastomosis to pulmonary artery from aorta age_less_than_5
L06.7 hes_apc opertn opcs4 takedown of anastomosis to pulmonary artery from aorta age_less_than_5
L06.8 hes_apc opertn opcs4 other specified other connection to pulmonary artery from aorta age_less_than_5
L06.9 hes_apc opertn opcs4 unspecified other connection to pulmonary artery from aorta age_less_than_5
L07.1 hes_apc opertn opcs4 creation of shunt to right pulmonary artery from right subclavian artery using interposition tube prosthesis age_less_than_5
L07.2 hes_apc opertn opcs4 creation of shunt to left pulmonary artery from left subclavian artery using interposition tube prosthesis age_less_than_5
L07.3 hes_apc opertn opcs4 closure of prosthetic shunt to pulmonary artery from subclavian artery age_less_than_5
L07.4 hes_apc opertn opcs4 percutaneous transluminal balloon dilation of interposition tube prosthesis between pulmonary artery and subclavian artery age_less_than_5
L07.5 hes_apc opertn opcs4 percutaneous transluminal occlusion of interposition tube prosthesis between pulmonary artery and subclavian artery age_less_than_5
L07.8 hes_apc opertn opcs4 other specified creation of shunt to pulmonary artery from subclavian artery using interposition tube prosthesis age_less_than_5
L07.9 hes_apc opertn opcs4 unspecified creation of shunt to pulmonary artery from subclavian artery using interposition tube prosthesis age_less_than_5
L08.1 hes_apc opertn opcs4 creation of anastomosis to right pulmonary artery from right subclavian artery nec age_less_than_5
L08.2 hes_apc opertn opcs4 creation of anastomosis to left pulmonary artery from left subclavian artery nec age_less_than_5
L08.3 hes_apc opertn opcs4 creation of anastomosis to pulmonary artery from subclavian artery nec age_less_than_5
L08.4 hes_apc opertn opcs4 revision of anastomosis to pulmonary artery from subclavian artery age_less_than_5
L08.8 hes_apc opertn opcs4 other specified other connection to pulmonary artery from subclavian artery age_less_than_5
L08.9 hes_apc opertn opcs4 unspecified other connection to pulmonary artery from subclavian artery age_less_than_5
L09.1 hes_apc opertn opcs4 creation of anastomosis to pulmonary artery from vena cava age_less_than_5
L09.2 hes_apc opertn opcs4 removal of anastomosis between pulmonary artery and vena cava age_less_than_5
L09.8 hes_apc opertn opcs4 other specified other connection to pulmonary artery age_less_than_5
L09.9 hes_apc opertn opcs4 unspecified other connection to pulmonary artery age_less_than_5
L10.1 hes_apc opertn opcs4 repair of pulmonary artery using prosthesis age_less_than_5
L10.2 hes_apc opertn opcs4 repair of pulmonary artery using patch age_less_than_5
L10.3 hes_apc opertn opcs4 repair of anomalous pulmonary artery nec age_less_than_5
L10.4 hes_apc opertn opcs4 repair of pulmonary arterial sling age_less_than_5
L10.8 hes_apc opertn opcs4 other specified repair of pulmonary artery age_less_than_5
L10.9 hes_apc opertn opcs4 unspecified repair of pulmonary artery age_less_than_5
L12.1 hes_apc opertn opcs4 application of band to pulmonary artery age_less_than_5
L12.2 hes_apc opertn opcs4 adjustment of band to pulmonary artery age_less_than_5
L12.3 hes_apc opertn opcs4 removal of band from pulmonary artery age_less_than_5
L12.6 hes_apc opertn opcs4 pulmonary artery ligation age_less_than_5
L12.8 hes_apc opertn opcs4 other specified other open operations on pulmonary artery age_less_than_5
L12.9 hes_apc opertn opcs4 unspecified other open operations on pulmonary artery age_less_than_5
L13.3 hes_apc opertn opcs4 arteriography of pulmonary artery age_less_than_5
L13.4 hes_apc opertn opcs4 percutaneous transluminal cutting balloon angioplasty of pulmonary artery age_less_than_5
L13.5 hes_apc opertn opcs4 percutaneous transluminal balloon angioplasty of pulmonary artery nec age_less_than_5
L13.6 hes_apc opertn opcs4 percutaneous transluminal insertion of stent into pulmonary artery age_less_than_5
L13.8 hes_apc opertn opcs4 other specified transluminal operations on pulmonary artery age_less_than_5
L13.9 hes_apc opertn opcs4 unspecified transluminal operations on pulmonary artery age_less_than_5
L23.1 hes_apc opertn opcs4 plastic repair of aorta and end to end anastomosis of aorta age_less_than_5
L23.2 hes_apc opertn opcs4 plastic repair of aorta using subclavian flap age_less_than_5
L23.3 hes_apc opertn opcs4 plastic repair of aorta using patch graft age_less_than_5
L23.4 hes_apc opertn opcs4 release of vascular ring of aorta age_less_than_5
L23.5 hes_apc opertn opcs4 revision of plastic repair of aorta age_less_than_5
L23.6 hes_apc opertn opcs4 plastic repair of aorta and insertion of tube graft age_less_than_5
L23.7 hes_apc opertn opcs4 repair of interrupted aortic arch age_less_than_5
L23.8 hes_apc opertn opcs4 other specified plastic repair of aorta age_less_than_5
L23.9 hes_apc opertn opcs4 unspecified plastic repair of aorta age_less_than_5
L69.1 hes_apc opertn opcs4 major systemic to pulmonary collateral artery occlusion age_less_than_5
L69.2 hes_apc opertn opcs4 pulmonary unifocalisation age_less_than_5
L69.4 hes_apc opertn opcs4 percutaneous transluminal balloon angioplasty of major systemic to pulmonary collateral artery age_less_than_5
L69.5 hes_apc opertn opcs4 percutaneous transluminal insertion of stent into major systemic to pulmonary collateral artery age_less_than_5
L69.8 hes_apc opertn opcs4 other specified operations on major systemic to pulmonary collateral arteries age_less_than_5
L69.9 hes_apc opertn opcs4 unspecified operations on major systemic to pulmonary collateral arteries age_less_than_5
L80.1 hes_apc opertn opcs4 repair of pulmonary vein stenosis age_less_than_5
L80.2 hes_apc opertn opcs4 percutaneous transluminal balloon angioplasty of pulmonary vein age_less_than_5
L80.3 hes_apc opertn opcs4 percutaneous transluminal cutting balloon angioplasty of pulmonary vein age_less_than_5
L80.4 hes_apc opertn opcs4 percutaneous transluminal insertion of stent into pulmonary vein age_less_than_5
L80.8 hes_apc opertn opcs4 other specified operations on individual pulmonary veins age_less_than_5
L80.9 hes_apc opertn opcs4 unspecified operations on individual pulmonary veins age_less_than_5